05/28/2002 - Packet TIGARD WATER DISTRICT
Serving the Unincorporated Area
Tuesday, May 28, 2002
7:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call and Introductions
3. Approval of Minutes—April 22, 2002
4. Visitor's Comments
5. Status on the Replacement of Commissioners
6. Brief IWB Update — Beverly Froude
7. Brief Assistant PW Director's Report— Dennis Koellermeier
8. Set next meeting date— Monday, June 24, 2002
9. Adjournment
Executive Session:
The Tigard Water District Board may go into Executive Session under the provisions of ORS
192.660(1)(d),(e), & (h) to discuss labor relations, real property transactions, and current
and pending litigation issues. All discussions within this session are confidential; therefore,
nothing from this meeting may be disclosed by those present. Representatives of the news
media are allowed to attend this session, but must not disclose any information discussed
during this session.
Monday, April 22, 2002
Members Present Norm Penner, Beverly Froude, and George Rhine,
Staff Present: Dennis Koellermeier and Twila Wilson
Visitors Present Paul Owen
1. Call to Order
Commissioner Rhine called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Roll Call and Introductions
Roll was called. It was announced that Commissioners Bruce and Mary Stobbe
submitted a letter of resignation.
3. Approval of Minutes— March 25, 2002
Commissioner Norm Penner motioned to approve the minutes and Commissioner
Beverly Froude seconded the motion. A unanimous vote was made to accept the
minutes of the March 25, 2002, meeting.
4. Resignation of Board Members
Commissioners Bruce and Mary Stobbe have submitted a letter of resignation because
of Bruce Stobbe's serious health condition. Dennis Koellermeier requested that a
motion be made to accept their resignations. Commissioner Penner so motipned and all
the board members reluctantly voted in favor of the motion. The Board requested that a
card be sent on their behalf to the Stobbe's to thank them for their diligent service.
Dennis Koellermeier stated that an investigation had been made as to how these
vacancies should be filled. Vacancies are by appointment of the Board and the
appointed candidates will serve as Commissioners until June 30, 2003. Elections for
those seats will take place in May 2003.
A discussion about the possibilities for filling the vacated seats followed. It was agreed
that it would be a challenge to find two willing people. Some of the options the board
members would look into were:
• Clute property neighbors
• Washington County Elections Board—names of any other write-in votes.
Dennis Koellermeier to contact the Elections Board.
• Advertise in Tigard Times with article about vacancies
Tigard Water District Minutes - I - April 22,2002
5. Visitor's Comments- No Comments
6. Intergovernmental Water Board Update- Norm Penner
Commissioner Norm Penner reported on a discussion at the Intergovernmental Water
Board meeting for consideration of a request by an apartment complex manager who
requested a revision for their water meter bill. Two of the complex's meters were very
high. The meters have been read manually and the readings were not in error, also the
meters have been tested and found to be working accurately. A two-year history was
researched and discovered that the water was indeed used. Most adjustments typically
have been made to bills due to leaks, however, no leak has been found. The water was
used somehow for irrigation or perhaps due to tenants leaving water running.
The JWC feasibility study is underway.
Meetings about the Regional Bull Run System are on going. Dennis Koellermeier stated
that a report would be presented in September as to the amount of money that will be
required to operate the regional system.
• Tigard is well represented with Ed Wegner on the Technical Committee and Dennis
Koellermeier on the Engineering Committee.
• The matter of covering Portland's reservoirs is still a continuing issue of discussion
as is the cost of a filtering plant.
• The report will include a list of the overall improvements including the cost estimates.
• All assets and the benefits to each group will be listed before the economists do their
portion of the report.
• A third dam for future improvement will be an option.
• The Columbia South Shore well fields will need to be used in summer months.
Commissioner Rhine asked if there would be enough winter water to expand the ASR
program regionally. Dennis Koellermeier stated that the varying geological conditions for
storage would be the problem to solve.
ASR—There was a minor problem with sediment clogging the system. Commissioner
Penner left the updating of information about the ASR to Dennis Koellermeier's report.
7. Assistant Public Works Director's Report— Dennis Koellermeier
Aquifer Storage Recovery - Dennis Koellermeier reported on the most recent ASR
conditions. A decision was made to end the injection portion of the pilot test with 97 mg
already injected. This has been determined to be enough to complete the tests and the
aquifer is performing well. There has been some trouble with the silt or turbidity in the
well, which slowed down the amount of water that could be injected. Special test filters
have been used to monitor and measure conditions in the test well and have been
getting dirty. The well's condition can be corrected, but continued injection could create
more difficulties. Silt and sediment can be stirred up in the water and can be attributed to
the fact that there is not a filtration system being used in the water system. There have
been no complaints from our water customers about turbidity in their water.
A change order for$60,000 would need to be made; $40,000 of that amount would be
for rehabilitation of the well and include pulling the pumps, skimming or steel brushing
Tigard Water District Minutes -2- April 22,2002
the edges of the well, shock chlorination treatment and back flushing. The consultant
team is compiling data and will make a complete presentation at the next IWB meeting.
Currently water is being purchased from the City of Portland at about $.90 per unit, and
the agreement with them is such that if we use the water for ASR development purposes
and do not put the water back into the system, the rate Portland charges would be
reduced to $.01. We would then be charged $.40 per unit when the water is removed
from the well and used in the system. Due to the silt and turbidity in the water, the ASR
water is not usable now and we are hoping to make a compromise agreement with
Portland. More information is being collected to back up this request.
Beaverton lntertie -The bid opening is Thursday and if all goes as planned, everything
could be operational on about July 1.
Gaarde PRV—The project is operational with only some clean up and landscape work
Proposed PRV Rule Changes—The IWB reviewed the memo about the proposed
changes and agreed to defer making a decision until the TWD received the presentation.
The City of Tigard currently furnishes and installs individual pressure reducing valves on
services where water pressure is over 80 psi and the TWD provided that service when
they operated the water system. The cost to maintain, install, handle complaints, etc., is
about $25,000 per year for these types of issues within the service area. The memo
contained a chart of neighboring areas which compared the services.
From a business outlook, it is the property owner's responsibility under the plumbing
code. There were questions as to what to do with the pressure reducing valves that are
out there now, so a time span of about one year was selected to get the word out and
educate the public. The IWB also discussed the value of keeping customers happy.
Dennis Koellermeier referred to the map and explained the various pressure levels
within the system area. An approach to complete CIP projects so the PRV's would not
be needed would be required, similar to the Gaarde St. PRV Project, which balanced the
pressure zones in that area.
Customer equity was a concern as this service is not something everyone uses. The
policy change will be reevaluated and other options will be looked into. Commissioner
Froude thanked Mr. Koellermeier for making the presentation.
8. Budget FY02/03.
The proposed budget calendar was reviewed and a motion by Commissioner Penner
was made to accept the calendar for the budget for FY 2002-03. Commissioner Froude
seconded the motion and all voted their approval.
Commissioner George Rhine nominated Beverly Froude to serve as Budget Officer and
Commissioner Penner seconded the nomination.
Ron Baker will be finishing his term on the Budget Committee and Doreen Hames has
agreed to serve another term. Commissioner Penner contacted Mel Jonely (14674
Woodhue 503-590-1103) who agreed to serve on the committee. Commissioner Froude
Tigard Water District Minutes -3 - April 22,2002
will contact staff within the next few days with the names of two additional budget
committee candidates.
The board members did not anticipate anything different for the budget than what are the
usual budget allocations.
9. Non-Agenda Items- None
10. Set next meeting date
The next regular TWD meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 28, 2002, at 7:00 p.m.
Members requested a shortened agenda covering replacement status of the
Commissioners and any urgent information. The Budget Committee will meet prior to
that meeting at 6:30 p.m.
11. Adjournment
The Tigard Water District meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m.
Tigard Water District Minutes -4- April 22,2002