01/26/2004 - Minutes TIGARD WATER DISTRICT
Serving the Unincorporated Area
Monday, January 26, 2004
7:00 p.m.
Members Present: George Rhine, Norm Penner, Beverly Froude
Members Absent: Janet Zeider and Marc Delphine
Staff Present: Dennis Koellermeier and Sally Mills
Visitors: Paul Owen
1. Call to Order— Commissioner Rhine called the meeting together at 7:01 p.m.
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Minutes - November 24, 2003
Commissioner Norm Penner motioned to approve the minutes of the November 24,
2003, Tigard Water Board meeting and Commissioner Beverly Froude seconded the
motion. The vote to approve the minutes was unanimous.
4. Visitor Comments - None
5. Fluoride Issue - Sally Mills
"Facts on Fluoride" handout and memo from Ed Wegner dated January 16, 2004,
were distributed. Sally Mills discussed her communication plan - - information to be
distributed on the web, Community Connectors, Cityscape, utility bill stuffers, etc.
Commissioner Froude expressed her concern that all Tigard Water System Area
customers should be notified via mail. This would be addressed through the utility
billing stuffers.
Sally Mills discussed monitoring plans. Commissioner Rhine asked about a back-up
plan should complaints grow. Dennis Koellermeier explained that the (IWB)
Intergovernmental Water Board would hear complaints.
A question arose as to whether the website "hits" on the fluoride page would be
monitored and staff was asked to check into it.
6. Informational Binders
The board request that minutes be mailed one week prior to the regularly scheduled
7. Water Supply Update — Dennis Koellermeier
➢ Joint Water Commission — membership moving along well and was
approved by City Council in the December meeting
➢ Portland Wholesale Contract - negotiations continue at a slow pace
➢ ASR Well #2 - underway
➢ Portland minimum purchases
➢ Rider School — complications have slowed down progress
8. IWB Update — Norm Penner
Marc Delphine will need to attend the February 11th IWB meeting as the alternate.
Commissioner Penner will call and confirm his attendance there.
9. Non-Agenda Items
Dennis Koellermeier announced Ed Wegner's recent resignation.
An added divider for "IWB Information" was requested for the notebooks.
10. Set next meeting date— April 25, 2004, at 7:00 p.m.
11. Adjournment
Commissioner Penner motioned to adjourn the TWD meeting and Commissioner
Froude seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous and the meeting adjourned at
7:48 p.m.