05/14/1952 - Minutes Ninety Third Regular Meeting
Tigard Water District
,,.. May 14, 1952
Present:- C.L.Osborne, President, George R. Young, D.W.Proebstel, Raymond
�.- Meyers and Darwin Shinn Commissioners. J.P.Lohrenz Supt. and C .E.
Wheelock Atty.
The meeting was opened in the regular manner by the President C.L.Osborne.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
The Board advised the Supt. J .P.Lohrenz to tell Mr. Mills to write a
letter to the Board about water connections.
The Supt. J.P.Lohrenz presented a request from Mr. Peterson on Christensen
Road for water service. He is building two or three houses on a street off
Christensen Road and the pipe line will be dead end. Mr Peterson wants
To put in a smaller pipe than a four inch so the water will be fresher.
After some discussion about the matter Commissioner Darwin Shinn moved
and Commissioner D.W.Proebstel seconded that Mr. Peterson be granted per-
mission to install a two inch pipe line. Butin the future if more
houses are built and the Supt. thinks that a larger pipe is needed to
supply tbeproper amount of water Mr. Peterson will he requested to put
in a larger main. The motion carried.
A ruling was established that a customer out side of the District who
pays for the installation of a pipe line can install any size pipe that
the Tigard Water District's Supt. decides is large enough for the service.
The acceptance of any installation however is to be decided by the Board.
The Budget Committee which is to establish our next years budget is to
meet May 21, 1952 at 8 P.M. O'clock at the Tigard Grade School. Each
Board member is to send one member.
A motion was made by Commissioner D.W.Proebstel and seconded by Commission-
er George R. Young authorizing the President C .L.Osborne and the Treasurer
Raymond Meyers to negotiate a loan of three thousand dollars, (3000.00)
from the US Bank at Tigard, to be used for expenses in connection with
the high way project. The motion carried.
The Supt. J.P.Lohrenz reported that a Mr. Johnson wants the Board to cut
down some trees on our lots on Breeze Hill which he claimes are obstructing
his view. After some discussion it was decided not to do any thing about
the matter.
Commissioner George R. Young moved and Commissioner Raymond Meyers seconded
that the Supt . J.P.Lohrenz install a two inch main on Lincoln Avenue
connecting the two inch line on one end of the street to the the three
fourth's inch line on the other end, approximately two hundred and fifty
feet. The line is to be installed before the next regular meeting. The
motion carried. The clerk was requested to write for aneeasement which has
been obtained.
The Atty. C.E.Wheelock informed the Board that one of the State high way
engineers advised the State High Way Commission to pay the labor cost of
changing the main on the high way. This is estimated to be around 52315.70.
Commissioner Raymond Meyers moved and Commissioner D.W.Proebstel seconded
that the bills be paid as listed. The motion carried.
As there was no futher bisiness Commissioner Raymond Meyers moved and Comm-
issioner George R. Young seconded that the meeting adjourn. The motion
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Sec. d. �I ,vl, President
'ilgard Azior :.:.iztrict
Yley 14, 1952
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