Adopted Budget - FY 1940-1941 wrw -'Ar ;UGHTH AV,,gV 4R 112'.T NGS V111 BUDLA"IT ORDERS-De that Christian Sturm Leonard Gamroth C F gelliken and A L Mason electors and freeholders of the District are hereby appointed to asst with the members of this board as a ax Budget Committee, for the purposes of examining the financial status of the District and its probably needs for the enimirg fiscal yearand recommendIng to the Board a Tax Budget for such years and, that this Board now recess to await the report of said Tax Budget Co>meitte# They Board of Commissioners re-convened,, and said sax Budget Committee presented Ito report, as follows: " REPORT OF ME Teij BV.-L)0,,1 GC wjilea • To the Board of Cl ission+ere: Your Ilax budget Committee has examined the financial statue of they District and its probably needs '• for they Mouing fiscal °ear,ansa we hereby find and certify that the attached budget to a full and trues statement thereof, all as shown for the respective periods and items therein* Basted thereon,, Baur Tax Budgot Committee recommends that said budget be adopted, and that a tame to levied against all property t able for District Purposes, upon the assessment and tax rolls of this county for they year- 1941 as follows: " Debt Seam Fourteen hundred eixty dollars 1460*00 General levy: dollars AKU*U0 } ,. 3peaial Voted Aevyt dollars � Total levy: dollars toLVUV*Uu � " Respectively submitted, September 6, 29409 re rr t � 71 Memb Tax go Ree sirman TW Bud �ef commiffi; fir ✓h '' rr Zem er Tax dg#t 0 Seardtary Tax ftdgelt Committee seem ax set omm eft 11tember Tax Budget Committee mem arIttee Very err Tia %7#e--toats ear -m er sac Mlgif U a rn oR :iem er Tax W!R;t CommIffee QRDI Zj that the above report of the .fax .Budget Committees is "hereby adopted and fileda and, that a publics meeting for the discussion thereof In hereby calleed to be held within the Dietrict at Old Auditorium Tigard High Soho6h at 8 PU October 11 1940 and., the secretary is bereby directed to give legal notices of such meting* PASSED, September 6 1940. TTIG'iTi.�(Z j�1 WATER. D ra `l� TR1C TAX BUBC',1 1940 1933 1939 1959 Budget_ Budr-, lst (3 Me 2nd 6 T` Genes<_1 unc} �1-1 .,a _= 1Q-03n:.08 " ;7249.28 6 J9!!.J8 'Jatel Sales 303.70 795. 69 850,00 1-X40,00 1550.00 Instaa.lations 20.00 57'x .60 584.50 400.00 1,11iscellaneous 100.00 25.00 Bonds Sold s03U2,n=0 Taxes 1695.50 404.60 2300.09 25'_)0.00 Totals 40806.14 17302.77 911`3.38 414:0.00 ; ,ter Cost 236.95 518.44 650.JC, 1100.00 1-0 0,:- Superinteni-ent, opn) n 9.31 24.0.00 240.00 600.90 430.00 Office Llect;i.oas 240.34 46.84 50.00 200.00 100.00 Paaintenance Tools 1(?0.00 200.00 100.00 ,. isce1.1aneous 100.09 7 .58 Installations 4--rj0100 Constructions 25773,21 8501413 6900.00 :Debt - Interest 370.45 739.50 1,1179.00 1450,90 1,150.00 emergency fund 190.00 21--,38 General Vend 1'-31 14034+08 724.9228 6594-. 38 Totals 4006,14 17302.77 9113.38 41,10.00 105,14.38 ,,20,000 at 3-3/40 20,000 at 3-1/r,/,;Tot e.l 4:0.000 (11T, 4 1.t tho tq= -01m? Oros:� 0 * 00 � re " n- d'Or a acini vj�a :,.Or the x1l"I 01 G Z r v N t 010 "T 77 . k . 11, n ,�' ' 1 FOURTH SPECIAL MEETING TIGARD .,'ATER DISTRICT ' 7ASH'INGTON COtTIT�fa_ OR .CT01T TAX BUDGET 1940 1938 1939 1939 194.0 _. juidet Dudl e- iLVZ:fUlst 6 �.,'Io 2nd 6 T,,1 o Gene-r, 1 and 1-1 -- 14034.08 `1249.28 659 38 '.:.ate:c Sales 303.70 795.69 850.00 1440100 1`:30.00 Insta:i.l2..tions 20.00 5'7'i .60 584.50 400. )0 Miscellaneous 100.00 25.00 bonds Sold 403u(2.40 ,'axes 169-5.60 40x4.60 230?0.00 2300.00 Totals 40806.14 17301-1.77 93,123.36 41.40.00 105,�r^_,.38 rater Cost 236.95 518.44 650.00 1100.001 13O) .00 Superintenc.ent ( opn) /19.31 2,10.00 240.00 u00.00 430.00 Office Elec,cimis 240.14 46.84 50.00 200.00 100.00 1:1aintenance. Toole 100.00 200.00 100.00 1,1iscel.laneous 100.00 17 ,58 Inst,allatio"ns 600.00 Constructions 25773.21 6501413 6900.00 Debt - Interest 570.45 739.50 14.79.00 1450.00 1450*00 Emergency fund 190.00 21:.-.38 General Vum(1 12-31 14034.08 724.9226 6594.38 Totals 40€ 06.14 17302.77 9113.38 4140.00 105!4.36 �3Uh;DS OU'la''_` Ji'• LljG: W20,000 at 3-3/4', ;,:20,000 at 3-1/2 pppflpotal •,A40.000 L �y ,eA� ,:+�viol e BR1cl. c of 00,,a..:1.,`: y;:E.on.t7rs, Of .iw A„$,.I 3• d�Y.J k .V.J.Sit' L �� " �l i3 Countyp4. ero�i gal i}MOO lC ."C w Cz 1''C:is i; 9��y " m`)o "�.�'�� t 1;n- bzz w t3 3L ti k.TS«S 4t b 4 c�qy�s({:� c.�eiOO ppS�Lr c�A�l �Gti€ I'�ap�f.� �� �qqi, C. �i1�' tr`r����a} �C.'�i ,pw0TV ;(30 ~i k E {.l�ry.o 13�35ice C;ivon, d�.el"'! k. tat: li i s C.t S i J?��n II��S� i.a'.�„oou�»i jr on hol"OoZo cc by ..tart ho '�bov oz b-,, �' �'t "�� ��� .,"� ,x � axe reb,y cdoptod , wid, 'banod theroon,, this ho by lovior, a rzz upon all proporlty tc=able for istr t pug Awa, .;-"Or tho yo, r 1.:496 o fourtem hundred fixty doll rs for dobt ������fa:; :°�: r�§ x�� I�i��?ctireMy 1. .cam; forSon roil. purposes, a tot,wl. o t�; Ywy--5 + c c' r'1ol:' to be levied$ asucasod zmd cad lode€1 qpon Otho. tl-z roll of onid- aotalty for thho yonx 194--Oo lam, 'the1: