12/14/1955 - Minutes One Hundred ) iineteenth Regular Meeting
Tigard Water District
Tigard, Oregon
December 14, 1955
Present, C.L.Osborne, President, Leonard Nodland, C.E.Janoe, Sam Graham,
Commissioners, J.P.Lohrenz Supt, . and A.J.Chavez.
The meeting was opened in the regular manner by the President.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
C.E.Janoe moved and Leonard Nodland seconded that the Supt. place an
order for 100 meters. It is understood that payment on them is to be
made on lots as picked up by the Superintendent. The motion carried.
'"' C.E.Janoe moved and Leonard Nodland seconded that the Superintendent
purchase material not to exceed $ 50.00, to build a shed at his home
to house the Districts truck. The motion carried.
A motion was made by C.E.Janoe and seconded by Sam Graham that the hour
for the December 14, 1955 meeting of the Board be changed from 7 o'clock
P.M. to 5-30 O'clock P.M. since a majority of the Commissioners were
not able to attend at 7 o'clokk P.M. Also that each member of the Board
wave his right of receiving advance notice of above change. The motion
A motion was made by Leonard Nodland and seconded by C.E.Janoe that
$ 2713.02 be with drawn from the Bond Savings Account after January 1,
1956 and deposited in the General Fund to replace the above amount
expended in the payment of the first issue bonds # 13 & 14, including
interest and expense. The motion carried.
C.E.Janoe moved and Leonard Nodland seconded that the Superintendent
be given authority to purchase tools needed in the operation of his
work for the District up to and including $ 50.00 with out first
securing permission from the Board. The motion carried.
Sam Graham moved and C.E.Janoe seconded that the bills be paid as listed.
The motion carried.
Sam Graham moved and Leonard Nodland seconded that the meeting adjourn.
The motion carried.
President 4 ��
<° Sec.
Balance Sheet
Tigard :.; ater District
Tigard Oregon
As of November 1, 1955
Cash in rk 10.552.1e
Change Fund 25.00
Accounts Receivable 2072.22
Inventory of Supplies 1900.20
Funds Held in Trust ( Renters Derosits ) 277.00
Savings Account Fund 4811.32
Maintenance end Improvement Fund 3534.83
Hull Mountain Improvement Fund 4500.00
Lend or Breeze Hill 2120.75
e114i1 and Equipment 17417.52
vell Y2 and ..nuihment 14362.06
Land on Commercial street ( Fire Hall 0 2276.50
Bull Mountain and Extension and .quipment 15348.24
New Tank at Well #2 19522.64
ripe Lines 105299.92
Truck 2206.25
Toole 714.80
Office Lquipment 626.0
TOt91 ii99Ptg 207567646
Unpaid gcs 307.85
Aate Tax 'tath held 14.00
Federal Ta with held ”.20
Accounts Fayable 3783.83
ut Jtanding Bonds
1 st. ISAAC) 2600000
2 nd. Issue 00.00
Trust Fund ( Renters Deposits ) 277.00
4urplus &,s of November 1, 1955 152358.67
Gain for the Period u;) to November 3. 55 10770.911 161406,.A
. Total Liabilities and oto
2075L7.4 )'
Checks to be approved for payment at the regular meeting of
the Commissioners December 14, 1955
Check Name Purpose Amount
2602 Port. Gen. Elec. Co. Power 143.09
2603 Super-Ette-Market Collection commission 20.65
2604 Pub. Emp. Ret. Board S.S.Expense 1.62
2605 U.S.National Bank Bonds and expense 2713.02
2606 J.P.Lohrenz Tel for Oct. 25.06
2607 Lewins Addressing Ser. Addressing 13.40
260$ The Printed Bag Ballots $.$5
2609 Tigard Lumber Co. Lamps 3.97
2610 Pacific Stationery Stationery 11.60
2611 Binkley Constr. Co. Refund on meter installation 160.00
2612 J.P.Lohrenz Nov. tel. bill 25.06
2613 The Pennzoil Co. Oil for machinery 30.00
2614 Neptune Meter Co. Meets 150.51
2615 Art V incent Co. Ins. on tools ,13.69
2616 C.R.Hadley Co. Bills and ledger sheets 230.21
2617 H.M.Propst Salary 10.00, Labor 10.50
expense 17.435.52
261$ E.M.Propst Salary 76.90
2619 J.P.Lohrenz. Salary 299.7$
2620 Pub. Emp. Ret. Board Social Security 17.62
2621 Gladis Meyer Election clerk 9.00
2622 Catherine Salmon Election clerk 9.00
2623 F.M.Frewing Election clerk 9.00
2624 Dicks Trailer Shop Tool box for truck 30.00
2625 G.F.Foster Gas for truck 26.63
2626 Brooks Products Meter Boxes 22.50
2627 Wash. Say. & Loan Savings 400.00
262$ Ditto Maintenance 200.00
2629 J.O.Johnson Hall rent 5.00
Total of checks 4b91.b8
Statement of Income and Exrense
0...- Tigard ',4ter District
Tigard Oregon
For the month of November 1955
Nov. Oct. Total
1955 1955 to
Date .
'eater 1686.1'= 1628.88 9949,72
Meter Installations 240.00 1545.00 6812.60
Taxes 59.67 94.00 591.17
Check 'iervice . - 121.9
Totel Receirts ' 19P,5.P$ )767.1.T17475.47
Operatin F,xense
Supt. alary and Labor 334.50 300.75 1681.84
3upplies and iocrense 1292.67 -1737.71 -9.37
Meters 7urchased 1.7 .99 152.80 492.03
Electric Power 143 .00 15:7.10 911.84
Truck peraticm 26.63 21 .05 933 .44
Accidsult Insurance -. 54 .42 21 .52
Filbert Orchard - - 5.00
Indemnity Insurance - 7=10.77 210.77
Leak 11,1;iorts - - 4.00
atx Testing - - 15.00
Hall dent 5.00 - 5.00
Insur race on Tools 13 .69 . . - 442,
Total. operating Expense 1A0.03 -498.40 4291.7o
AdmillistrPtive Lx*ense
Clerks '3alary 10.00 10.00 50.00
Collection Commission 20.65 22.94 115.58
'ATice Surplies and .,(nense 268.31 30.01 457.57
Telerthone Axpense 52.62 2. 50 162.02
Attorney Fees - _ 235.54
Accountants Fw.23 - - 175.00
IntercTt f4pense on Bonds 692.50 - 697.50
Bank Fees on Bonds 20.52 - 20.52
Election EJcpense 37.70 .. 37.70
Jocial iacurity xTense 10.43 8.80 52.37
Book Keepers Salary 90.00 90.00 . , 450.00Ad
TotalAdministrative i4pense 1202.73 164.25 2412.80
Total ,, perating Exense 1940.03 -48.40 491.76
Total administrative Ex: ense 1202.73 164 .25 2412.'10
Total Expense 314 .76 -334.15 6704.56
Total Income 1985.:-5 3267.88 17473.47
Less Total Lx7-Aanse 3142.76 -3P1'.15 672.4.151.
Net Gain or Loss for the ' eriod -1156.91 3602.0) 10770.91
Receipts and Disbursements
Tigard Water District
Tigard Oregon
For the month of December 1955.
Cash in the Bank December 1 1955 10656.27
Deposits durtng the month of December 1955 _ 3082.44_
Total 13738.71
Less checks charged by the Bank during the month MI:8#
lance in the Bank at the end of the month
Out Standing Checks.
2611 Binkley Cons. Co. 160.00
2629 J.O.Johnneon 5.00
Less out stnding checks 165.00
balance available for paying bills 8656.07
1; nter charges for we month of December 1955 1583.82
Cubic feet of water sold during the month of December 1955 418455 w'
Renters deposit balance 277.00
Savings account balance 4811.32
Maintenance fund balance 3534.83
Bull Mountain improvement fund 4500.00
Delinquent Accunts
Previous This Total
Aesti Bials
46-32 U.L.Hovard 4.18 2.00 6.10
111-533 R.Binkley 5.16 2.23 7.39
21U-97 . .Lodges 6.71 3.22 9.93
241-294 I.G.Whittaer 5.74 2.00 7.74
356-371 J.. .Gedrose 4.00 2.00 6.00
370...152 G.H.Heintz 4.00 2.00 6.00
383.191 U.Lewis 7.75 3.82 11.57
394-76 L.Henry 4.60 2.40 7.00
495-154 J. k.Riverman 6.00 2.00 8.00
563-359 J.R.Baldwin 4-.00 2.00 6.00
641-380 R.W.Ingulla 4.13 2.00 6.13
686-666 T.H.Hoppe 20.74 4.16 24.90
928-340 G.Brelin 4.43 2.00 6.43
1008-534 Tigrd Golf Ball Co. 9.98 3.55 13.53
1049-393 “A.J.Fredrick 4.43 2.00 6.43
1149-223 D.3inger 5.55 2.40 7.95
1434-274 F.Twiss 4.00 2.00 6.00
1441-23 Iti1.ey App. & T.V. 6.00 2.60 8.60
1461-293 L.D. Elliott 5.40 2.33 7.73
1521-66 H.H.Landis 9.66 3.98 13.64
1525-70 H.Abernathy 4.30 2.05 6.35
Meter Installations
Acct. N.,;14e Mater- Meter Labor Total
ial Cost
700 4obert Fielding 25.52 27.04 11.25 60.00
701 Wayne Knauss 53 .50 19.80 6.00 79.30
703 John Scheckla 25.52 26.91 8.00 60.43
705 John Plieth 25.52 12.12 6.00 14.3.64
708 Jack Godwin 15152 6,00 J04
Amr 707, 34/'