09/14/1955 - Minutes One: hundred sixteenth regular meeting Tigard. Water District Tigard Oregon September 14, 1955. Present:- C.L.Osborne, President, C.E.Janoe, Leonard. Redland, Sam Graham, Commissioners, J.P.Lohrenz, Supt. C.E.Wheelock Aty. Visitors, Craig Eagleson, O.K.Mowat, Carl Froude, A. Ames, and Mr. Hall. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The Superintendent J.P.Lohrenz read letters requesting water rights on the Bull Mountain system as follows:- C. Lasselle one right, H.H.Foskett five rights, L.T.Brown, one right , and A. Ames, one right. The Superintendent J.P.Lohrenz reported on the Bushnell well. He sta ed .that the well drilling companies said that the -7e. furnish the amount of water that we would require, and that the expense of running a capacity test at a minimum, cost of $250.00 would not be justifiable. The Board decided to delay action on this well until other possibilities are investigated. Sam Graham moved and C.E.Janoe seconded that the Superintendent make the same tests on Dr. H.H.Foskettts well that were made on the Bushnell well. Also that the Superintendent be authorized to run a capacity test on the Foskett well if the analysis of the water from the well tested satisfactory. The motion carried. Sam Graham moved and C.E.Janoe seconded that Greg Eaglison's property be connected to the Bull Mountain Water System, upon payment of $500.00, plus the usual meter charge, which connection shall be on a temporary basis, and Resolved: that if any of the 50 original rights be not subscribed for by October 1,1955 as per resolution of the Commissioners at their August 1955 meet- ing, that Creig Eagleson, be the owner of such permanent right, and:- Resolved, that if all rights be subscribed for by October 1, 1955, that Creig Eagleson connection be continued on a temp- orary basis until such time as all subscriptions to said system are actual water users, unless by said date the facilities upon said system be expanded to provide for more than 50 users, and, Resolved: that at the time the facilities on said system be expand*. ed, so as to provide for more than 50 users that said connection shall in any event become permanent, and. Resolved: that if the temporary service be discontinued under the this resolution, that the deposit of $500.00 be refunded. The motion carried. The Attorney C.E.Wheelock , stated to the Board, that at the present meter connection charge of $60.00, that the District is losing money. After sume discussion Sam Graham moved and Leonard Nodland seconded that beginning January 1 , 1956, that the meter connection charge shall be $70.00. The motion carried. By unamous consent of the Board the President C.L.Osborne gave the Supt. authority to negotiate with the Portland General Electric Company regarding their offer of p215.00 for the power line to Well # 2, for which the Tigard Water District paid for. Also to grant an easement to the Portland General Electric Co. for the pole nearest the well, which pole is on the property of the Tigard Water District. Continuitation of the minutes of September 14, 1955 C.E,Janoe moved and Sam Graham seconded that the Clerk be authorized to hire Ernest H. Masters Public Accountat of Beaverton Oregon to mske the annual audit of the accounting books. The motion carried. The President C.L.Osborne instructed the Clerk to write a letter to Mr Bushnell about the delay in the acceptance of his_proposition conserninig his well. Also to write a letter to g.J.Carter Hydrolic Engineer, inviting him to attend the next meeting of the Board October 12, 1955, to talk over the problems relative to him becoming our engineer. C.E.Janoe moved and Leonard Nodland seconded that the bills be paid as listed after correction. The motion carried. C.E.Janoe moved and Sam Graham seconded that the meeting adjourn. The motion carried. 4 President Clerkieid4eaa*A-4/- Checks to approved for payment at the regular meeting of the Commissioners September 14, 1955 Check Name Purpose Amount A510 Knauss Chevrolet New truck 1337.00 2511 Vern Lesh RuliMountain Share Fund 124.15 2512 Arthur G. Ames " n n 2 shares 24$.41 2513 L.T.Brown n if " 124.23 2514 H.LDavidson " n " 124.23 2515 Carl Froude " n if 124.23 2516 V.D.Gooley " n n 124.23 2517 Dr. W.F.Weeks " n n 124.22 251$ M.S.koppmans n n n 124.21 2519 Ronald McCreight n n n 124.21 2520 0.K.Mowat n if ft 124.21 2521 C.W.Rider " n n 124.21 2522 M.B.Strayer n n n 124.21 2523 E.C.Stricken n n n 124.21 "" 2524 D.K.Varner n n " 124.21 2525 Cyril Wilson n n n 124.21 2526Beatrice Zednick n " n 2$ shares 513 .77 2527 Art Vincent if n n 124.19 252$ A.B.Carlton n n " 124.19 2529 Courtney Lasselle n " If 124.19 2530 T,P.G.Price " " If 124.19 2531 W.T.Woerner n " " 124.1 -- 2532 Dr. H.H.Foskett n n " 40 shares 620.$ 2533 Dicks Trailer Shop Rear bumper for new trubk, etc. 74.00 2534 Neptune Meter Co. Meters and Parts 279.67 2535 NIne T Nine Service Gas for truck 21.12 2536 Cascade Construction Co. Black top 15.67 2537 Knauss Chev. Co Gas for truck 4.20 253$ Pacific Water Works Parts, plastic pipe, etc. 14$.79 2539 Pacific Stationery Co Paper and supplies 14.10 2540 Pub. Emp. Retire Board S.S.Expense 1.71 2541 Lewins Addressing Service Addressing, new plates etc. 65.06 2542 Charlton Labortories Water testing from Bushnell 's well 15.00 2543 Port. Gen. Elec. Co Electric power 240.67 2544 William J.West Leak report 1.00 2545 R.A.Stone Leak report 1.00 2546 H.B.Lucas Leak report 1.00 2547 Super Ette Mkt Collection Commission 21.27 254$ E.M.Propst Salary $1.00 2549 J.P.Lohrenz Salary 300.04 2550 H.i:T.Propst Salary 10.00, Labor 2$.50, Expense 1566 50.29 2551 J.P.Lohrenz Telephone 20.57 2552 J.P.Lohrenz License for truck 3 .00 2553 State Accid. Comm. Insurance 7.53 2554 Pub. Emp. Retire.Board S.S. 1$.34 2555 Was. Say. & Loan Bank Savings 400.00 2556 Ditto Maintenance 200.00 '`r One hundred sixteenth regular meeting Tigard Water District Tigard Oregon September 14, 1955. Present:- C.L.Osborne, President, C.E.Janoe, Leonard Nodland, Sam Graham, Commissioners, J.P.Lohrenz, Supt. C.E.Wheelock Aty. Visitors, raig Eagleson, O.K.Mowat, Carl Froude, A. Ames, and Mr. Hall. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The Superintendent J.P.L©hrenz read letters requesting water rights on the Bull Mountain system as follows:- C. Lasselle one right, H.H.Foskett five rights, L.T.Brown, one right , and A. Ames, one right. The Superintendent J. .Lohrenz reported on the Bushnell well. He stated that the well drilling companies said that the well would not furnish the amount of water that we would require, and that the expense of running a capacity test at a minimum cost of $250.0O would not be justifiable. The Board decided to delay action on this well until other possibilities are investigated. Sam Graham moved and C.E.Janoe seconded that the Superintendent make the same tests on Dr. H.H.Foskett's well that were made on the Bushnell well. Also that the Superintendent be aut-prized • to run a capacity test on the Foskett well if the analysis of the water from the well tested satisfactory. The motion carried. The resident C.L.Usborne instructed the Clerk to write a letter to Mr Bushnell about the delay in the acceptance of his proposition conserninig his well. Also to write a letter to J.J.Carter Hydrolic Engineer, inviting him to attend the next meeting of the Board October 12, 1955, to talk over the problems relative to him becoming our engineer. C.E.Janoe moved and Leonard Nodland seconded that the bills be paid as listed after correction. The motion carried. C.E.Janoe moved and Sam Graham seconded that the meeting adjourn. The motion carried. :'resident Clerk