08/07/2006 - Minutes TREE BOARD
Minutes of August 7, 2006 meeting
Members present Mrs. Gillis, Mr. Sizemore, Mr. Callan, Mr. Deselle
Staff present Matt Stine
1. Meeting was called to order at 6:30 P.M.
2. Minutes of June 2006 meetings approved.
3. City updates
a. Budget for stream restoration and enhancement projects.
b. Subdivision issue updates — Ask Creek Estates, Gage, Churchill
c. Tri-Met mitigation on City property.
d. Englewood Park- Fanno Creek meander project.
e. New City property on Bull Mountain.
f. Cindy Olson, volunteer who created maps of Costco parking lot.
4. Costco parking lot.
5. Agenda for September 18, 2006
a. City updates
b. Costco parking lot project updates
c. Heritage Trees — plaque design
d. Ideas for other projects
Adjourned 7:30 PM