07/24/2006 - Minutes TIGARD WATER DISTRICT
Serving the Unincorporated Area
Monday,July 24,2006
7:00 p.m.
Members Present: George Rhine,Janet Zeider,Beverly Fronde, Marc Delphine,
Charles Radley (arrived at 7:13 p.m.)
Staff Present: Brian Rager,John Goodrich,Twila Willson
Visitors: Kinton Fowler, Patti Fowler, Kevin Bowerle, Ken Henschel,
Barbara Sherman,Lisa Harnilton-Treick
1. Call to Order, Roll Call and Introductions
Commissioner George Rhine called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and staff called roll. Commissioner
Charles Radley was not present at the roll call.
3. Visitor Comments
Kinton Fowler- 16170 SW Hazeltine Lane.Tigard 97224 unincorvorated area of Bull Mountain
As a representative of the Bull Mountain Residents for Incorporation,Mr. Fowler requested the TWD
support approval of Agenda Item#4,Amendment to die Intergovernmental Agreement(IGA)with
Washington County,which was necessary for die incorporation process to proceed.
Kevin Bowerle , 13965 Florentine Ave..Tigard 97223 unincorporated area of Bull Mountain
Mr. Bowerle agreed with Mr. Fowler's statement and requested the board support the amendment.
2. Approval of Minutes—June 26,2006
Commissioner Beverly Froude stated that the request for the June 2001 Council Meeting minutes had not
been completed because those minutes had not been approved.
Commissioner Froude motioned to approve the minutes,Commissioner Janet Zeider seconded the motion,
and the vote to approve was unanimous.
4. Request from Washington County to Amend Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA)
The board received a copy of the amendment agreement for review. Commissioner Rhine sent a copy to
attorney,Clark Balfour,for review and he recommended approving die amendment.
There was discussion among the board members about the amendment and they concluded that all the
possible things that could happen were referred to and contained in the amendment provisions to the
Commissioner Marc Delphine motioned to approve amending the TWD portion of the Tigard Urban
Service Area Agreement,Commissioner Zeider seconded the motion,and the board voted unanimously to
approve the amended agreement. Commissioner George Rhine,as Chair, signed two copies of the
Tigard I77aterDistnd DRAFT Jab,24,2006
5. Update on Bylaws and Bylaw Modifications
The board decided to postpone further review of updates to the bylaws until after the results of the November
election were received. The election results for incorporation could possibly change the nature of the TWD
board;the board did not want to incur the expense until the outcome was known. Commissioner Froude
suggested they review the bylaws and adhere to them.
Commissioner Delphine requested a copy of the bylaws and Commissioner Rhine said he would send a
copy to him at his new email address.
Commissioner Rhine postponed the election of officers until later in the agenda.
7. Water Supply Update—Brian Rager/John Goodrich
Brian Rager complimented John Goodrich's staff for their preparation for the heat wave by ramping up
water supplies so Tigard was ready for whatever was to come. The peak came on Sunday at 13.4mgd,
which was lower than in past years. The conservation program may be accredited by making people more
aware of water usage.
(Commissioner Charles Radley arrived at 7:13)
There was a short discussion about the studies made for energy efficient appliances. Mr. Rager commented
that in the past Tigard has had rebate programs for energy efficient washing machines. John Goodrich said
most energy efficient appliances provide a 10-15% savings according to manufacturer's information.
Tigard currently has a landscape rebate program.
Mr. Eager said it was good to have ASR#2 up and running. ASR#2 has a capacity of pumping up to
2.5mgd,but due to staff preparation it was not necessary to pump at that high rate. Future plans for
additional ASR wells are being explored in the same vicinity. A test well would be drilled first,the hydro
geologist would run tests on the aquifer's performance and,if the results are good,the well would be
expanded to a larger production well.
Commissioner Rhine requested a map of the Tigard Water service area be provided to the board for
reference. Mr. Rager explained the map's boundaries of the water service area,the incorporated city areas,
proposed property annexation areas and the proposed Bull Mountain City areas. The map clearly indicated
the areas that would remain in the unincorporated area. Mr.Eager distributed the smaller maps to board
members and Lisa Hamilton-Treick. He was short one map,but would provide that to Commissioner Froude.
8. IWB Update—Beverly Froude/Janet Zeider
Commissioner Froude said that Mr.Rager covered most of the IWB information; she also stated the IWB
had a meeting on the issue of the Menlor reservoir site. TWD did not vote.
Lake Oswego—Mr.Eager reported the analysis study continues with an approximate completion in
October. There are ongoing efforts to complete studies so similar comparisons and decisions could be
made on how to proceed.
9. Non-Agenda Items
Commissioner Charles Radley asked about the housing density issues in providing water to the undeveloped
areas 63 and 64. He wanted to know if it was a cost issue or technical issue,if bringing in Willamette Water
to the system would change the issue,and what long-term plans were being made. Mr.Eager said staff would
report next month on the water issues that were presented at the special meeting tomorrow night.
Tigard 11/aterDistid DRAFT July 24,2006
Twila Willson reported on the request for review of the March 20,2006,minutes. She will provide,
verbatim,the portion of the minutes in question and present to the board for review to receive their
recommendation on a possible revision of the already approved minutes.
6. Election of Officers
Commissioner Zeider nominated Commissioner Froude as Chair and Commissioner Rhine seconded the
nomination. Commissioner Delphine nominated himself and Commissioner Radley seconded the
nomination. Commissioner Delphine stated he had served as Vice Chair and felt he was ready to make the
next step. Commissioner Froude stated the TWD was entering into an interesting and challenging time
with uncertainty about what would happen in the future.
Members voting for Commissioner Froude: Janet Zeider,George Rhine,Beverly Froude
Members voting for Commissioner Delphine: Marc Delphine,Charles Radley
Commissioner Rhine nominated Marc Delphine as Vice Chair,Commissioner Radley seconded, and die
vote was unanimous.
Commissioner Froude nominated George Rhine as IWB Representative,Commissioner Zeider seconded
the nomination and the vote was unanimous.
Commissioner Delphine nominated Janet Zeider for IWB Alternate, Commissioner Rhine seconded the
nomination that the vote was unanimous.
CHAIR—Beverly Froude
VICE CHAIR—Marc Delphine
10. Set next meeting date—August 28,2006, at 7:00 p.m.,Water Auditorium
11. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
ULU, L(/ e. 0
Twila Willson,TWD Recording Secretary
Date: 9/iP1/4/n
Tigard IVoter Dishirt DRAFT Jag,24,2006