07/17/2019 - Minutes 41 City of Tigard • Committee for Community Engagement Minutes 4 MEETING DATE/TIME: Wednesday,July 17, 2019; 6:30 p.m. MEETING LOCATION: Public Works, Sunrise Room (8777 SW Burnham St.) Attendance: 116* Member Attendance Status Liz Aberg N Basil Christopher N Dacia Gra ber Y Bhushan Gupta Y David Hanna, Committee Chair Y Joseph Lyons Y Shoshona Shone Pili -Florea Y Marissa Rainey Y Connie Ramaekers Y Christine Rehse N Lauren Rowles Taylor Sarman Dolly Specht, Committee Vice-chair Y Norma Trujillo Y Miranda Wod N Liz N wton, Tigard City Council liaison Nadi binson, City of Tigard Central ServeT, Director & committee liaison Kent W ity of Tigard Communications Manager 1) Welcome an troductions 2) Police levy com unications plan Kent Wyatt, Communications Manager, presented on the levy and bond communication's plan. He asked: o Is our information free of government jargon? o For honest feedback on the communications plan. He handed out o the communications plan, o Council Connections handout, and o Minutes Matter handout. He said the city is working on building relationships in the community through: o A new volunteer program. o Community Roundtable —At the last meeting the group talked about engagement and at the next meeting will talk about homelessness. o Council outreach, called "Out of City Hall and into the Community." Kent noted the city ramped up communications for the 2018 levy. While the levy failed, the city intends to keep up that level of communication. Kent asked what the committee thought of the Minutes Matter tag line. He told them that the levy would increase the number of officers available to patrol districts, help connect to our homeless residents, and address societal iss Committee Response Dacia said the Minutes Matter is in line with TVF&R's tag line. We might be able to pull on partner experiences. Sometimes T arrives at the call before TVF&R. Dolly commented that NextDoor h vibrant co sation about fireworks. Connie agreed. Kent talked about how the �city �uses Ne or an to • City stff can post on behalf of the city but of see what others post. P • NextDoor is meant to be neighbor to neighbor interaction. The city can post to our page, but we aren't given access to the individual neighborhood pages. We have added verbiage letting people know how they can reach out to us. • Good role for our elected and CCE members to weigh-in when they see things spiraa g on NextDoor. As an example, the City provided information ough the Mayor on the)eacock issue. We are willing to provide messages CCE to assist in responding. Shoni commented e Minutes Matter handout is framed in the deficit. It should start with what is in it for th residents. Include the context but don't lead with it. Lead with what the average response time could be. Tap into the human piece of why people should care — values based. A sense of community is rooted in being secure. She asked why 1 minute and 14 seconds matters. What difference can it make? Share examples. Kent responded that some neighborhoods feel like they are safe and want to know why they need more officers. He noted that residents seem to be concerned about societal issues increasing—domestic violence, mental health, and addiction. Liz N said she doesn't like the 05. She thinks a clock would be better. She also pointed out that minutes matter when there are problems during heavy traffic periods and limited officers. In addition, societal calls can require two officers which affects staffing in patrol. She encouraged CCE members to do a ride along with an officer. Dacia encouraged the city to show what the 1 min 14 means —baby being born, someone walking into the street, a life being saved, etc. Marissa said that we need to show what the levy would mean for an individual household. Liz N. said the amount could be around 46 cents per $1,0 O� assessed property value. Dave suggested focusing on the percentage difference between the last levy and this levy. He also asked what the percentage change is between 61min 15 se o 5 minutes?Would that be compelling? Liz N. said we are testing a SRTS component an calling it neighbo d safety. The funds would be directed towards sidewalks and crosswalks near s ools. Dolly doesn't think using the pro title, SRTS, is relata Liz N. commented that the commu ty see�yalue in keepir kids safe. Shoni noted that a .50ish increase on a $500,000 kuse is still a lot. She recommended checking on how to�message ' 'n our publi opinion poll. Liz N. said cityoutPeach materi s use an a era home val nd then direct people to the g � P P tax calculator to see how it specifically affects them. Marissa said it is important to show the i 'vidual impact. Shoni sk why a levy vs bond. A levy fun perations and a bond funds capital (a building for example.) Ta for asked if ere is a Albonomin%ga olice facili . The committee was told es but YP facility. Y later. Liz N. said the city's rience�as been that we have better success when we don't compete with a broade field. We get more visibility. People engage more in a May level. Taylor pointed out that more liberal people will be voting in November 2020. Liz N. expressed concern that we would be competing with the Metro's transportation investment bond in 2020. Dave asked how badly the last levy failed. Kent said by 10 points. Marissa suggested we provide basic information about what a levy is and why we use it as a funding mechanism. Dolly feels "levy" has a negative connotation in her neighborhood. People in her community won't want to talk about it. Marissa suggested using funding instead of levy. Taylor suggested using investment. Dave and Joseph suggested sticking with levy. Dolly said 70% of her neighborhood has been there since the 70's. The long-term residents want the old 70's neighborhood. The total cost of home ownership matters to new owners and long-term residents. Liz N. suggested using the word levy further down in outrealNonaterials so people don't lose interest. Dave said people make the leap from levy to asking il0 ney. Bhushan asked if there should there be more ' ation about the why. Joseph commented that there is no scale fo 5 minutes. He thinks we should focus on more officers being able to strengthen commu elationships. He wants to know the officer patrolling his neighborhoo Being the officer more regularly would bo helpful. Shoni said the cost would be less th a day. .s a dollar a day? Marissa liked that thought and suggest icki ethin le can relate to. Bhushan asked if we e rcentag e in Tigard th are retired and on a fixed income. Liz N. indicated that o e retired eople a higher need for security so they value the police Taylo ask d if there s a way to put in a lever to give relief to low income people. Do we have demographics on our voters? Shoni noted that the Federal tax biNthas supposed to reduce income tax negatively impacted a number of people. It makes it a hard time to sell a levy. 3) ADA Self E den ransition Plan, Nadine Robinson The draft ADA Self EvaTransition Plan was shared with the committee prior to the meeting. The committee was asked to help develop messaging around the project as well as questions the city could use to engage the community about their priorities for barrier removal. Dolly talked about the ADA ramps that were installed in her neighborhood. Nadine explained that when a certain level of road work is done in an area, the city is required to verify current ramps are ADA compliant or install ADA compliant ramps. Dolly asked how the city notifies residents that ADA curb ramps are being installed. Shoni suggested sharing community member's stories about how the ADA has helped make living in the Tigard community successful. The stories should encompass a variety of disabilities; i.e. hard of hearing, mobility, etc. Dave asked if the city is currently meeting ADA requirements. Nadine responded that the city is working on becoming more accessible. In some areas we are leaders and in other areas we are behind. However, the plan has support for City Council which is very positive. Taylor commented that wide doors, good sidewalks and compliant curbs are good for everyone. Use examples like bike riders, pushing strollersO ople with full arms to help everyone relate. Liz N. mentioned reading a letter about how garbage containe s on sidewalks and portable basketball hoops interfere with freely using the sidewlKs. Sho d Dolly both said the information they got was to put garbage cans on the curb. Taylor suggested having people test out whaterence a few centimeters can make in navigating a tight space. Shoni suggested pulling out the Plan's executive summary and have it as a sta d-alone document. She suggested being clear about the ask in the survey and asking for specific recommendations. 4) Elect a CCE Vic Dave reminded the committee thaithe vice-chair position s-up the chair position, provides input into the agenda and reviews materials. • Taylor o elect Dolly Spe r • Bhushan Seco the motion, *44 • Dis ssion called, • Mo assed unan sly. 5) Review, di and adopt the May 15, 2019 meeting minutes • Taylor mov ado minutes with the amendments requested by Bhushan and Norma, • Dolly seconded th otion, • Minutes were adopted. 6) Information sharing round-table • Joseph is joining the board of Rebuilding Washington County. • Bhushan shared that the Mayor& Council had been invited to his HOA's BBQ • Kent reminded the committee that National Night Out is August 6th. • Dave noted that some of the new committee members were some of the more vocal contributors and thanked them. • Dolly asked when the community will know what is happening with the Sears building. Liz said it is in progress. She will check. • Thank you to everyone for their participation. Meeting adjourned at 8:34.