05/22/2006 - Minutes TIGARD WATER DISTRICT
Serving the Unincorporated Area
Monday, May 22,2006
7:00 p.m.
Members Present: George Rhine,Janet Zeider,Marc Delphine, Beverly Fronde
Absent: Charles Radley—excused
Staff Present: Dennis Koellermeier,Twila Willson,Joy Koss
Visitors: Wynne Wakkila
1. Call to Order, Roll Call and Introductions
Commissioner George Rhine called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
2. Approval of Minutes—April 24,2006
The board briefly discussed their feels of the meeting. Commissioner Janet Zeider motioned to
accept the minutes, Commissioner Beverly Froude seconded the motion, and the board voted
unanimously to approve the minutes.
3. Visitor Comments
Wynne Walddla commented to the board about a good budget committee meeting.
Commissioner George Rhine thanked her for her participation on the committee.
The order of the agenda items was rearranged and the board skipped to Agenda Item #5 at this
point in the meeting.
5. Water Supply Update—Dennis Koellermeier
• Motion to approve Portland (10-yr.) Wholesale Water Contract
Dennis Koellermeier discussed the Portland contract He explained that the Intergovernmental
Water Board (IWB)was in favor of going with the 10-yr. contract and asked all agencies to
make the presentation to their various boards for approval.
Mr. Koellerrneier gave a brief history of the relationship with the City of Portland,how the
relationship has evolved over the past 20 years,and why the current contract with Portland
does not meet the wholesaler's needs.
Points of interest that were discussed included:
Tigard Water District Draft Copy May 22, 2006
• Bond buyers indexes
• Nature of the service is a take or pay contract;our obligation is to pay for water and
their obligation is to provide-in contract with the surplus contract now
• Two kinds of water basically- contract water (adjustable upwards,but not down)
and interruptible water (available summer or winter) that brings overall cost down
• Wholesalers need to buy enough water to keep unit prices down
• Wholesalers may buy more water at the beginning of the 10-yr. period in order to
keep the costs down later in the contract period
• Table in Mr. Koellermeier's memo summarized what other wholesalers were doing
• Anticipated cost$1.00ccf,which is a savings from the current fees
• Tigard negotiated to gain access to the gravitational system,which could save$3m
• Ownership would not be available with the gravitational option,but it would still be
a cheaper option
• This contract is much more favorable to the wholesalers while still securing a fixed
amount for Portland
• Portland has no interest in ever having ownership partners
Dennis Koellermeier recommended approving the 10-yr contract with Portland as a board,
which would serve as a ratification of the IWB recommendation. We are now able to compare
all options along with the Portland contact. He further stated that options with Lake Oswego
continue to progress,TVWD negotiations would help benefit rate payers on the west side,and
Tigard should also be willing to consider the Willamette River as an option.
Commissioner Marc Delphine motioned to approve the 10-yr. Portland contract and
Commissioner Froude seconded the motion. Following a brief discussion the board concluded
it was a good contract for short term and they voted unanimously in approval of the motion.
There was some discussion,based on the new contract,as to what would happen to water rates
and Mr. Koellermeier recommended not lowering the current rates at this time,as no model
has been made with the new contract
Skipped to Auenda Item#7,Educational Information
7. Update on Water Related Educational Information—Marc Delphine
Commissioner Marc Delphine explained that he has talked with the graphic designer and is
ready to go with his graphics,but needs more information. He does not want the information
to be slanted toward the Willamette River or Lake Oswego,but wants to show factual
Koellermeier said he would provide him with the facts.
information to educate citizens. Mr.
Mr.Koellenneier said media services were owed to Tigard,Kung City, etc.,and he would also
like to develop a video that could be aired to spread educational information. Within the next
few weeks he will have an outline completed and will then provide the same information to the
graphic consultant
Commissioner Froude stressed the importance of being honest with facts and not advocate
certain issues,i.e., fluoride,etc.
Draft Copy May
Tigard Water District Drft 22,
The video would also direct people to other sources for information,i.e.,webpage. It was
suggested there also be an avenue for citizen comments.
Returned to Auenda Item#4.
4. Update on Bylaws and Bylaw Modifications
Commissioner Rhine remarked that he wanted to ask Commissioner Charles Radley to take a
leadership role on this project and suggested this agenda item be reintroduced at a future
Discussion continued on die issue of chairmanship. Legal council previously advised the board
that this was a procedural issue and said it was not a problem.
Staff was instructed to place this agenda item on a future agenda.
Skipped to Agenda Item#6.
6. IWB Update—Beverly Froude/Janet Zeider
Commissioner Froude repotted on the ownership issue of Canterbury property� discussed at the
IWB meeting. Mr.Koellerneter reported that money was not budgeted until next fiscal year
for development of the site,however he wanted to resolve the ownership issue now so that the
development of a park could take place dating the next fiscal year. He wants to pursue die
ownership issue with the IWB and bring it before the TWD as a courtesy.
Commissioner Froude reported that the IWB made a decision not to change the date of their
8. Non-Agenda Items
9. Set next meeting date—June 26,2006, at 7:00 p.m.
10. Adjournment
Commissioner Delpline motioned to adjourn,Commissioner Zeider seconded the motion,and
the meeting unanimously adjourned at 7:57 p.m.
Twila Willson,TWD Recording Secretary
Date: 6/4 e
Tigard Water District Draft Copy May 22, 2006