02/08/1956 - Minutes One Hundred Twenty First Regular Meeting
Tigard Water District
Tigard Oregon
February $, 1956
Present, Leonard Nodland, President, C.E.Janoe, Sam Graham, A.J.
Chevez, F.K.Held, Commissioners, J.P.Lohrenz, Supt.
The meeting was opened in the regular manner by the President.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
C.E.Janoe moved and A.J.Chevz seconded that F.K.Held be appointed
as Commissioner to fill out the unexpired term of D.W.Proebstel,
which is one year. The motion carried.
C.E.Janoe moved and Sam Graham seconded that the Superintendent J.
P. Lohrenz attend the Water Operators Short School at Corvallis
Oregon, with his expenses paid. The motion carried.
C.E.Janoe moved and Sam Graham seconded that the meeting night of
the Board be changed from the second Wednesday of each month to the
second Tuesday of each month. Also that a notice of this change be
published in both local papers. The motion carried.
C.E.Janoe moved and F.K.Held seconded that the Superintendents re-
quest for a 420,00 per month increase in salary be granrtld. This
increase makes his total salary per month 4350.00. Also that he
is still on time basis. The motion carried.
A.J.Chevz moved and Sam Graham seconded that the bills be paid as
listed. The motion carried.
C.E.ganoe moved and Sam Graham seconded that the meeting adjourn.
The motion carried.
President � ", Secreta i2
Statement of Income and Expense
,.. Tigard i,iater District
Tigard Oregon
For the Month of January 1956
Jan . Dec. Total
1956 1955 to
--........---.... ...--.............--......-__-_-__-_-----.......-
eater 109.57 1586.31 13145.57
Meter Installations 450,00 1175.00 ?,437.60
Tax Money Received 776.45 132.30 1499.92
Check 5ervics - - 121•II
Tztal Income 2836 .02 2893.61 23205.07
,.,[ TING
Suot. Salary & Labor 314.00 292.75 2288.59
Supplies & Expense 48.63 197.59 236.85
Meters Purchased -51.04 115.28 556.27
Electric Power 155.63 149.74 1224.26
Truck ;)peration 17.86 17.98 969.28
Accident Insurance -.1..0.54 3.65 24.63
Filbert Orchard -19.94 5.82 -19,94
Indemity Insurance . . 210.77
Leak kteport 5 1.00 5.00
Water Testing - 5 15.00
Hall Rent - 25.00 '7.5.00
Repairs on Sump ; up - 8.00 8.00
Insurcince on Tools . 2.42 16.11
Total 0peratin3 Expense 464.65 S19.23 5559.
Clerks Salary 10.00 10.00 70.00
Collection Commission 19.04 17.22 151.84
Office Supplies and Exc;ense 52.60 32.44 542.61
Telephone Expanse 23.50 24.62 174.14
Attorney Fees - . 235.54
Accountants Fees - - 175.00
Interzst Expense on Bonds - - 692.50
Hank Fees on limas - - 20.52
Election Expense - 6.72 44.42
Cash over and Short - .90 .90
Social Security 8.69 8.60 69.66
Book Keepers Salary 90.00 90.00 630.00
Bad Debts 26.25 - 28.2i
Total Administrative Expense 232.08 190.50 2835.3o
Total Operating Expense 464.65 819.23 5559. 2
... Total Administrative Expense 2)2.08 190. 0 28”.121
Total Expense 696.73 100.73 8395.20
Total Income 2836.02 2893.61 23205.04 1
Less Total Expense 69121 100k73 8)4 20
Gain in seven months 213g-.-29 103-;88 14840 ' . .
Receipts and Disbursements
.... Tigard Water District
Tigard Oregon
For the Month of February 1956.
Cash in the Bank February 1, 1956 12363.96
Deposited during February 1956 9..82
Less checks charged by the Bank during the Month 2123.69
Balance in the Bank , t the end of the Month. 12732.25
There were no out standing checks
Available for the payment of bills 12732.25
'Aater charges for te Month of February 1956 1678.53
Cubic feet of water sold during February 1956 468445 v"
Renters deposit balance 252.00
6avings account balance 2898.30
Maintenance account balance 3934.83
bull MountAll inprovement fund balance 5250.00
Feb - : a1
1: /
Acct. Name P st
2 Bill
64-239 B.Halvaraon 5.68 2.75 8
163-635 A.3chu1s 9.41 3 .38 12.79
211-170 D.B.CampbeIl 4.2Q 2.00 6.20
216-247 C.R.Wilkie 4.00 2.00 6.00
227-143 P.We1do 4.72 2.48 7.20
292-110 C.F.Wash 6.00 - 6.00
347-399 M.0.3hattuck 4.38 2.30
383-191 0.Lewis 8.1i 4.16 12.26
394-7E,- L.Henry 4.98 2.25 7.23 .v
430-197 J.W.Kincsid 6.18 2.10 8.28
438-72 J.J .heiter 4.00 2.00 6.00
439-73 i".Heintz 4.00 2.00 6.00 -
448-567 Tigard Asemembly of God 12.26 3.90 16. 16 v/
462-147 'A.J.'test 5.35 2.75 8.10 -./
480-414 V.A.Linderman 4.00 2.0J 6.00
957-268 L.T.Ingerbrand 5.62 2.50 8.12
1029-400 ii.L,riorc kert 4.0Y) 2.00 t1.12
1049-393 'o;..J.Frederick 4.15 2.30 6.45 ''''''
1228-212 K.F.Mutschler 4.00 2.00 6.00 ---'
' 1331-450 H.Nodland 4.00 2.00 6.00
1482-324 J. un1ap 7.46 2.00 9.46
1493-405 J.k.hord 6. 51 3.20 9.71/
1521-6o H. .Landia 8.00 4. 58 12.58 ,/
1562-4(4 t.A.Maynard 7.48 2.35 9.83 ,,,-,
Tigard Water District
Tigard Oregon
Checks to be approved for payment at the regular
meeting of the Commissioners February 5, 1956
Check Payee Purpose
2656 Pacific Stationery Co. Stationery 12.10
2657 Port. Gen. Electric Co. Power 155.65
265$ Super Etta Market Clooection Commission 19.04
2659 Lewin's Addressing Service Addressing 16.60
2660 Pacific Water Works Supply Co. Pipe fittings etc. 95.77
" 2661 Pub.Empl. Retitement Board Social Security 17.3$
2662 E.M.Propst Salary $0.10
2663 H.M.Propst Salary 10.00, Labor 4.50
Misc. 25.30 3$.49
2664 J.P.Lohrenz Salary 296.4$
2665 E.M.Fosler Refund for aver paying a
water bill. He has moved
away 2.00
2666 J.P.Lohrenz Telephone, postage and
Money orders 22.10
2667 Setnikers Shell Service Gas for truck 17.$6
2665 Wash. Savings and Loan Bank Savings account 400.00
2669 Was. Savings and Loan Bank Maintenance Fend 200.00
For February 1956
Tigrd miter District
Ti :: rd Oregon
Meter Name Meter Material Labor Total Amount
Cast Cost Cost Cost Paid
699 Otis Gage1 25.52 25.73 11 .25 6 .50 60.00
70: "rthur Ames 25. 52 17.89 12.25 55.56 70.;)0
704 h.1i.Foskett 107.33 26.67 1t,.00 150.0'7; 150.00
711 John 3ohwartz 25.52 14.36 4.00 43 .8.41 60.00
715 F.K.Held 25. 52 13 .69 6.,:k 45. 1 70.00
716 F.1held 25.32 31. 8 11.00 68.40 70.0
717 Aloys . chu1z 25.52 11 . 55 10.75 52. 2 70.00
260.45 146.77 71.25 478.47 550.00
At the present time, we have no way to gt water from one
tank to the other in caseone of the pumps failed. We snould be
prepared, so water could be drawn from the mains and pumped into
the one that is out. If Well 2 went out, we ,,:ould not be able
to supply the Bull WAintain area with water.
If connectins like the illu,Atration below were made in the supply
lines from each tank .)e..fore they enter the mains, so a 7ortatle
pump could be connect0d, .wtet could be pumped int either tank.
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