12/09/1953 - Minutes One Hundreth. and Twelveth Regular Meeting
Tigard Water District
December 9, 1953
Present:- D.W.Proebstel, President, C.L.Osborne, C.E.Janoe, Darwin
Shinn, H.J.Heffron Commissioners, J.P.Lohrenz.. Supt. , C .E.Wheelock
Attorney, Engineer Mac Entyre and his assistant.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read corrected and approved,
Engineer Mac Entyre reported that the approximate cost of a 200,000 tyed
steel or concrete tank wouldbe p200000
C.L.Osborne moved and Darwin Shinn seconded that Mr. MacEntyre prepare
alternate plans and specifications on a steel and concrete 200,000
gallon tank, so that bids can obtained on its construction. The
motion carried.
C.E.Janoe moved and C.L.Osborne seconded that MacEntyre get approval
44410.- from the State Health Office for the construction of the tank. The
motion carried. ',
C.L.Osborne moved and C.E.Janoe seconded that the bills be paid as
listed. The motion carried.
C.L.Osborne moved and C.E.Janoe seconded that the Tigard Water Distrit
make application for Social Security coverage for its employes. The
Sec. is to make out the necessary forms for the application. The
motion carried.
H.J.Heffron moved and C.E.Janoe seconded that adjustment be made on
the water bill of E.A.Woodard account number 22 and the same charged
to allowances on water bills. The motionc carried.
C.L.Osborne moved and C.E.Janoe seconded that we with draw from the
savings account, the last two bond payments, which were not with drawn
and deposit them in the general fund. The total of the two payments
is 3617.39. The motion carried.
As there was no futher business C.L.Osborne moved and C .E.Janoe
seconded that the meeting adjourn. The motion carried.
President. - --- Sec.;),/ ,21-7
Statement of Income and lixpense
Tigard *ater ostrict
For the lAonth of Noveiber 1953
November Oct. Totalto
1953 ,..,, DO* .
a er 1421.53 1583.87 9741.16
Meter Installations 60.00 - 510.00
Taxes from 0ounty 72.43 - 479.00
Check :iervice - . 9.50
illowancee on Water Bills ' 49.0 t.) ,
1513. 4- 1583 .8/ lc- 9. /0
amtraqp: L .4, 8*
supt. :- ! ary and Labor 324.00 306.00 1599.(j0
Jupplies anis Lxpensti 20.57 52.21 161.37
Meters ?urchaoed -17.00 - .1.70.61
Electric Power 142.5L 142.90 839.43
Truck Operoton 24.15 10.90 100.61
tate Accident ins. 6.63 -.27 16.76
;ndeninty Insurance - 17 .63 173 .63
Leak ::eports 1.00 . 6.00
.epaire '-ell ;) 1. - - 865.05
APpeire Bull. 1.4,ount. Tank - - 38.62
'iepaira r-41 Truck
. .,,,,, .... 100.26
Total oi., ttng rinse . iY . 9' ' 15.37 3730. 75
itdministrative 4yenae ,
C. 3alary f0.00 80.:.%0 400.00
iollection L4:,)t-diii. .sion 18.44 19.62 100.48
ffice :Aipplles 14.29 23.75 253.75
Telephone ,-,,.'-
4, i7
To7.4 12. 6
inte„rest exoinoe on fonds 776. 5 - 776.25
. ank eeeo on -Lnds :11.14 - 21.14
Llection expense 41400 - 41.00
CeoWever, and short -.10 -.8° .
taladMinisbmtive expense 953.69 124.81 16044".
Total operating expense 501.89 6,15.37 3730.25
iota' administrative expense _ 951,49 12441 1604,g_
Total expense 1455.58 A0.18 5334.
Total Income 1513.71 1583.87 10689.70
Less total exense ...litkiV 810.18 .
Gain for the period . .., •7'.1. 9 ' ' . ;; '
Cash Receipts and Disbursements
Tigard hater District
For the Month of Dec , ber 1953
Cash in the bank Jecember 1, 953 A79.58
Deposited during December 1953 18 62
4 .
Lees checks charged by the bank in December 1953
-- ia*
Bank balance December 31, 1353 if
There were no out standing checks
Available for the payment of the December bills 8249.79
ater charges of the Konth of December 1953 1377.43
Cubic feet of vater a0.d during December 353,640
lienters de:osit balance 267. 0
:iavings account balance e833 .90
Yaintenance fund bel.u4ce 2614.14
Delinouent accounts
Name Account Dellnk, This Total
Numbe* Amt. i,:onth
Doherty lisrdware Co. q 41 6.00 2.00 8.00
H .P .Landia `,Irt4 66
,. , 10.65 3.55 14. 20
John Payne 940 fit 7.35 5.25 12,60
,E1-ul ''41do 14,31.4v- 8.91 2.63 11.54
J., :Atari:mann 154 4.4e 2.00 6.48
Mrs. 0, 6utton 15t 13.93 2.13 16 06
E.J. are 170 4.43 2.0C 6443
George Lewis 191 7.06 2.20 9.26
John F. Hood 204 . 4.93 2.00 6.93
Dave :iiner U31 4.41 2.70 7.31
X. .rZeilson 217 6.61 2.00 8.61
Otto 0. Bayless VW, 6.23 2.93 9.16
,0.itazal 299 5.63 2.90 8.53
1ia1, 11 C. Millis 302 10.12
Mina Aeber 404 4.00 2.O 6.00
E. Gmin 457! 5.56 2.r.15 8,41
.9.1ilankenshir, 5O2 ' 7.25 2.40
F.L'.0berhaus 53; 6.03 2. )
.,ussell Hinkley 533 6.46 3.20 10.%
TigArd Golf Co. C34 6.71 3.53 10.24
Aont V. Eahling 4g7 13.75 1,. .75
Meter Installations
Time Acct. ','Attt,r Mater L:A,or Total
L. ial
_____ .__.
James Alock 578 17.00 14.05 8.00 39.05
0.J.k;ckert 579 17.00 17.68 8.99 42.68
34.00 !i.75 16.00 61.73
Bills to be acproved for payment at the regnlAr meeting of
the Commissioners January 13, 1954.
‘.;heck i'ayee ur ) II 4%mount
1992 Lowin9r, Addressograph co. kddresing 12.56
1993 Aaper . Ate - Market Collection • en , 16.11
1994 Tigard Lumber Co Bit and tap etc. $.04
1995 ruris 3ervice Gas 18.19
1996 Fortland General :11.41c. Co. Fewer 134.90
1997 Masters and Briggs Audit 200.30
199$ Neptune Meter Co. .0ogist,r Boxes 10.80
1999 ,-'acific ', ater :,12J,., Co. ( a1v. wiAt 3.84
2000 J. .Lohrenz )alary 281.14
2;;01 . '. ro-st Jalary 79.23
2002 ,tete T'..x Conziniszt n Tax payment 11.76
2003 U. .Collector of 4tev. ra. payment 46.90
294 Industrial ,',ccid. C . Lneurance 4.06
2u05 h . rr)ost ,..x )ens. 24.23
2. 6 ash. 4vings ., Loan Bank ,aving. 4V)... 0
2007 0a4h. Savings & Loan 13k Maintenance 200.00
21,C8 J. . or.rent .4.111 and phone calls 2.50
Is409 4&-tvatt,-.4 .--Cr's-edi
34e eamili ....am.••••00••••JMN..••
0.1,- -1-4160
/lA 3-1;0 7
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