07/03/1955 - Minutes One Hundred Fourteenth Regular
Tigard Water District
Tigard Oregon
July .3, 1955
Present, C.L.Osborne, President, Leonard Nodland,. C.B.Janoe
Commissioners, J.P,Lohrena Supt. , and C.E.Wheelock Atty.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
A motion was made by C.E.Janoe and seconded by Leonard Nodland
that the Budget as prepared by the Budget Committe be accepted.
The motion carried.
A motion was made by C.E.Janoe and seconded by Leonard Nodland
that a tax levy of $ 4.5oo.00 be made for the fiscal year 1955 and
1956. The motion carried.
A motion was made by C.E.Janoe and seconded by Leonard Nodland
that the tank at well # 2 be painted an aluminium color instead of
a green color. The motion carried. It was thought that the alum—
inium color would have a more cooling affect on the water.
A motion was made by C.E.Janoe and seconded by Leonard Nodland
that Sam Grah*mbe appointed as commissioner for the balance of the
year, to fill out the unexpired term of H.J.Heffron, who resigned.
The motion carried.
Bids on a new truck were read as follows:- Meyer Bro. net bid
$12 .00 Vermilye Motors net bid $14.00.00, Knauss Chevrolet net
bid $1300.00. After some discussion of the merits and performance
of the above trucks C.E.Janoe moved and Leonard Nodland seconded
that the Chevrolet Truck be purchased. The motion carried.
A motion was made ma by C.E.Janoe and seconded by Leonard
Nodland that we purchase on an exchange basis a fifteen horse power
electric motor to replace the ten horse power one on the Bull
Mountain system. The motion carried. The ten horse power motor
is to small to carry the load.
As there was no futher business C.E.Janoe moved and Leonard
Nodland seconded that the meeting adjourn. The motion carried.
Presidente. ( Secretary-HP/ , . /
Checks to be approved for payment at the regular meeting
of the Board of Commissioners July 13, 1955
eck Payee Purpose Amount
2451 Earl Webster Digging ditches 269.75
2452 Wallie Engerbrand Back filling ditches 10.00
2453 Earl Webster Digging ditches 93.50
245k. Lewin's Addressing
Service Addressing 16.16
2455 Art Vincent CO. Pub.Empl. Honesty bond 53.55
2456 Super Ette-Market Collection Commission 1$.$7
2457 Cascade Construction
Co. Cold mix 3 .80
245$ Pac. Water Works Hydrant, fittings, pipe, etc. 711.93
2459 Meyer Bro Garage Repairs to bumper 1.00
."` 2460 E.J.Schoreinger Fill sand Voided Irailx
2461 Brooks Products Meter Boxes. 25.00
2462 Tig. Transit Mix Rent of tractor for back filling 15.00
2463 H.M.Propst Salary 10.00 labor 157.50,
expense 22.30 177.40
2464 J.P.Lohrenz Salary 300.04
2465 George Sitton Leak report 1.00
2466 J.P.Lohrenz Engineering 122.00, Labor 217.00
Telephone two months 36.$$ 332.95
2467 E.M.Propst Salary $1.00
246$ Knauss Chev. Gas 19.35
2469 Port, Gen. Elec. Co. Power 162.60
2470 Wash. Say. & Loan Bank Savings 400.00
2471 Ditto Maintenance 200.00
2472 Accident Commission Insurance 10.76
2473 Pub. Emp, Retirement S.S. 37.0$
2474 State Tax Comm. Taxes 34.25
2475 Directot of Internal
Revenue Taxes 196.20
2476 Pacific Stationery Ledger sheets 3.15
2477 C.E.Janoe Survey charge at fire house 25.00
A- 2478 Meyer Bro Garage Repair on truck (hose0 2.60
24?9 Pae.Water Works Supp. Stock pipe, and fittings 2953.46
24$0 E.J.Schoreinger Fill sand 6.50
Total of above bills bib1.90
Added later
24$1 J.O.Jo}nson Recording papers 140
24$2 R.D.Laws Refund on meter installation 160.00
24$3 Aloys Schulz "" W.)63
24$4 Aloys Schulz " 160.00
24$5 R.D.Wiley " 160.00
24$6 C.H.Christensen " 160.00
2487 G.Zahn " 16QQ00
)tatement of Income and Expense
Tigard Water District
Tigard Oregon
-- For the Month of June 1955
June May Total to
INCOME 1955 1955 Date
,ater 2086.53 1520.65 20388.98
Meter Installations 920.00 1420.00
Refund on Meter Installations • 1029.63 . 5939.34
Taxes Received from County 161.99 203.59 4528.6
Check Service - . 81. 48
Less Allowances on v;ater Bills . . -6-a
Total Income 2138.89 3144.24 30932.03
Supt. Salary and Labor 666.50 354.50 4560.92
Wcplies and Expense 3599.28 158.01 4356.89
Meters rurchased -97.12 -334.25 -68.79
Electric Power 162.60 136.39 1832.41
Truck Operation 22.95 17.68 253.03
Accident Insurance 9.95 11.32 62.39
Indemnity Insurance - - 173.13
Leak Reports 1.00 - 11.00
cater Testing . . 19.50
Fire Insurance - - 127..18
Insurance on Truck - - 24.73
Repairs on Pump - - 15.00
Insurance on tools . - 13.57
Filbert income - - -67.24
Repairs on Truck - 1..70 192.64
Total Operating Expense 43(35.16 345.35 11416.81
Clerks Salary 10.00 10.00 120.00
Collection Comnission 18.87 17.64 245.06
Office Supplies and Exnense 39.21 26.54 587.30
Telephone Ex:Jense 39.32 2.00 219.57
Accountants Fees . - 165,00
Fidelity Bonds 53.55 - 53.55
Interest on Bonds 706.25 1450.00
Bank Fees on Bonds - 30.39 50.75
Els otion Ex ens* - - 47.75
Cash over and Short - - -2.86
Social Security 18.54 22.14 143.77
Book keepers Salary 90.00 90.00 1080.00
Hall Rent - - 30.00
Treasure's Bond - - 20.00
Aim= Loss on Bad Debts - - 8.22
Total Administrative Ax-emse 269.49 905.01 4218.11
Total uperating Expense 4365.16 345.35 11416.81
Total Administrative r,xpense 267.49 905.01 4218.1 .
-- Total Exense 4634.65 1250.36 13634.92
Total Income 2138.89 3144.24 30932.03
Less total expense 4634.65 120.36 15634.92
Net gain or loss -2495.76 1893.48 1529/.11
The reason for the loss this month was the purchase of the stock
of pipe and fittings.
. .4.1
Cash Receipts and Disbursements
Tigard '4ater District
Tigard Oregon
for the Month of July 1955
(;ash in the bank July 1 et. 1955 9276.34
)e sited during July 1955 20 2
$ -b. .7.
Less cLeck - charged by the bank 8.01.82
standing chtnia_
2461 brooks -roducts 25.00
2474 state Tax Commission 34.25
201 J. .Johnson 1.50
2484 V .2...1.ee 160.00
2486 C.H.Christe en ...!, 00
41 . 380
Available for bills
at,r charges for t e !,,onth of Ju y 1q55 19;2.48
Cubic tact of %,.. ter sod during the month of July 1955 617810 v?
enters derosit balance 162.00
javings account balance 4664.51
MPintenance account balance 2614.44
,Aplinouent itccunta__
Metl'r D :l. runt Total
k 11411M''
99 T.J.Mocr 4.43 2.0 t .51
4,,:16 u.L.votz 4.-0 2.,:k 6.90
511 J. . /lerty 5.92 3 .30 9.22
557 . .oldrid11 7.42 4 .20
27 .,.t.. ilkie 4.00 2.00 6.00
64 ileinel 4.00 2.00 6.00
191 4.Leris 9.60 3.84
197 J. .A.scaid 5.24 2.23 7.47
75 V .Joh son 4. 5 2.00 6.85
414 V.Linderman 6.55 2.00 4.55
303 J.hutchins 9.53 2.08 11.( 1
376 J. chulte 5.1 ?.0,,e 7. '6
633 Tigard Lumber Co. 4.0.. z..x, 6.00
564 ..c4amberlin 1.3t: 1.09 9.36
360 A., .Ingelis 4.95 .75 7.70
481 .JarmAn 5.48 3. 78 9.1'
531 ,,„a,.milis 5.,10
393 .J. rederick 4.70 2.25 6.95
375 i, . - .Godfrey 4.00 2.10 6.10
378 , .3.kartin 4.00 2.=, 0 6.60
625 Q.Mayer 4.48 1 .43 . .91
278 0.0tNer 9.44 3.70 13.14
405 J. I.Hord 6.65 , /
" -"
, . 9.60
488 I.X.Toung 14.04A, 6.22 20.26
68 T.Aing 7.36 3 .90 11.26
66 11.1. .Landis t .24 4.64 12.00
52r,, 'earn Craft 4.0Ci 2.00 6.00
ileceits and Disbursements
Tigard '0i,ter District
Tigard Oregon
:."or the .4:onth of July 1955
? cct. Na,e
Meter Mater Labor Total
670 Anna M.Chrietopher 24.28 ;-6.10 10.50 60.88
Anna . Christopher 24.28 26.10 10.50 60.86
673 .F.Nicoli 24.28 26.73 19.50 61.50
674 Jacob Jenen 26.28 12.50 6.50 45.2C
.:675 Tigard Methodist Church 26.28 15.50 8.22 50.00
t76 i0.oye 5chuls 26.28 13.12 5.00 44.40
77 C.cAlstable 24.;:8 9.63 6.00 39.91
175.96 129.68 57.22 362.86
34 'Millard Fire Juee 24.28 20.19 .00
The Atter installation at the TigFlftd Fire kouse wle installed
free of charge, there fore the coats are not included with above.