03/25/2002 - Minutes TIGARD WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF COMMISSIONER'S MEETING Monday, March 25, 2002 Members Present Norm Penner, Beverly Froude, and George Rhine, Staff Present: Dennis Koellermeier and Twila Willson Visitors Present Paul Owen 1. Call to Order Commissioner George Rhine called the regular meeting of the Tigard Water District Board of Commissioners to order at 7:02 p.m. 2. Roll Call and Introductions Commissioner Rhine called the roll. Mary Stobbe and Bruce Stobbe were absent. 3. Approval of Minutes—January 28, 2002 Commissioner Norm Penner requested correction to Item #5, sentence two, to read Commissioner Norm Penner, not Commissioner George Penner. Commissioner Penner motioned to accept the minutes as corrected and Commissioner Beverly Froude seconded the motion. All voted to accept the January 28, 2002, minutes as corrected. Commissioner Beverly Froude commented on Item#7 of the January 28, 2002, minutes. She was grateful that the water was now drinkable and thanked staff for making phone calls to get the situation corrected. 4. Visitor's Comments— No Comments 5. Intergovernmental Water Board Update— Norm Penner Joint Water Commission —A feasibility study is underway and several public meetings, sponsored by Clean Water Services, have been held but poorly attended by the public. Demand and supply forecasts were being compared. Regional Drinking Water (Bull Run) Agency-Tigard has made its position known and has signed the joint funding agreement to finance the proposed agency feasibility study. The fourteen other agencies were to sign or would bow out. A RFP (Request for Proposal) has been issued to seek a consultant for the study. Several citizen groups have been lobbying to be included as active participants in the on-going planning of the agency. Aquifer Storage Recovery was also discussed at the IWB meeting. Commissioner Penner mentioned the clogging that was under investigation and requested Dennis Koellermeier give an update during his report. Tigard Water District Minutes - 1 - March 25,2002 r The Beaverton Intertie was to soon go out on bid. City of Tigard staff, Sally Mills, reported on the lead and copper testing required by federal law. Commissioner Penner said Sally gave a very good presentation. At the conclusion of the regular IWB meeting, a presentation by the City of Portland was made on their plans to respond to the federal EPA regulations to address Cryptosporidium. Commissioner Penner commented that the venture sounded costly. Commissioner George Rhine asked if Tigard had any open reservoirs. Dennis Koellermeier said that the City of Portland was the only agency with open reservoirs to his knowledge. Commissioner Penner added that Portland presented four different options, which ranged in cost from $60-$200 million. There would be problems about the treatment facility location and what treatment approaches to use. At this point, Commissioner Rhine skipped to Item 7 — Utility Manager's Report. 7. Utility Manager's Report— Dennis Koellermeier Aquifer Storage and Recovery—The water injection was now at about 65% of ASR capacity with the target date to run through April 29th. The ASR well was shut down for about 24-hours due to turbidity issues. Change orders on the project are under 3%. Beaverton Intertie —The construction plans were about 90% complete and should be going out to bid the end of the month. Everything was coming along well and within budget. Due to the high water year, this could allow Tigard to obtain low priced water for a much longer period of time, perhaps even year round. Gaarde Street—The project created a large hole and traffic diversions, but the project is on time with completion of the project the end of the second week in April. Interties with Other Cities—While performing localized flushing for the intertie with Lake Oswego, a valve was inadvertently left open and water was sent to Lake Oswego a day earlier than anticipated. This created turbidity and the City of Tigard received many phone calls. The press release explaining this situation was included in the handout material. There may be a few laundry claims because of this incident. Commissioner Rhine asked for updated information on the November water main break. Mr. Koellermeier stated that almost all repairs have been finalized. The City moved slowly to get bids for the best value and the insurance claim is to be filed. Mr. Koellermeier gave some background about an article in the Portland Tribune on 3/19/02 entitled Group questions consortium for Bull Run. The group mentioned in the article did ask good questions, i.e. cost equity issues. He had concerns that more opinionated people on the board might not like or accept the answers to these questions. Issues include money and if there is an equitable system for Portland to recover some of their costs. The Bull Run is partly a financial investment and is also an emotional issue. Tigard Water District Minutes -2- March 25,2002 The City of Portland has appointed the review board mentioned in the newspaper article. Commissioner Sten has been a proponent and is sincere in listening to citizen's input. The public needs to be educated to understand the issue's pros and cons. Mr. Koellermeier indicated that all the meetings are open to the public and anyone could attend and give comments even though they were not a voting member of the board. 6. Budget Preparations Discussion Copies of the letters that were sent to the previous Budget Committee Members were included in the informational packets. Doreen Hames agreed to continue to participate as a Budget Committee Member for another term. The need for Budget Committee Members was announced at the last Citizen's Involvement Team (CIT) meeting and will be announced again at the CIT meeting next week. The time is approaching when the committee members need to be in place. Each of the board members would try to acquire one citizen to participate on the Budget Committee. Commissioner Rhine would contact David Strauss and try to involve him. 8. Informational Items Informational items were distributed for board members to read at their leisure. 9. Non Agenda Items Commissioner Froude wanted to know what plans were being made to continue conservation efforts now that the drought appeared to be over. Mr. Koellermeier stated that issue is the focal point of the Water Consortium Group. Focus would be made on keeping conservation at the forefront by maintaining a strong program. Rebate programs are planning to be introduced by the City of Tigard, i.e., citizen's who upgrade their house or landscaping to meet certain conservation measure criteria will receive a rebate toward to cost of their conservation upgrades. The conservation message will continue. 10. Set next meeting date The next meeting will be April 22, 2002. A discussion of when to reschedule the May meeting was held with May 20th or 28th as the preferred dates. 11. Adjournment Commissioner Penner motioned to adjourn the meeting, with Commissioner Froude seconding the motion. The vote was unanimous to adjourn the meeting at 7:49 p.m. Tigard Water District Minutes -3 - March 25,2002