10/24/1949 - Minutes Minutes of Special Meeting of Tigard Water Board
A special meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Tigard Water
District was held at the Tigard Grade Sohool on Mendsq evening, October 24,
1840, at the hour of 8 o'clock p.m. Tho meeting was Balled for the purpose
of canvassing the vote of the electors of the Tigard Water District at an
election held to authorise the Tigard mater District, by and through its Board
of Commissioners, to issue, offer for sale, aad sell, $20,000.00, general
obligation bonds of Tigard Water District, for the purpose of extending, en-
larging, and improving the water system of the District. Presents Chairman
Cook, end Commissioners Selliken, Beals, Boennighausen and Lohrens.
At the hour of 8 o'olook p.m., the judges of the election having officially
declared the ballot closed, the ballot box was opened and the vote canvassed
with the following results
In favor of the proposed bond issue, 34 votess
Against the proposed bond issue, 2 votes.
The chairman declared that the electors had, by their vote at tlieapeeial
election, authorized the Tigard Water District to issue, offer for sale and sell
$20,000.00 general obligation bonds.
The chairman annoumoed that it vas difficult for him to use the services
of Yrs. Nelson, clerk of the Board, for the reason that she is a resident of
Metzger and unacquainted with problems affecting the Tigard Water Distriot and
its water users. He recommended that the Board terminate her services and
s•leot a new clerk to serve in her stead.
It was moved, seconded and carried that Mrs. Nelson be relieved from her
duties as clerk of the Board and that she be tendered a payment of 426.00 for
her services to date.
It was moved, seconded and carried that Mrs. George Leslie be employed as
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clerk of the Board, and that she be paid $1.00 par hour for her sarvioes until
such tine as the Board shall have had an opportunity to re-evaluate her services.
Upon motion duly seconded and oarried, the as ing adjourned.
Harold Le Cook, Chairman.
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