ZIL2021-00001 71 II
City of Tigard
January 13, 2021
Attn: Ava Hernandez
662 Woodward Avenue
Detroit, MI 48226
Re: Zoning Inquiry Letter — ZIL2021-00001
11880 SW Pacific Highway;WCTM 2S101BB, Tax Lots 401, 700, and 900
Dear Ms. Hernandez,
The above-referenced properties are located in the Mixed-Use Central Business District (MU-
CBD) Zone. The properties are also located in the Tigard Downtown Plan District.
Adjacent properties to the north and west are also located in the MU-CBD Zone. Adjacent
properties to the south and east are located in the General Commercial (C-G) Zone.
For a list of allowed uses in the MU-CBD Zone, please refer to the attached table.
Without further analysis, it is uncertain whether the subject properties are in compliance with
the Community Development Code of the City of Tigard, or whether any legal
nonconforming issues exist.
Lina Smith
Assistant Planner
13125 SW Hall Blvd. • Tigard, Oregon 97223 • 503.639.4171
TTY Relay: 503.684.2772 • www.tigard-or.gov
Table 18.120.1
Commercial Zone Use Standards
Use Categories C-N C-C C-t= C-P MU-CBD MUE MUR
[1] [I] ]2] 1 and 2 1 and 2
Residential Use Category
Residential Use I R [3] R [3] 1 R [3,4] P I A A A I A IA A
Civic/Institutional Use Categories ilk- '4ititik lit Alt Aili
Basic Utilities [5] A/C A/C A/C A/C A/C A/C A/C A/C A/C A/C
Colleges P P P P A C C C C C
Community Services A A P P A C P A C C
Cultural Institutions A A A A A A A A A P
Day Care A A A A A A A A A A/C [6]
Emergency Services A A A A A A A A A P
Medical Centers C C C C C C C C C C
Postal Service A A A A A A A A A P
Religious Institutions A A A A A A A A A C
Schools P P P P A C C C C C
Social/Fraternal Clubs/Lodges A A A A A A A A A C
Tern•or. Shelter P P C P C P C C C C
Adult Entertainment P P C P P P P C P P
Animal-Related Commercial P P P P P A A P P P
Bulk Sales P P A P A/P [7] A R[8] R[9] R [9] P
Commercial Lodging P P A A A A A A A P
Custom Arts and Crafts R[10] R[10] P P R [10] P P P P P
Eating and Drinking Establishments A A A R[11] A A A A A R [12]
Indoor Entertainment A A A A A A A A A P
Major Event Entertainment P P C P C P C C P P
Motor Vehicle Sales/Rental P P A/C[13] P A/P [7] P P R[14] R[14] P
Motor Vehicle Servicing/Repair [15] C [16] C [16] A P C R[8] R[8] P P P
Non-Accessory Parking C C A A A A A A A P
Office A A A A A A A A A R[12]
Outdoor Entertainment P P A A C P P C P P
Outdoor Sales P P A P P P P P P P
Personal Services A A A A A A R [8] A R[9] R[12]
Commercial Zones 18.120-4 Code Update:4/20
Table 18.120.1
Commercial Zone Use Standards
Use Categories [1] PIC-P . [2] MUE ` MUiiiiim 2 1 and 2
Repair-Oriented Retail A A A A A A R [8] R [9] R[9] P
Sales-Oriented Retail A A A R [11] A/R[17] A/R [18] R[8] A R [9] R [12]
Self-Service Storage P P C P A/P [7] P P P P P
Vehicle Fuel Sales C C C P A/P [7] P C C C P
General Industrial P P P P P P P P P P
Heavy Industrial P P P P P P P P P P
Industrial Services P P P P P P P P P P
Light Industrial P P P P P R[15] P P R[15] P
Railroad Yards P P P P P P P P P P
Research and Development P P P P C R[14] R [14] P R[15] P
Warehouse/Freight Movement P P P P P R[14] P P R[14, 15] P
Waste-Related P P P P P P P P P P
Wholesale and E I ui•ment Rental P P P P P P P P R 14, 15 P
AMR 1111111111111111
Agriculture/Horticulture P P P P P P P P P P
Cemeteries P P P P P P P P P P
Detention Facilities P P C P C P P P P P
Heliports P P C C P P P P P P
Mining P P P P P P P P P P
Transportation/Utility Corridors A A A A A A A A A A
Wireless Communication Facilities A/R A/R A/R A/R A/R A/R A/R A/R A/R A/R
A=Allowed R=Restricted C=Conditional Use P=Prohibited
[1] See Section 18.120.040 for additional land use restrictions.
[2] Uses with drive-through services that were lawfully in existence prior to the adoption of the MU-CBD zone are allowed. All new uses with drive-
through services are prohibited.
[3] Residential uses are allowed on or above the second story of a mixed-use development where the first story contains an allowed commercial use.
Commercial Zones 18.120-5 Code Update:4/20
[4] A single detached house is allowed where it is located on the same site with an allowed or conditional use and is occupied exclusively by a caretaker
or superintendent of the allowed or conditional use.
[5] Above-ground public and private utility facilities proposed with development and underground public and private utility facilities are allowed.
Standalone above-ground public and private utility facilities not proposed with development are allowed conditionally.
[6] Family Day Care is allowed. Other Day Care uses are allowed conditionally.
[7] Uses that were lawfully in existence prior to the adoption of the MU-CBD zone are allowed. All new uses are prohibited.
[8] The maximum allowed gross floor area is 60,000 square feet per building or tenant.
[9] The maximum allowed gross floor area is 60,000 square feet per use for uses proposed after the adoption of the MUC,MUE-1, and MUE-2 zones.
[10] The maximum area allowed for production is 500 square feet per building or tenant.
[11] The maximum allowed combined area of Sales-Oriented Retail and Eating and Drinking Establishments is 20 percent of the gross floor area of the
other uses allowed by right on the premises.
[12] Uses must be within a mixed-use development. Uses may occupy a maximum of 50 percent of the total gross floor area within the mixed-use
development only when minimum residential densities are met. Properties that were zoned commercial prior to March 28, 2002 are exempt from this
requirement. These properties, or lots created from these properties, may develop as a single-use commercial development. The tax assessor map
numbers for exempt properties are as follows: 1S135AA-00400, 1S135AA-01400, 1S135AA-01900, 1S135AA-01901, 1S135DA-02000, 1S135AA-
02500, 1S135AA-02600, 1S135AA-02700, 1S135DA-01900,and 1S1DA-02000.
[13] Sales or rental of heavy vehicles or farm equipment is allowed conditionally.
[14] Uses allowed only as accessory uses to allowed uses where contained in the same structure and less than the gross floor area of the allowed use,
except for Motor Vehicle Sales/Rental which is allowed as a primary use in specific locations as provided in Subsection 18.670.020.C.
[15] All use activities must be contained inside a structure except for employee and customer parking.
[16] Only motor vehicle cleaning is allowed.
[17] The maximum allowed gross floor area is 60,000 square feet per building or tenant in all MU-CBD subareas except the 99W-Hall subarea as shown
on Map 18.650.A.
[18] The maximum allowed gross floor area is 30,000 square feet per building or tenant where the site is more than 3 acres in size. One additional square
foot of floor area is allowed for each 4 square feet of floor area occupied or designed for an allowed use other than a Sales-Oriented Retail use.
[19] See Chapter 18.450, Wireless Communication Facilities, for a description of allowed and restricted facilities.
(Ord. 20-01 §1; Ord. 18-28 §1; Ord. 18-23 §2; Ord. 17-22 §2)
Commercial Zones 18.120-6 Code Update:4/20
"MROCK I COMMERCIAL 662 Woodward Ave. (800)594-1044 TOLL FREE
Detroit.MI 48226 amrock.com/commercial
January 8, 2021
Delivery Method: Email
RE: Zoning Letter Request
Amrock Order No.: C000123761
Property Address: 11880 Southwest Pacific Highway, Tigard, OR 97223
To Whom It May Concern:
Please provide a zoning compliance letter for the property located in Tigard OR (property info listed
Property Address: 11880 Southwest Pacific Highway, Tigard, OR 97223
Parcel No.: R458212
Prepare the letter on city letterhead, sign, and include the current zoning classification, permitted uses
and that the site complies with the zoning ordinance requirements as to the following five listed criteria:
1. Area, width or depth of land as a building site for the structure;
2. Floor space area of the structure;
3. Setback of the structure from the property lines of land;
4. Height of structure;
5. Parking.
Enclosed, please find a copy of the Legal Description relative to the above-referenced matter.
This will also confirm there is no fee associated with this request. Please note, this is a time sensitive
matter and your quick response is greatly appreciated.
Please email letter to me once completed at AvaHernandez@amrock.com
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Paige Garcia at 469-610-3002 or
Ava Hernandez
Associate Commercial Closer Assistant
313-877-2447 phone I 855-455-4547 fax