09/14/1949 - Minutes ';IXTY FIRST RTPULAR 1" [NG Tigard Nnter District September 14, 1949 resent: Chairman Cook, hoard Aembers sellikon Beals, Boennighnusen, Lorenz, Sunt. Dickson, Nr. tiuser, Nr. Swint & rs. ielson. Meeting wes called to order by Cook and minutes of previous regular meeting of July 13th and snecial meeting July 27th were approved after e few minor corrections of July 27th meeting. Swint, auditor, reviewed audit report end r-de the suggestion th-t the safe be r\lared where +1,e b-ard members would n- ve excess to it. A motion APS made end seconded that auditors report be received and -0.- placed on flies Mr, Beals read a letter in regard to coupons but no lulpement was oessed until Mr. Wildes return. r. fipuser of Pacific St, tes Cast Iron and pipe Comnany gee e demonstration of aluminum model toggle t,-pe hydrant. he also nointed nut its uses and ,Avantages. He also discussed iron loints red leaded ioint c- sts stating their advantages. Motion made and seconded to nny the follow4ng bills: Lone Oak Chev. Co. 13. 27 Schubrings 1.7.12 Cook & Schermerorn 3.20 etzfrer ieter District 25.00 'rm. Aro ss 1.75 Portland General 't,lectric 110. 55 Tigard Auto Service 7.20 Finley printing 11.90 Pacific Stationery Co. 2.59 Title & Trust Co. 20.75 C. F. Dickson 197.73 Otis Gy 5.28 Mrs. E. S. hell 16.09 Mrs. C. 14-0 nelson 30.65 Tigard Weter District, 5evings 400.00 *VW , R71.14 Less Printed Checks --r 2.92 io4 Total Disbursements Correspondence was reed by Mrs. Nelson. Mr. Cook stated that several of +he bids had been received on new well -nd it was agreed that Mr. Cook would hold original bids. 4OP Salary of the clerk 7P9 discussed bOsbelved for the moment. The prices of tubing and fittings were given by Mr. 'r. Cook gave MrS. Stressers renort of log of the well which was pumping ., 00 gallon per minute pt 300 foot level. Mr. Strassers charges will be 16,000.00 for well paid over s period of three years in twelie quarterly instalments with 1500.00 down. He will also teke semnle of water to the lab: rtory which ch-,rges he will nay for h! - self. Cook reo, ted e renresent° + lye from State Treasurers office celled nim end thet the state considers biding on bonds. -2- :!/•'. Cook asked that a special meeting be held for a few minutes August. 17th for the purpose of receiving and opening bids on bonds. Also that a special meeting be held August 24th to receive Pnd open bids for laying of mains. Motion made and seconded that these meetings be held. Mr. Cook ordered that a ribbon copy of audit report be placed in hands of the clerk and filled. A discussion was held as to w';e - e to store the eafe. °1r. Heals agreed to o through it and list its contents. Motion ca,-ri ed that we adjourn pt 10:38 P. If 11 0,1t-rii hairman 711 - 7Z.c. J Ass ' t. Sec. -