06/08/1955 - Minutes One Hundred Thirtieth Regular Meeting
Tigard Water District
Tigard Oregon
June $ th. 1955
Present, C.L.Osborne, President, H.J.Heffron, Leonard L.Nodland,
D.W.Proebstel, C.E.Janoe, Commissioners, J.P.Lohrenz, Supt. and
C.E.Wheelock Atty.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
J.P.Lohrenz read a report by Engineer, Mr. Carter on the approximate
cost of the water distribution system in Mr. Bushnell's distric$.
C.E.Wheelock stated that the election for annexation of the district
adjacent to Fonner Road will be held July 1$, j55.
C.E.Janoe moved and D.W.Proebstel seconded that the Tigard Water
District will pay the difference between the cost of approximately
five hundred seventy five feet (575 feet) of two inch and four inch
pipeon the Sam Graham pipe line. The Board previously approved a
two inch line but afterwars thought it better to install the four
inch pipe. The motion carried.
C.E.Janoe moved and Leonard L.Nodland seconded that the Supt. purchase-
a three thousand dollar (3000.00) stock pile of four and six inch
pipe and fittings. The above to be delivered from suppliers car
loads or from his stock which ever is cheaper. The motion carried.
The President, C.L.Osborne read a letter of resignation from the
Treasurer H.J.Heffron. After some discussion, D.W.Proebstel moved
and C.E.Janoe seconded, that since H.J.Heffron is moving out of the
District, that his resignation be accepted. The motion carried.
C.E.Janoe moved and D.W.Proebstel seconded that the officers of the
Board, be elected in rotation, the same as in the
past. The motion
Leonard L.Nodland was nominated for Treasurer. D.W.Proebstel moved
and C.E.Janoe seconded that the nominations be closed and the Sec.
°�- cast a unanimous vote for Leonard L.Nodland as Treasurer for the
balance of the year. The motion carried.
D.W.Proebstel was nominated for Secretary. C.E.Janoe moved and
Leonard L. Nodland seconded that the nominations be closed and the
Sec. cast a unanimous vote for D.W; Proebstel as Secretary for the
balance of the year.Tthe motion carried.
A Budget Committe was selected consisting of K.KRutherford, George
Bullion, H.J.Heffron, Sam Graham and H.M.Propst. The Committee is
to meet June 15 th. 1955 at $ o'clock P.M. at the Town Hall.
The President C.L.Osborne stated that during the summer months that
the Baord meetings will be held at $ o'clock P.M.
C.E.Janoe moved and D.W.Proebstel seconded that a water meter be in-
stalled on the fire house property. No charge is to be made for
the installation, also no charge is to be made for a reasonable
amount of water used. The motion carried.
D.W.Proebstel moved and C.B. Janoe seconded that the bills be paid
as listed. The motion carried.
D.W.Proebstel moved and Leonard L. Nodland seconded that the meeting
adjourn. The .!..t p, -carried.
President ;A I `C 1) (' Sec. .4'017 a244,../11-
Juno Noy Tobt- 1
1'355 15 to
. . . .
;,-tter 1520.65 154 .5'6 1130 .45
ieter Inst611-ot1Qms 11. 0. 0 15.,...0 ,,,i14 . 7
1A:ixs .:moi .C. unty t3 . ,'; 111;11,'I„ 4366.67
c:109ck ,orvice - i..
i,,t.s..,? ailow&Nces on writ.qr . . ii
T-n:.1 :ncome ' ..1111.1.37 2';`793.1 :.
..41t. :411ry sna :44!, r 34.5 338.5
:Iri.;Tlies '!„,tien ,e, 15 .,J1 '0 ,,,3';' 757.C1
14etra rum:hosed
:.,Iectric ower 13".. 141.11 1 -9.;r71
Truck 'persti :n ,. , . : 1:' .61
i,ccident lilource 11.32 4.37 5 .44
indomity Ineur4nce . - 173 .tl3
t!Jak ';ierts - - 'CLI.03
titer Testing - - 19.51:i
lire insuriLnce - - 127.11
insumnce OD Truck -
:Ar!-Jair:, ..4i Allar.t .. .., 15.05
inurance flic-, is . -
.iale of Filbrt:1,,, - - -(7.24
*-:,airs on Truck 1. 7,:' 6 ..,;44, 4
Totsl. :. peratini., , xente .145 .j5
rAiit.:a Alitary 10. .4 10.00 110„k;
Collection C,ommisai,= 17.ti4 ,P0.10
.;_ffice .:Airplies
..cuntgnts Feels - . 11, ,00
Interest on 6onds 706.25 - 1450.00
Fee on Bonds 30.3'.; - 5 .75
lection :x,; (tnais . . 47.75
over and :Arirt - 2.32
racial ocurity '' ' s4.s. . . 1
o.nk ka :er' s . ury :0. ): 90. ':/- 0.00
i.4111 iert . . 3:).00
Tr easures ; ora - - 20.00
;.oss on i:1 dlebts - 3.'-- f .22.
Tota Amiristr6tin ,,iy,1:,,tn.se 905.A. 1)t.2qi- 3548.62'
iQt0,1 ,) -amting eLlonse 345.35 11 .-1-2
Total 4a!tini3trtive ex-ontle ri3O ..)1. -/(::,. 8, ,24: . .,2
Total eocenmt . • ..):. 1" 5. t.:, lid30.7'.7
ctal income 3144.24711.37 ''; 3 .A4
4.- . ;,ets total ex ense ":441. 3P4t:) , 17.12.
in fir the -,-arrod ---1i5 .6 1W.).27 I ';'7 :'. . -7
Caw-, t-l.r 1. LL:' Eo-,,i ments
liptsrd , t,er Astrict
- 'igard, rec or
or tri: "i onth of June 1955
ash in bank June 1,1955 10562.74
repo i.ted during June 1955 2610.90
_13172. 7
.:eas checks charged by bank ',;826.40.
-9276. 34
tutstinding ci ecka
` 32 U.3. ank 1736.64
A436=Lewin's <Idre `_ `:yraph 14' 90
17g. 4. --#R.A '
Available for bills
. a.tsr charges for the month of June 2086.53
Cubic feet of water sold 6916081,r
Renters Deposit BakInce 247.00
ravings Acct. Ral::.nce 4264.51
faintenence Acct. Balance 2414.44
0 n t
w ,..ecounts
a `arl Total
- tueseli Hinkley ;24 r $ . 3• .1
436- W.P.Milne triOr 5.65 4.90 10.55
635- . chuls 0, 7.14 5.72 12.86
97- N.A.Hod�,es ' 6.52 4.00 10.52
322- V.Robsrte 4.00 2.15 6.15
269- p.0. Gay 6.40 4.94- 11.34
158- B.Mcuowell 6.84 3.40 10.24
191- G.Lewis 5.38 4.22
x88- L.Baird 4.00 2.08 .
9.603- P.Helnts 4.00 2.2$ 6.28
414- If.A.Lindeeraan 4.05 2.50 6.55
303- J.Hutchings 7.38 2.15 9.53
394-Mills 4.Q0 2.23 6.23
123- K.tk.Rutherford 4.66 3.22 7.38
554-W,Chaiibsrlain 5.71 2.65 8.36
380- A.W.ingalls 4.18 4.95 9.13
223- 0.:3ier 5.65 2.83 8.48
357- J.L.Jeckson5.00 f,� 5.fl4
293- Z.��►. 11iot 4.00 3.13 7.13
405- J.R.Hord 4.00 2.65 6.65
70- H.A bsrns.thy, , 7.24 3.74 10.94
3c4 - ,itx.,,tirel Sits ' 1 =: l.0, r..
iptI te,llatiOn,s
Acct. # Name ``'eter Material labor-` ' Total
b6b- tt.D. 11ey 24.21 24.b119.UU bU.t3y
667-L.C.itable . 4.28 26.44 10.50 61.22
668- Carl H.Christenson 24.28 15.78 6.00 46.06
669-George Zahn 24.28 28.08 10.00 62.36
97.12 94.91 38.50 230.53