06/11/1952 - Minutes Ninety Fourth Regular Meeting Tigard Water District June 11, 1952 Present:— C.L.Osborne, President, D.W.Proebstel, George R.Young, Darwin Shinn, and Raymond Meyers, Commissioners J.P.Lohrenz Supt. , C.E.Wheelock Atty. , Charles Handley, Willisma E. Mills, V.R. Rayner and Mr. Johnson. Before the meeting opened the problem of supplying water to Charles Handley William E. Mills on Inez Steet which is out of the Tigard Water District, was discussed. The Board gave them permission to connect on a one or two inch pipe, optional with them. They are to pay the cost of the installation and then turn it over to the Tigard Water District for maintenance. The meeting was opened in the regular manner by the President C.L.Osborne. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. The minutes were approved as read with the exception of paragraph eleven, which was wrong. The paragraph has to be rewritten. A motion was made by Commissioner Raymond Meyers and seconded by Commissioner George R. Young that the minutes be approved as corrected. The motion carried. The application of V.R.Rayner R2 Box 65 , who lives out side of the Distrct was brought before the meeting. Permission was granted for a conhection. Mr. Johnson who claimed that trees on our lots on Breeze Hill were obstructing his view was given the floor. After a few statements, were made he did not press the case futher. J.P.Lohrenz stated the problem in connection with account 119, John Lassen whots bill for two months amounted to $39.$6, and he refused to pay it, stating that he did not use that amount of water. Commissioner Darein Shinn moved and Commissioner George R. Young seconded that the Supt. J.P.Lohrenz is to notify Mr. Lassen that if the bill is not paid by June 20,1952, the water will be shut off. The motion carried. D.W.Proebstel moved and Raymond Meyers seconded that the bills be paid as listed. The motion carried. Commissioner D.W.Proebstel moved and Commissioner George R. Young seconded that the Budget as prepared by the Budget Committee. be Accepted. The motion carried. As there was no futher business, Commissioner Raymond Meyers moved and Commissioner George R. Young seconded that the meeting adjourn. The motion carried. / Sec.:J7 r 4Id,L1 President ..411.' Tigard Yoter 7;letrict ...- 8111# to be a !)rovtd flr payment at the meeting of the Commissioners June 11, 1952. Check zItylee 7ur: lse Amount •••••• ,,.. .,.. ,,,,., ., .., ., ., •,,••••••mow..•• ,,,, - ,„ ip 1 , ... , „,., „ , - ..... , , .,., , . ., , - , . .. . . 1544 "tchel TurvieT Labor on Lincoln I've 12.88 1545 J.F.iieinz Labor on Lincoln Ave. ' 7. 0 154t; ' nton Xroa 7,ober on Lincoln Ave 16.78 1547 ! ewints : drez, ra Co. ,Idrefiirg 13.41 151„,! ;uper 'Ate A.t. Collectin ' ,I,: ere 17.01 1549 orttend C4411. i,loc. !''olikr 12C.12 1550 The U. ,. '.atnal ijunk 5ond ayment 1852.84 1551 i' 4 .Ars:,,cer Drilling Co. 'Aiyment on Contract 5,-;5.00 1552 ',I1c5fic ter Awksup,ply. ''7'.%ttril1 6Cr e.traln. irp.ct. 7A.40 1553 rigard Lumber Co. "eTent, part cra.$h 4.70 '"'" 1554 Jenoe's Concrete °;roducts Meter OX45 27.00 ' 1555 Tigerd Placksmith ;itior Mr./Wind ;4. o 1.75 1556 Tidwell Al.les und Mfg. ':;:elding 7i! e 2.00 155? Boyd end Lenz ! Ott.)rs Cas IA- Truck 17.84 1558 Mrs. L .h.iarttn Leak ' e: rt 1.00 1559 J. rohrens islary, telene, - :,.;1.;,:e 20.24 15t: C ,,. .. -r.:) st T. Lor, mz: n,! , t . 3e )ne 5.17 1561 :%411!,t. Orii,wfor 7,,abor 39.24 . ,'. . r,)-5t 3alary 79.20 15(3 J. ' . i.ohrens Labor Lincoln :-ve. 55.38 15(4 iicific . ter ,,ablcs .)U i_ly trial for 7incoln , ve. 17.15 155 Ind. , ,:cd. Cc:mm. Insurance 9.55 15t_k w:Ard AiA,er 4trIct ' nvings t. 00 Tltul 3773-.11t -fr3r,L3fred froll) vin.i;4,. ; ,,.:ct. to 3,:f 1; r1ciy: ----44";"? ' 2. Lczi., alywe t)! . 2. 3Pf25.86 z11,:mcok aemaitIlm katt,r iibove bi llu ,re, :,aid .11 ! 4 . ;12 i"f ' f,, /147- VoatAl )04464ii4 zetAA /34,1 - 3 Will, 10."1411