08/08/1951 - Minutes ..,,,.....
44,... -:`,..1 .',3 ; 1:'017-....•t' ,c: .11: i' 1Te -,ting
I: 1' 2, .,. , I'i C t
:',:t. 2t '4,-, 105 -
frese:_t, C . F. 3elli',. n„ :..:...e :_ enu, . L. ,,_.,sper_le Dar- in hinn, -.. ed
,..--TolDnd J...eyers, -,;(), _ is i n =rs, Cut . . C.I-Z-a'Iran.r., .
Ike ._1(- t__ . - - -,,, •, _._-. 7: :_-__. -.-'. . :11-' 71 DI'.',; - ' ' %;:'-„e -:,, :,-;:,) ).-._ _ -1:-.,--,2,-10
? c 2,-* 1 ,-; )f -,;,E., 1-c.vi 015 men.g. aere :2C''DC7,.. CD 11.„3 ,-,1. ,.... f ..'.. ymend
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Je : _..rr)ved acr -....-:,- 'he at :n c- rried.
--,...t 0 r' t, (-, .--,e7 ,-:- .-- ,i.-, a cc -) 1 :..-, :, - - , : s Ci.. ±2 -., :1,' ,.1-._. ' . 1,.._,
.Leh one t: e Co i - !.. ner-.:' r -m1 t' .-_, -- a -ll , - , handllllm ::-,-,
-1-2.1. 1 -, -, -:,_ : '.,... Is . - - -- --i,•
3 - -
Cr. ,--CA 'tD-',; t, 00 to 1,,L.ild 1. con
7loor slob for -„ell number one. The - oti )n cr -fri,--
Te 1os.-rd of Co 1],iasioners are entirely in accord th, t the .‘ ro2osed
EL line o..,. line '-',treet be not less than a si - . --ICLI. Z2e.
Co .mis-,;ioner C.L. Osborne moved and Conissi -)ncr rrim Shinn seconded
that Attorney J.E. Johnson' s letter be :....,urned over to cur Attorney
0,2, ..Jhecloc for , t;.--,ention. The motion carried.
Commissioner C . L. Osborne, moved and Commissioner :qaymehd 7eye.,..s
seconded that i.-, ,e bills be paid. The :Lotion carried.
The S-c. t. J.I- . Lohr,,.,..._z was given 2ermission to settle with. a renter
at t7a.c time he moved n,..ay end then bill the District for reL,.bursement.
Cu missionor C .L.Osborne moved and Cwilliesioner l,:aymond seconded that
the meeting adjourn. The motion carried.
The following is a ii.-3i-, of 7i.ils that tIe Co, ,, )ss7:_oners authorizEd to
be laid ES follows ,
- ' -,, 7
.....„ ri,_,-ec, # .cayee P-.)ur, o-se Amt.
Neritune Moter Co , ,,..Lea, 2e -ort.
1316 Leints Address Co 2.dJressing 12.00
1317 Ii.1?...,1:ade ,S,...,co -
.J.-e--)air ..,-,,arts :) 70
1318 Boyd and Lenz Gas ' 4.09
1319 ?ccific :Lter larks Cup. Coo2er Tubing and -.,..)arts 108.77
_ ,
1320 Portland General 7,1ec :-ower 212.22
1321 Cwender Blue lrint Co _,7:.1,-,L., of District 72,00
1322 Super :Ate I--:.,,ct Collections 25.17
1323 Charles 11. Ilc_dley Co Binder Sheets 10.32
1324 Ilichfield Oil Co Oil for Pumc 4.44
....., 1325 H.M.1=propst Labpr 23 .74
1326 H.T,T.Propst Salary and Office Supp, 80.78
1327 J.P.Lohrenz Salary 247.24
1328 Tigard Water District Savings 400.00
1329 Ind. Acct Com, Ins. 5.76
1330 Lee Ariss Gas 5.22
Clerk , President 411: _Aileze,
dr nol