12/20/1956 - Minutes _,
December 20 1956
Present, Leonard L.Nodland President, C.E.Janoe, Sam Graham, A.J.
Chavez, Commissioners, and J.F.Lohrenz Supt.
The purpose of the special meeting 14as to discuss details regarding
insurance on the building, and matters pertaining to the Center.
The meeting was called to order by the President in the usual manner.
A.J.Chavez moved and Sam Graham seconded that Art Vincent & Co. be
appointed as Insurance Agent of Reccord of the Tigard Water District.
They are to keep the policies in force, keep the Board informed on
the policies and all matters pertaining to them. Also the Above named
Company is to pro fate the insurance to other Insurance Agents of the
Tigard local area. The motion carried.
A motion was made by C.E.Janoe and seconded by Sam Graham, that a
seperate set of books be kept for the accounting of the Tigard
Community Center. Also that reports of the activities be given to
the Board of the Tigard Water District, along with the reports of the
Tigard dater District. Also the Board of the Tigard Water District
shall approve the checks of the Tigard Community Center for payment
of the expense of the Center. The motion carried.
The Board agreed that the minimum rate for rental of the Tigard
Community Center shall be $5.00.
It was agreed by the Board that a committee be selected from the
different organizations of the Tigard area to promote and manage the
activities of the Center. C. E. Janoe is to see that the Committee
is selected.
C .E.Janoe moved and A.J.Chevez seconded that a special meeting be
held on January 3 , 1957 at 7.30 Otclock at the office and that Art
Vincent and J.L.Fredrieasen be invited to attend. The purpose of the
special meeting is to go over the insurance program of the District.
The motion carried.
C.E.Janoe moved and Sam Graham seconded that the meeting adjourn.
The motion carried.
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