TWD 2002-2003 Tigard Water District Approved Budget Fiscal Year 2002/2003 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Est Actual Proposed Approved Adopted 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 Resources 2001/02 2002/03 2002/03 2002/03 Revenues 8,889 9,661 9,255 9,000 One Percent Water Sales 9,905 9,900 9,900 2,264 2,474 3,157 2,400 Interest Earnings 2,035 2,400 2,400 5,372 Recovered Expenditures 11,153 17,507 12,412 11,400 Total Revenues 11,940 12,300 12,300 38,702 44,957 49,591 55,000 Beginning Balance 54,184 55,000 55,000 49,855 62,464 62,003 66,400 Total Resources 66,124 67,300 67,300 Expenditures Total Personal Services Materials and Services 362 6,318 500 Attorney 10,000 10,000 10 Financial Reveiw 10 10 291 Contract for Board Minutes Engineering Services 3,658 4,872 4,345 4,800 Meeting/Staff Support 4,500 4,800 4,800 653 11,190 4,345 5,310 601000 Professional/Contractual Svcs 8,158 14,810 14,810 703 682 800 Election Costs 800 800 115 500 Misc 2,000 2,000 818 682 1,300 613000 Special Department Expense 2,800 2,800 185 84 200 620000 Office Supplies&Expenses 40 200 200 159 175 200 Meeting Notice 200 1,000 1,000 882 1,068 3,000 Public Relations 882 159 1,243 3,200 621000 Advertising&Publicity 200 1,000 1,000 356 Metro 120 120 120 120 Special District Assoc Dues 120 120 120 476 120 120 120 623000 Dues&Subscriptions 120 120 120 125 650 624000 Travel/Food&Lodging 65 650 650 400 625000 SDAO Annual Conference 400 400 2,069 1,220 1,220 1,300 632000 Insurance 1,270 1,300 1,300 4,898 12,873 7,819 12,480 Total Materials and Services 9,853 21,280 21,280 Total Capital Outlay 4,898 12,873 7,819 12,480 Total Expenditures 9,853 21,280 21,280 1,248 Contingency 10,000 10,000 4,898 12,873 7,819 13,728 Total Appropriations 9,853 31,280 31,280 44,957 49,591 54,184 52,672 Ending Fund Balance 56,271 36,020 36,020 Total Appropriations and Ending 49,855 62,464 62,003 66,400 Fund Balance 66,124 67,300 67,300 I:\FIN\NANCYLARSON\EXCEL\CITY\BUDGET\03TWDBGT.xls,G.F. 8/18/2021 12:30 PM