08/21/2000 - Minutes TIGARD WATER DISTRICT
August 21, 2000
Members Present. Norman Penner, Beverly Froude, David Strauss, George
Rhine, and Gretchen Buehner
Staff Present Mike Miller
Visitors Present None
1. Call to Order
Commissioner David Strauss called the regular meeting of the Tigard Water District
Board of Commissioners to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Roll Call and Introductions
The new chairperson Commissioner Strauss called roll, with all present except
Commissioner Gretchen Buehner who notified staff that she would be late.
3. Approval of Minutes
Commissioner Norm Penner motioned to approve and accept the minutes of the
July 24, 2000, meeting. The minutes of the meeting were voted on and
unanimously approved.
4. Visitor's Comments- None
5. Intergovernmental Water Board Update
Commissioner Penner reported on his first meeting as the TWD Representative.
• Regional Water Consortium membership discussion,
The Tigard Water Service Area is paying a total of$14,000 per year for membership.
There was discussion about whether the IWB was getting their money's worth, but it
was decided they would continue and renew the membership. The Consortium is
made up of 26 water-related organizations within the greater metropolitan area. It
was decided it was better to be 'at the table' than not. The membership fees are
based on the population, the growth factor and how much water is used during the
summer months. Mr. Miller added that the Consortium has merged with the
Columbia/Willamette Water Conservation Coalition and the fees now include those
membership fees. It's the same basic amount, but paid in one check rather than two.
• Aquifer Storage Recovery.
Beaverton has a test program underway. They have been pumping water into the
aquifer and are now withdrawing water through their wells. The results have been
TWD Meeting Minutes - 1 - August 21, 2000
good. It's a good way to buy excess water cheaply in the winter months, storing it
and bringing it back up in the summer. The IWB authorized the Tigard Water
System to issue an RFP to seek a contract for a consultant to study the feasibility of
doing ASR in the Tigard wells.
■ Lonq Term Water Supply
Reviewed the ongoing discussions and negotiations with South Fork, JWC and
' South Fork - MSA is exploring whether there are any fatal flaws to prevent a
contractual relationship with Tigard and the South Fork Water Commission.
None are anticipated. They hope to have a Memorandum of Understanding
drafted by early September. On September 21 there will be a workshop for
elected officials to review the terms of the MOU.
Y JWC —has agreed to sell water to Tigard Water System up to 1.5 mgd. The hot
weather has pushed back that process, but it should start soon. The Tigard City
Council will be holding a work session on October 17 to discuss a draft IGA
between Tigard and the JWC. The Commissioners of the TWD Board are able to
participate in that.
Portland — Negotiations continue. Tigard has engaged the services of
Integrated Utilities Group to help with negotiations. Bedrock principals have
been sent to all the wholesale buyers outlining criteria necessary for the next
wholesale water contract. The bedrock principals in the proposed contract are::
• There will be no sale of existing City of Portland assets.
• There will be no negative impacts to retail customers nor major or significant
rate shocks. That means Portland retail customers.
• The contract will be fair and equitable as it relates to growth. Includes growth
pays for growth are those who benefit pay or adherence to cost of service
• There will be no sale of existing City of Portland assets.
• We will encourage best management practices.
• Conservation must be addressed.
• Contractors will not be opposed to regional cooperation. (Wholesalers)
• We want financial predictability for our wholesale customers.
• There needs to be ease of administration.
• The contract must be legally defensible.
One of the principles of the IUG, Paul L Matthews, has individually filed suit against the
Willamette River and is seeking legal redress against the Citizen's for Safe Water. This
is an administrative decision and should not be put up to the citizens for a vote. He is
doing this as a private citizen, not in his role as an officer of IUG.
Commissioner Strauss thought that several months ago there was information given that
South Fork would not be a possibility. Mr. Miller stated it has been on a slow track. He
explained that South Fork is made up of Oregon City and West Linn and one of the
councilors was opposed to transferring water from the Clackamas River basin to Tigard.
That person has since reevaluated his opinion and now thinks it would be beneficial to
South Fork with all the infrastructure they need to improve to supply their growth needs
they can do economies if scale at reduced rates. Commissioner Strauss thought there
was a transmission or water rights situation involved. Mr. Miller stated that was not the
case and indicated that water rights were fairly extensive on the Clackamas River.
TWD Meeting Minutes -2 - August 21,2000
Commissioner Buehner stated she read that there are concerns with endangered
species and fish runs in the Clackamas and increasing flows would reduce the
availability of water in the river. Mr. Miller indicated that cutthroat trout would be listed
soon on the endangered species. The reviews have found no fatal flaws. They are
looking forward to groups pulling together resources, but the main issue will be who will
have senior rights. A lot of the problems on the Clackamas are in the fall, not during the
peak season. There are concerns over temperature and (TMDL) total maximum daily
loads in the river. The good news is that South Fork has already improved their intake
facility and it will be one of the first on the Clackamas that will be permitted under the
new guidelines.
Commissioner Penner informed the board that he also received numerous informational
items that were available for their review. The items were primarily newspaper articles
about things happening on the water scene.
Commissioner Buehner asked Mr. Miller about the law suit Paul Matthews initiated and
requested he keep her informed so that she could attend the hearing.
6. Utility Manager's Report
• Mr. Miller distributed the report on the water usage for August. There may be a few
hot days still to come, but for the most part the hot weather is behind us.
The City of Lake Oswego is doing maintenance work at their water treatment plant
for ADA and seismic structural activities. They shut down for a number of days in
order to complete the work. They didn't notify us in advance of the shutdowns.
• The newsletter and survey were distributed and discussed. They will begin going out
tomorrow. Commissioner Strauss asked how many customers are in the district. Mr.
Miller informed the board members that there are approximately 1,650 connections.
Commissioner Buehner asked about how many more were anticipated being added
in the next six to twelve months. He stated it was hard to determine. There was a
brief discussion about the heading of the newsletter. Commissioner Strauss
expressed gratitude for the work put into the newsletter. Mr. Miller said he would
have some of the newsletters dropped off at mobile home parks and apartments
within the area. Commissioner Froude said the newsletter was very nice and
thought it should be the first of continued communications with the constituency.
She thought there should be a follow up after the election and after the first of the
year, perhaps have three per year distributing pertinent information.
• Pascuzzi issue has been resolved. The water line was placed on private property on
North Dakota and Fanno Creek. The settlement was for half the cost he was
requesting. The only outstanding issue is relating to easement. Commissioner
Rhine asked if there were other hidden water lines. Mr. Miller stated he expected
there are others. He knows where all the lines are, but unsure whether there is an
easement for them. Commissioner Rhine asked if it was policy to clean the
easements up as they are found or proactively try to find them. Mr. Miller indicated
he did not have the staff to proactively seek them. They follow up on what they know
about, but unable to look for more right now.
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• Financial Statement— close to the final for the fiscal year. Commissioner Froude
asked how much the costs for the newsletter were. Mr. Miller informed her it was
approximately $200 for the printing and $500 for the mail service, including postage
and handling. The City staff will handle the special deliveries to the apartments and
mobile home parks at no charge. The funds for the newsletter come out of the TWD
advertising budget.
• Clute Property update— Mr. Miller has not heard whether there has been a decision.
In review, a minor land partition was applied for to divide the property. It was granted
at staff level. Citizens did appeal by going to the IWB Meeting and also the
Hearing's Officer. They raised such issues as public improvements being necessary
with relations to the proposed trail on the property to link the Menlor site and the
Cache Creek property, all open space and neighborhood trails. He responded to the
appellant through the Hearing's Officer rebutting all their points on August 7. The
Hearing's Officer then had two weeks to review and make his decision. He is fairly
confident the minor land partition will be upheld. Mr. Miller had a copy of the
paperwork available for their review.
• The RFP for the ASR will be going out this week. He will be soliciting for proposals
to modify existing wells to utilize for ASR. Our agreement with the JWC goes
through the remainder of this calendar year for the 1.5 mgd. The water is rather
cheap ($.38 per unit rather than paying $.81 to the City of Portland or Tualatin
Valley). Beaverton has made a deal with the JWC for about$.25 per unit for their
ASR project. Commissioner asked what the ETA date the ASR project. Mr. Miller
stated that with positive feasibility they hope to have water extracted through an ASR
project in the summer of 2002. The feasibility study will take about four to six
months. It will take about one year for a contractor to retro the wells.
• South Fork has been on hold. Concerns that JWC was going to be also, but they are
now moving forward. The JWC staff sent a memo to the elected officials and
Give Tigard water for the interim until the end of the calendar year.
Look at allowing Tigard to become a partner.
Look at a new raw water source.
They have agreed to all these principals.
We'll have to wait to see how South Fork works out, but they are both going well
• Portland however, took six months to come up with the draft of their contract and
then wanted wholesaler comments in two weeks. We wanted at least one month to
come back with responses. We are still working on that. We will be meeting on
Wednesday with IUG to review more of the points in the contract. There was a
meeting two weeks ago with the other water purveyors where a few of the items in
the contract were discussed. We'll have to see what Portland says after they get the
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7. Informational Items
Commissioner Penner asked Mr. Miller about the new mayor and his position on the
water situation. Mr. Miller stated that Jim Griffith is the new interim mayor for the City of
Tigard. He has already announced that he will not run for reelection in March. He is on
the Planning Commission and Task Force. It is his intention to request a leave of
absence until March, then go back on. He believes quite strongly in what Jim Nicoli has
done, supports working for the Atfalati Recreational District, and getting a water supply
for the City of Tigard. It looks as though he will be a good supporter of Public Works,
Parks and Recreation and Water.
8. Commissioner's Non-Business Social Event
Commissioner Buehner offered to have the event at her house. The suggested date
would be Sunday, September 17th at 5:30 p.m. There was a discussion about the menu.
Mike Miller and Ed Wegner and their spouses are also invited. Mr. Miller will let Ed know
about it.
9. Non-Agenda Items- None
10. Next Meeting Date
Commissioner Strauss stated that at the last meeting Commissioner Rhine asked a very
good question, "Do we need to meet'?" There was a discussion of the events in the
upcoming timetable. It was decided that they would pass on holding the September
meeting unless some important issue comes up. The next meeting will be October 23rd
Commissioner Buehner will chair that meeting; Commissioner Strauss will be out of
town. Commissioner Buehner requested Mr. Miller send reminder notices to the TWD
members about the October 17 JWC meeting.
11. Adjournment
Commissioner Strauss asked if there was any further business to discuss. There was
nothing more to discuss. The meeting was adjourned.
TWD Meeting Minutes -5- August 21, 2000