09/13/1977 - Minutes Tigard Water District
9-77 Regular Meeting
'v° September 13 , 1977
PRESENT: Jerald R. Heater, Secretary
Clarence F. Nicoli, Treasurer
Gene H. Chamberlin
R. Verne Wheelwright
Robert E. Santee, Administrator
John P. Miller, Foreman
Edward Murphy, Jr. , Attorney
VISITORS: Mr. L. Wachsmuth, 9285 S. W. Edgewood Steet
Robert Galvin, The Oregonian
Tom and Cheryl Beshears, The Tigard Times
The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman
Nicoli at 7 : 31 p.m.
�,. Motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes
of the last meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Wachsmuth appeared before the board to request
relief on a high water bill that was caused by a worn-
out washer on his side of the meter. Motion was made by
Verne Wheelwright and seconded by Gene Chamberlin for
the district to assume one-half the excess cost above
the normal bill for this time of year. (Bill: $74 . 50
minus normal bill: $19. 00 = excess amount: $55. 50)
(Credit = x $55. 50 = $27. 75. ) (Adjusted bill = $46. 75)
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made and seconded to pay the vouchers.
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Verne Wheelwright and seconded
by Jerald Heater to authorize the Administrator to adjust
a patron' s water bill caused by a bonafide leak in the
service line up to a maximum of $100 adjustment. Adjust-
ment would be based upon the district assuming one-half
the water costs in excess of the normal billing for the
same period in prior years. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Verne Wheelwright and seconded
by Jerald Heater to request voter approval at the Primary
Election on May 23 , 1978 to issue General Obligation bonds
as the district' s share to develop the Willamette River
at Wilsonville as a source of water. Motion carried
Motion was made to adjourn at 8 : 47 p.m. . Motion
carried unanimously.