12/10/1947 - Minutes FORTY SECOND REGULAR MEETING Air Tigard ctiater District ,Jednesday - December 10, 1947 - 7:30 p.m. Present: Chairman Cook, Board Members Selliken, Barber and VIilde, Attorney Jheelock, bu_erintendent Blevins, Mrs. Hall Absent - Board Member Anicker Meeting called to order by Chairman Cook. Minutes of regular meeting of November 12th approved as read. Motion made and carried to accept report of Cash and Disbursements and delinquent report of November30, 1947. Report made by Mrs. Hall presented to Board members shaving comparisons between old and new rates for September and November 1947. Motion made and carried that bills be paid as follows: Check No. Name Amount 436 Jessie Cruse 0.00 437 01a dys Ileye r 5.00 438 Katheryn Salmon 5.00 439 Portland General Llectric Co. 59.07 440 Finley Printing Co. 5.75 441 A. Schubring 13.00 443 Tigard Auto Service 3.60 444 Tigard Lumber Co. 5.30 445 Lysle Mitchell 1.50 1,46 Mrs. E. S. Hall 3.00 447 Neptune Meter Co. 19.91 448 Tigard dater District - ienters' Deposits 91.00 449 J. A. iilevi_ns 181.00 450 J. A. Blevins 8.32 451 Mrs. E. 6. Hall 58.00 452 U. S. National Bank 30.70 453 Void 442 Void 454 U. S. National Sank 1688.75 455 State Industrial Accident 4.30 456 Metzger ,later District 25.00 :; 2213.20 Mr. Judge of Neptune Meter Com_,any was present and discussed shipment of 200 meters made to us recently. He offered various ways of paying for meters as a whole or we could return any part of the shipment to them for credit. Discussed later by Board members and motion made and carried to ieturn 180 meters for credit, keping 20 on hand of the 200 shipment . Discussion of a fence around the well. Fencing materials going up but we could place at present price and take delivery in three or four months. Decision made to do nothing further towards fencing until District is better fixed financially. Mr. Oscar ,tilde was ._ieclared duly elected to the Tigard water District for term ending December 31, 1952 and sworn in accordingly, signing oath of of fi.ce. Mr. Forsyth of M. M. wade is Co. was present and reviewed the purchase of the pump, the steps taken to correct present noise, and advised they would work further to eliminate any difficulties we might be having with the purtip, oil in the water, etc. He believes that recession of water level which occurs in the winter is part of our trouble. He stated further that he felt the pump was adequately protected for tim winter and that while the tank might frost ion it would not freeze. Mr. G. L. Osborne, a candidate for election to the Tigard ,nater District was present and stated there were 23 voters nob recistered who voted, according to the office at Hillsboro. He also made the statement t. m t �th .re should d be a check list at the voting booth of eligible voters. Mr. kdhe clock air Board rse: hers discussed with kir. Osborne the ::atter of voters not heirs reeistere'd i s ':ell as the reason for not having a check list . It was the opinion of Mr . eheelock that these voters did not have to be registered, but must be a resident ithin the Tigard water District. A check list has never been been used, as we could not secure a list since the Dis_+rieb is a hart of several nrecincts. Petition from Gaarte Avenue residents was receiv:d and signed by 100;b' of the ;,rooert' owners. The netltior: -'ms turned over to ._r, ,;he clock ,;;th the request that t h; provide us with the ,roper resolution with which to act in this natter. j etc. Inc lock was to make a tri_ to lilleboro to secure a map of this Avenue,tee wnich is necessary in order that the Court can act or tl e tition ,without. election. Ock will also take ':ith him tO ie-; sboro tax statement for prope rty aci'ir ed us for the „ell, since it is believed the .eata_ Di-:tijct is not taxable forsuch property. hr. Cook reported lir. s . Crarller .r ono .d he pat up + r; money for the :ars line from our ;e andar, to his c:r__ ary near bull Mountain Hoak, that the district lay t h.: ni e and tl-. n s then belong to the District. it ,.oulii - tO us to determine ;ha+- sire pip= to lay: ho,: much it ,will coot and he -::ill :ny for it . Then he world receive Ja ,�-ri proportion of t)__.b cost back out of our monthly incOme fro'.. users taking water from that portion of the sire . It was stugested that the line be carried from the new main for Caarde Avenue as it would be easier to do than if we laid it up the highway. kr. Cook ear will take up with Mr. Chandler Ford s"g_est he sign on Oaarde avenue petition. Discussion with .fr. Blevins on need of new pipe line on part of Greenburg load which should. he a 3" pipe line instead of present 1" line for a distance of a_p,roxinately 1000 feet. It .as s g eeted we secure a priority number from the .:ar Assets Administration for pipe. Mr. Cook 2.d11 contact the Administration for a priority number. Motion approved and seconded that beginning January 1, 194.1 the installation price of meters be w40.L0. Motion carried. fir• ':action made and carried _hat We pui chase adding machine at price quoted of :,.162.29 Nith allowance on turn—in of calculator to be 4,75.00. Motion made and carried that bond for treasurer, Mr. Aide, be in the same amount as previously issued for Mr. hamilton, Motion made and carried that bond be ryurchaceci for the Superintend.ant, same as previously issued in the amount of 1.1000.00. Motion made and carried that we deposit 0150.00 each month in a savires account to be used to defray payment of bond and interest due each year. Mr. Blevins advised he and Mr. Barnfrover had checked portions of the District and that Mr. Barngrover had pointed out where he wanted about seven of the standby pipes for fire protection purposes. Motion carried to adjourn at 10:30 p.m. Chai : J j 6 J C° Clerk -3- TIGARD WATER DISTRICT November 30, 1947 Cash Received and Deposited Water 775.92 Meters 68.00 • Turn-ons 2.00 Deposited in bank 11/30/47 045.92 Check Book Balance 10/31/47 3659.07 4504.99 Less Disbursements dater 25.00 Salaries 280.88 Labor 4.00 Stationery & Office Supp. 18.44 Meter Repair 10.61 Supplies 489.10 Collection Commi ssi on 14.09 Electricity 51.53 Drilling Well 506.25 Gravel on Murdock Ave. 42.00 Withholding Tax 39.60 Electric work at Pump 53.95 Mileage, tel. calls, etc. 11.46 Attorney's Fees 195.00 State Ind. Accident 12.17 Total Disbursements 1754.08 Check Book Balance as of 11/30/47 $2750.91 Bank Balance per statement of 11/30/47 2823.72 Less Outstanding Checks as of 11/30/47 #410 .46 #325 1.00 #327 17.40 #433 53.95 72.81 Cash Balance on hand as of 11/30/47 $2750.91 MISCELLANEOUS REPORT Charges for November 1947 Water 818.98 Meters 35.00 Total Charges for November 1947 $853.98 Cu. Ft. dater Charged for November 1947 190,102 cu. ft. No. Users -- 338 MATER CHARGES Deomber 100 1947 Comparison of old and new rates on water charged for September and November 1947 N. SEPTEMBER 1947 - 209,991 cu. ft. NOVE-A3 R 1947 190,102 cu.ft. Cu. Ft. No. Old New Rate Cu. Ft. No. Old New Used Users Rate Used. Users Rate Rate 1 to 100 24 1.50 2.00 1 to 100 31. 1.50 2.00 101 to 200 31 1.50 2.00 101 to 200 35 1.50 2.00 201 to 300 43 1.50 2.00 201 to 300 38 1.50 2.00 301 to 400 35 1.90 2.00 301 to 400 60 1.90 2.00 401 to 500 47 2.30 2.00 401 to 50o 49 2.30 2.00 501 to 600 29 2.70 2.00 501 to 600 38 2.70 2.00 601 to 700 40 3.10 2.25 601 to 700 17 3.10 2.25 701 to 800 23 3.50 2.50 701 to 800 17 3.50 2.50 801 to 900 11 3.90 2.75 801 to 900 10 3.90 2.75 901 to 1000 13 4.30 3.00 901 to 1000 11 4.30 3.00 1001 to 1100 8 4.70 3.25 1001 to 1100 5 4.70 3.25 1101 to 1200 5 5.10 3.50 1101 to 1200 2 5.10 3.50 1201 to 1300 3 5.50 3.75 1201 to 1300 4 5.50 3.75 1301 to 1400 3 5.90 4.00 1301 to 1400 3 5.90 4.00 1401 to 1500 1 6.30 4.25 1401 to1500 2 6.30 4.25 1501 to 1600 5 6.70 4.50 1501 to 1600 - 6.70 4.50 1601 to 1700 1 7.10 4.75 1601 to 1700 2 7.10 4.75 1701 to 1800 - 7.50 5.00 1701 to 1800 1 7.50 5.00 • 1801 to 1900 - 7.90 5.25 1801 to 1900 1 7.90 5.25 1901 to 2000 1 8.30 5.50 1901 to 2000 3 8.30 5.50 10.30 6.75 2001 to 3000 8 itx2k tdix 2001 to 3000 2 10.30 6.75 3001 to 4000 3 14.30 9.25 3001 to 4000 3 14.30 9.25 4001 to 5000 2 18.30 11.75 4001 to 500 2 18.30 11.75 Over 5000 1 24.30 15.50 Over 5000 2 24.30 15.50 338 This record shows a saving between old and new rates as follows: 441611, September - from 10 to $8.80 to 204 people November - fran 1¢ to $8.80 to 174 people This record indicates a saving each month to 2/3 of our users, or a saving in money between $200.00 and ;250.00 a month on water bills. The record also indicates that 1/3 of our users/$40.00 to $50.00 more per month. A safe estimate of the saving contribute for all users could be placed between $150.00 and 110 ' he e wo monthstptr'1ME% 'J\ "'w" Mrs. i. . 1 Asst. Secretary. 4' r K DELINQUENT REPORT November 1947 Acct. lo. Name Amount Remarks 7 Harold E. Gp pertshauser ,;;6.52 September & October 20 '[Jest Coast Telephone Co. 6.30 October 66 H. F. Landis 2.36 October 68 `Phomas fling 2.84 October 89 Oliver Smith 2.46 October 92 P. E. Levlis 2.00 October 96 Robert E. Gibbs 2.51 Old balance being paid by him 110 C. F. Nash 2.00 October 128 Joe Edmund 2.00 October 13 5 Roy :r. Mullin 2.00 October 138 Vern Altig 2.00 October 143 Gladys Johnson 4.00 Sept. & October 152 George Heintz 2.00 October 153 R. R. Belnap 2.00 October 169 R. K. 2cl,ichael 2.00 October 180 Verne C. Bishop 2.00 October 191 George Lei^.is 4.81 October 195 1::rs. Virginia Gray 2.10 October 199-A J. E. Oyler 2.00 October mow. 205 0. C. Vance 4.00 September & October 221 J. P. Lohrenz 2.06 October 230 L. M. Dirnitt 2.G0 October 249 Mr. John Hamilton 2.00 October 258 C. Dahlstrom 2.00 October 264 Oscar C. Kleinpel 2.00 October 277 N. P. Nielsen 2.00 October 229 James fi. Finn 2.00 October DELIN UENT REPORT November 1947 Page 2 Acct. N o. Name tim,22,44 Remark s t y 297 Harry Walters X2,03 This proper/now owned by Dine - will collect from him if we cannot collect from • alters. 309 .;m. Criss chop 2. 0 October 322 Virgil Roberts 2.00 October 325 C. E. ,iof fatt 2.17 October 352 '"rs. Clara L. dhultz 2.00 October 1.00 and turn-on 1.00 359 G. L. Chatfield 2.00 ectober 364 Ryan 7.00 Meter - due. Paid .,,3.00 this r.o. 373 U. A. Bergren 15.00 Meter - being paid at 5.u0 a month. , 108.16 Over two months .02.26 October 75.90 ;4,108.16 Included in the amount shown due over two months are the two meters for Ryan and Bergren which are being paid for each month, but which are included because the total amount shown is actually past due. qcV.4 ei-21.0-4- .:yrs. L� . hall Asst. secretary