08/23/1951 - Minutes / \
Tiinutes of Special Meeting
Tard 'hater District
August23 , 1951.
1resent , President, Raymond fleyers, Darwin Shinn, C.L.
Osborne, and J.P.Lohrenz,, Supt.
The snecial meeting was legally called by the President C .F.Selliken.
It met at the home of the President C .F. elliken, on August 23 , 1951
Et 7 . 30, PM.
The meeting was called to consider problems, in regard to the proposed
pipe line on Pine Steet, and changing the pioe line on Watkins Avenue.
The President, C .F.Selliken brought to the attention of the Commission-
ers the nossibility of running out of water, due to insufficient
storage capacity, in case of a silver taw, and the 'power supply was
interru7ted. He stated that if we had a 100,000 gal. tank at well
that this )ossibility would be greatly reduced.
A letter from our Attorney C.E.'.:heelockwas read in regard to the nro-
osed nine line on pine Street. It as stated that Attorney J.O.
Johnson had with drawn from over seeing of the construction of the
line. Attorney 4Johnson said however that he would pay ',?2000.00
toward its cost. The Commissioners think that the remaining proper
owners will go ahead with the project. The Commissioners agreed that
the policy for the proposed line shall be the same as the Bull Mount-
ain nroject. The matter is to be left with our attorney C .E. heelock
for attention.
The pronosed changes on 'datkins Avenue caused by widening of the
street ware discussed. The surveyer marked the new location of the main
nto be 14 feet from the center of the street. The length of the line
is 868 feet. We have on hand 390 feet of 4 in. pipe and Commissioner
C .L.Osborne suggested that we use it on this line. Commissioner C .L.
Osborne moved and Raymond Meyers seconded that the Tigard Water District
nut in the 4 inch main on Watkins Avenue. The motion carried.
k The Stint. J.F.Lohrenz brought up the cuestion, if he is to put in the
Watkins avenue line on his time, or if he is to charge extra for this
work. The Commissioners then discussed the duties of the Supt. Tne:;, /
Agreed tnat leis dutnes ro followa:- .:ead meters, install meers,
collect the revenue and maintain the system. On extensions and work
not classed as maintaince he is to be paid at the rate of 1.75 per
hour. Commissioner C.L.Osborne moved and Commissioner Raymond Meyers
seconded that the Sunt. J.F.Lohrenz be paid 0..75 wer hour for the
installation of the pine line on Watkins Avenue. The motion carried.
A motion was made by C.L.Osborne and seconded by Darwin Shinn that
we have a Van Dike (a tabe) made at a cost of apnroximately ;;13 .00
for our proof map of the district. The motion carried.
A motion wasmade by Commissioner Darwin Shinn and seconded by 6.L.
Osborne that*tharge Evans and Vincent :6.00 for the mar of the Distric
that was given them.
As there was no futher business , Commissioner Darwin Shinn moved and
Commissioner Raymond Meyers Seconded that the meeting adjourn. The
Motion carried.
Clerk,ZP )14 4 A$ President 47Le16.212,4e4/