10/23/2000 - Minutes TIGARD WATER DISTRICT
October 23, 2000
Members Present: Beverly Froude, George Rhine, Norm Penner and Gretchen
Staff Present Mike Miller and Twila Willson
Visitors Present None
1. Call to Order
Commissioner Gretchen Buehner, in her capacity of Vice-Chair, called the regular
meeting of the Tigard Water District Board of Commissioners to order at 7:05 p.m.
2. Roll Call and Introductions
There was one excused absence. David Strauss was absent.
3. Approval of Minutes
Commissioner Beverly Froude motioned to approve the minutes of the September
25, 2000, meeting. Commissioner George Rhine seconded the motion. The vote
for the motion was unanimous to approve and accept the minutes.
4. Visitor's Comments - None
5. Intergovernmental Water Board Update
Commissioner Buehner reported that the Tigard City Council had a workshop meeting
last week on Tuesday where Ed Wegner, Chris Uber, and Joe Thompson gave
presentations to update those in attendance.
■ South Fork - The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed by
some of the involved parties, including Tigard and Oregon City. Their goal is to have
a plan early next year with figures collected.
■ Joint Water Commission - Tigard is now purchasing water that is coming
through Beaverton from the JWC. They will be meeting early next year to come up
with numbers also.
■ Portland Contract - IUG has countered with information from the Wholesale
Buyers. A report is scheduled to go before the Portland City Council before the end
of the year for a preliminary evaluation. Mike Miller added that Portland wanted to
get together with the consultants and attorneys to negotiate further.
TWD Meeting Minutes - 1 - October 23,2000
There was a brief discussion about the upcoming elections, polling numbers, and
possible outcomes.
Commissioner Beverly Froude stated she thought there was a downside to each of the
options that are being looked at. There seems to be no clear direction with any one of
the options. There would need to be a mix and match.
Commissioner Buehner indicated that the soonest any of the proposals would be
operational is about five years away. By that time it was her understanding that we will
be out of water and be in a moratorium.
Commissioner Norm Penner said that the other entities (City of Tigard, King City and
Durham) have various other problems of higher importance to them. Water is not a high
priority to them.
Commissioner Froude thought it might change after the elections. She suggested
having all the Councils meet following the election to discuss who will represent them
and what direction to follow.
Commissioner Buehner asked Mr. Miller if there would be a rate increase for the IWB if
Initiative 93 does not pass. He indicated that if that happens, it would go before the
Council in December. The rate increase will probably be in January or February. The
IWB has already given their direction so it does not need to go back to them.
6. Utility Manager's Report
Mike Miller reported receiving numerous phone calls about the dirty water due to the
extended dry period in the Bull Run. He distributed a copy of a letter that was sent to the
City of Portland from Bill Monahan and Ed Wegner asking for some relief.
There will be an Open House on Monday, October 30, from 5— 7 p.m. in the Water
Auditorium about fee increases for system development charges for builders. Compared
with other surrounding jurisdictions, we are currently on the low end; following the
increase we will be on the upper median. The fees will be more than doubled. The
increase is for new construction and will effect homebuilders and developers. This is
now looking to go before the City Council for a public hearing on November 28.
Commissioner George Rhine asked what the System Development Charge was. Mr.
Miller informed them that the current charge is $985.00 and will be going up to about
Commissioner Rhine asked whether there had been any response to the letter sent to
Portland about the colored water. Mr. Miller informed the Board there had not been a
Commissioner Penner stated he thought that letter was the type of thing that should be
publicized in the Tigard Times in order to let the people know what the City of Tigard has
done. Mr. Miller informed the Board that the Press gets a Council packet and it is up to
them to pick up on it.
TWD Meeting Minutes -2- October 23,2000
Commissioner Froude suggested inviting Emily, the reporter from the Oregonian, and
the new reporter from the Tigard Times to attend a meeting of the TWD to become
better informed. The other members of the Board thought that would be a good idea.
Mr. Miller also informed the Board of Commissioners that water is being purchased
through Beaverton. We are now getting about .75 mgd.
7. Newsletter Survey Responses
Commissioner Penner was pleasantly surprised with the results of the newsletter survey.
There have been two mailings totaling approximately 3500. The responses received to
date have been from the first mailing. He compiled the information from the survey
results onto a spreadsheet. He distributed a copy of the spreadsheet and gave a
presentation on the responses to the various questions listed on the survey. There have
been 78 responses from the first mailing and from that total there were 23 individuals
wanting to get involved. This will provide an excellent pool to form a Citizen's Advisory
Along with the spreadsheet information, Commissioner Penner also included the
comments each respondent made. There were equal comments in support of the
Willamette River as there were in opposition, which was surprising because there was
no mention of the Willamette River in the newsletter at all. Several comments were to
the effect that they thought they were well informed until they read the newsletter.
Several suggestions were to set up a web-site. Mr. Miller will ask about using the City of
Tigard's home page web-site.
There was considerable discussion about what to do with the information received from
the survey, whether to continue with additional newsletters and other options available.
The cost to print and mail this newsletter was about$800.00 for a one page newsletter
and the inserted survey. Commissioner Froude stated she thought there should be
considerable thought and planning made as to how to educate the public.
Commissioner Rhine asked if money was budgeted to cover the continuation of a
quarterly newsletter. Mr. Miller thought there was about$4000 budgeted for public
relations. Commissioner Rhine stated it would cost between $300 to $500 per year to
set up a web-site, excluding expenses for someone entering information on the web-site.
The Board thought the web-site would be accessed by only a small percentage of the
Commissioner Froude asked what the status was on the proposed contract changes.
Commissioner Penner distributed copies of the draft to the other members of the IWB
but has not heard from anyone. Following a short discussion, the Board was unsure of
how the upcoming election results might change how the IWB would be represented.
The Board of Commissioners discussed producing the next newsletter. November is too
busy; December is a very busy month for everyone and a publication might not even be
read. Commissioners Penner and Rhine will work on a draft of the newsletter together;
Mike Miller will also have some information to add. The Board will review the draft and
hopefully have the newsletter finalized for distribution in early January 2001.
TWD Meeting Minutes -3 - October 23,2000
Commissioner Froude returned to the topic of the proposed contract. She will schedule
a meeting with representatives at the cities of Durham and King City. She will request
they provide the TWD with a written response.
8. Non-Agenda Items
Commissioner Rhine asked about the article in the Oregonian regarding the Newberg
pool. Mr. Miller knew only what was reported in the two Oregonian articles. He was
aware that DEQ was conducting the tests. He stated there were still a lot of unknowns.
When Tualatin Valley Water District did the first initial monitoring, they raised Pike
Minnows in treated water and they did fine.
The Board members discussed the issue for a brief period of time. Commissioner
Penner stated there are problems with pollutants in the Willamette River, however, the
water can be cleaned up using current scientific knowledge. The Safe Water people use
a scare tactic without any scientific research or evidence by saying there is an unknown.
Commissioner Froude thinks things will be looked at differently after the Wilsonville plant
is operational. Commissioner Penner expressed his frustration at not seeing some of
these issues challenged.
Commissioner Buehner notified the Board of Commissioners that she would not be
running for re-election to the Tigard Water District in March. The deadline for filing to run
is January; the election is in March. July 1 is when they would take office.
It was suggested that the vacancy be mentioned in the newsletter with information on
who to contact if someone was interested in running for the seat on the Board. The
Board decided to issue a Press Release to announce the vacancy.
9. Set Next Meeting Date
Monday, November 27, 2000, will be the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Tigard
Water District Board of Commissioners.
10. Adjournment
Commissioner Penner motioned to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Rhine seconded
the motion. The Tigard Water District Board of Commissioners unanimously voted
approval to the adjournment of the meeting at 8:26 p.m.
TWD Meeting Minutes -4- October 23,2000