05/23/2005 - Minutes TIGARD WATER DISTRICT BOARD of COMMISSIONERS MEETING Serving the Unincorporated Area Monday, May 23, 2005 7:00 p.m. Members Present: George Rhine, Beverly Froude, Marc Delphine and Norm Penner Members Absent: Janet Zeider (excused) Staff Present: Dennis Koellermeier and Twila Willson Visitors: Charlie Stalzer, Wynne Wakkila, Kathy Palmer, Isador Morgavi, and Henrietta Cochrun 1. Call to Order Commissioner George Rhine called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. 2. Roll Call Commissioner Janet Zeider was excused. 3. Approval of Minutes— April 25, 2005 Commissioner Beverly Froude motioned to approve the minutes, Commissioner Norm Penner seconded the motion and the board voted unanimous to approve the April 25, 2005, minutes as presented. 4. Visitor Comments Charlie Stalzer asked for an update on the well site on the 150th Ave. property and Dennis Koellermeier reported that it proved not to be a good ASR well site. The well was capped and may possibly be used for local irrigation. It could be maintained as surplus property and might possibility be considered as a future park site. Wynne Wakkila asked if the excess TWD budget funds could be used to help develop parks. Mr. Koellermeier said the board would need to call on legal staff to evaluate. Commissioner Froude said the board needed to look at the larger picture for the budget. Isador Morgavi asked if it was conceivable to maintain the property's use as a reservoir and also use it as a park. Mr. Koellermeier said the site was not large enough for both. Tigard Water District Draft Copy May 23, 2005 1 A reservoir might be possible in the future if the site is suitable for an underground elevation reservoir site, but he cautioned its use as a park until the reservoir site was needed. He explained that the City of Portland had done that type of thing and it caused problems changing over to a reservoir site from use as a park. He suggested using caution, even though it looked like a very good idea, there would be enforcement issues. Wynne Wakkila asked what the frequency was for taking a citizen survey to determine the public's needs or desires. Commissioner Norm Penner reported that the TWD has made several surveys in the past with hardly any response from citizens. This led the discussion to the importance of citizen's need for education. Previous newsletters were informative and then requested a response from citizens in the unincorporated area. Commissioner Penner said most of the public thinks that because it rains so much in Oregon all they need to do is turn the faucet on and there is no water problem. Commissioner Froude said it would be possible to have an informative survey in the future. Wynne Wakkila volunteered to help with the evaluation. Commissioner Marc Delphine initiated a campaign to create a committee to get information out to the public. It was requested that this item be added to the next month's agenda to begin the discussion process for better public education. 5. Water Supply Update— Dennis Koellermeier Mr. Koellermeier reported the Public Works Department has been tracking customer service requests and the satisfaction survey responses have shown 96% customer satisfaction. Long term water supply planning is at several levels. The State of Oregon sets rules local government has to live by. The IWB creates local planning efforts based on demand, anticipated population based on zoning, boundaries of organizations, estimates of future population, and water supply improvements are based on those figures. Tigard is involved in regional and sub-regional committees such as the Joint Water Commission (JWC) and regional consortiums (24 agencies). We then use the information obtained for deciding on such projects as the Hagg Lake Dam raise or the Portland metropolitan area water supply contract where boundary and agency politics are issues. Tigard does not own its own water supply other than some wells and an equity position for water source has been the goal. Tigard's current contract with the City of Portland expires in 2007, which is the end of a 25- year contract. Currently we must buy 63% of our water from Portland ($1.14 per 100 cubic foot is the current price). Portland has avoided making improvements and will now pass the expenses on to their wholesale customers more than to their residential customers. Wholesale customers represent 40% of Portland's income. Portland's system is old and a gravity system. Early water suppliers were geniuses and technically Portland's water should be very cheap, if not free. Wholesale customers have Tigard Water District Draft Copy May 23, 2005 2 calculated what Portland's charges should be for them, but Portland chooses to keep rates very high. Lake Oswego water comes from the Clackamas River and was used by Tigard in the past. Now Lake Oswego has a surplus supply of water and negotiations have been reopened between us. Tigard is looking at a partnership with Lake Oswego and could receive 8mgd with the current infrastructure. Tigard's partnership with the Joint Water Commission (JWC) is as a member that does not own assets. Tigard has the opportunity to purchase/lease excess water from the other JWC partners. During the drawdown period we have the capabilities to acquire 4mgd with the JWC. Negotiation arrangements with all water sources have committed Tigard to 113% of our water needs during the peak season. The Aquifer Storage Recovery (ASR) system allows us to buy water in winter months at a lesser rate, inject it into ASR wells and extract it in the summer when needed during peak periods. It is an economical way of storing water. We are developing another ASR well site that will be operational this fall. ASR is a short term fix and is geology based. The Bull Mountain area is a restricted groundwater area. The hope is to develop 6mgd from ASR well sites in that area. High Tor reservoirs are active with constant pumping to and from those sites, which are dependent on electromechanical devices. That is not an economical system and staff is looking to reduce pressure from that system by adding another reservoir. 6. Intergovernmental Water Board (IWB) Update — Norm Penner Commissioner Penner reported that Tom VanderPlaat (Clean Water Services) made a presentation to the IWB about various options pertaining to Hagg Lake/Scoggins Dam raise. The IWB discussed the continued involvement in the Regional Water Providers Consortium. Annual fees are involved and the IWB approved continuation. Water Rate Model projections have been revised and will have less impact on residents because of gradual increases in water rates, but would still provide necessary revenue. The IWB approved the water rate increase, which goes into effect in October. An article about the Willamette River was provided to the IWB members and reported that it was not contaminates, but parasites, that have caused deformities in fish in the Willamette River. 7. Non-Agenda Items Mr. Koellermeier showed the board an aerial site view of the Canterbury property and explained the various site improvements, reservoir, trees, etc. He asked if the property was considered surplus to the district and if they would like to consider development of the site as a future park site. Tigard Water District Draft Copy May 23, 2005 3 The board discussed the issue and thought the idea of developing a park should be proceeded with, should be moved on now and not drag it out. The consensus of the board was to say the property is surplus, propose it for a park, present the idea to the IWB and also set a precedent for the 150th St. site also. Mr. Koellermeier stated he would follow the board's wishes, set parameters, take it to the city attorney for review, and then go to the public for their input. 8. Set next meeting date- June 27, 2005, at 7:00 p.m., Tigard Water Auditorium Selection of an IWB representative needs to be a topic of discussion. Commissioner Penner is the current representative and his term of office expires June 30th 9. Adjournment Commissioner Marc Delphine motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:19 p.m., Commissioner Norm Penner seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous to adjourn. Henrietta Cochrun made it known that she wants to be involved with the educational communications committee along with Commissioner Delphine and Wynne Wakkila. Tigard Water District Draft Copy May 23, 2005 4