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09/10/1957 - Minutes
... STATVENT AP INCT, AND EXJ-'LNSE TIGAAD WAtila DL;TRICT TIGARD ORKGON FOR THE MONTH OF AUGU3T 1957 Aug. July Total 1957 1957 to Date INC 'Cater 3031.17 3225.75 6256.92 Meter installations 411.45 455.00 861.45 Taxes received 122Q01 1969.19 2091.20 Other income 18.00 1340 3140 Total income 3582.63 5663.44 9241.07 Of': RATD:G EX-ENSE Supt. 3alary and labor 393 .75 1165.27 1569.02 Supplies and expense 1450.48 892.65 2343.13 Meters purchased -236.97 -220.69 -457.66 Electric power 240.89 231.25 472.14 Truck operation 24.87 35.29 60.16 Accident insurance 13.93 37.25 51.18 Leak reports 3.00 2.00 5.00 :Sewer expense . 5.00 5.00 Machinery rental 12640 48140 618.00 Total operating expense 2026.45 2629.52 4665.97 ACINI6TRATIVE EX:4NSE Clerks salary 50.00 50.00 100.00 Collection commission 32.84 28.37 61.21 Office supplies and expense 298.89 404.03 702.92 Telephone expense 34.12 34.58 68.70 Cash over and short 4.95 ..6.93 -1.98 Engineering . 114.00 114.00 Social security 5.67 21.80 27.47 3ook keepers salary 90.00 90.00 180.00 Fire Hall insurance -126.57 - -126.57 Total administrative expense 643.04 735.85 1125. Total operating expense 2U26.45 2629.52 4665.97 Total administrative expense 643.04 735.85 112 .7, Total expense 2669. 9 3365.37 5791.72 Total income 3582.63 5663.44 9241.07 ... Less total expense 2669.49 3)65.37 791.72 Net gain for the period 813.14 2298.07 3449.35 ..., RECZIPTS AID Dli;EUR3ENENTS TIGAU WATE DI3TRICT TIGAHD OREGON September 1957 Cash in the bank 'September 1,1957 25501.64 Deposited during 3eptember 1957 , 410286.02 Total deposits 347.87/..66 Checks charged by the bank during the month of ep.195 102 Bal45 ince . otember 30, 1957 . 2974*-- Le :a out standing checks 3234 36.08 Check b©' balance September 30, 1957 29727.04 ter charges 3050.96 Cubic feet of water used 1,126,740i, Tax fund balance 6264.57 Maintenance fund balance 7845,54 :tentrs fund balance 282.00 Bull Mountain fund balance 6650.00 MET611 IN3TAILATItA3 No. Name Material Aster Labor Total . . , 793 John 1 . Potts 20.07 64.09 16.50 100.66 796 Leicy Cox 25.61 26.26 18.00 69,.87 797 Kay Livingston 21.19 26.26 21.00 68.45 799 C.F.Nicoli 13.69 26.26 7.50 47.45 802 D.W.Farrier 28.55 26.26 18.00 72.61 Total 109.11 169.13 ' 81.00 ' ' ' 359.24' TIGARD WATER DI3THICT TIGAn OREGON DELIN QUFMT AC ; `.'U NT_1 Ca: 1%! Sk; T4MBEA SHEET3. Acct Name :Trey. Pres. Total 46-320 0.L..Hov:a rd 12.68 7.06 19.74 64-23`s La Verga Bennett 11 .24 2.8'? 14.12 7b-406 Le'D . rd Payne 6.55 2.53 9.08 147-627 R.rti.Rclman 12.76 4.00 16.76 170H-715 C .W.V111a 11.05 3.38 14.43 216-247 C.i .Y° tilde 6.00 2.00 8.00 311-248 M.Arple 4.00 2.00 6.00 312-326 A.C. Putnam 4.00 2.23 6.23 360-575 D. ?.WcFa11 11.98 3=38 15.36 367-158 M.u.McDawell 10.04 4.28 14.32 3 79-3 91 0.0.Torlaand 5.26 3 .43 8.69 381-173 E.',A . 'eterson 4.14. 4.00 8.14 -79 H.C.Aremer 17.82 6.58 24.40 -4 3-2205 C. r;.Fox 6.00 6.00 448-507 Tig A sem. of God 5.78 2.00 7.78 481-708 E. Peters 6.00 2.00 8.00 501-560 R. P. flerson 7.01 3.70 10.71 518-230 L. .Diamott 7.16 3.78 10.90 560-394 K.i.Beebe 6.22 2.30 8,22 641-380 R.ri .Ingalls 8.06 2.93 10.99 646-350 A.L.Luty 6.12 2.40 8.52 667.361 .G.Tidwell 7.71 3.10 10.81 686-666 T.R.Hoppe 6.64 3 .22 9.86 700-677 C.E.Littlefield 6.88 3.00 9.88 1110..276 C.Jur ens 8.23 2.00 10.23 1136-280 Vern Sheffert 5.51 2.48 7.99 1271-625 G.Mayer 3.64 3.52 12.16 1301-258 G.L,.Ghatfield 10.34 3.10 13.44 1327-138 :. .C.Altig 6.89 3.52 10.40 1413-18 Harriet Ellie Apt. 4.00 2.00 6.00 1425-31 J.H.Bohlen 12.45 3.28 15.73 1441-23 Rip/eye Appi. & T.V. .30 2.00 6.30 1460-8 D.L.Blochar 6.56 2.00 8.56 1463-703 John Saheckla 6.00 2.00 8.00 1515-488 A.M.Toung 1386 7.76 21.62 1.525-70 H.Abernathy 4.58 2.75 7033 REPORT TO THE TIGARD SANITARY DISTRICT FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST 1957. Total of billing 805.50 Less not paid 235.00 Balance 570.50 Less service charges Not deducted from check for July 75.00 For August _25.00 150.00 Balance to remit 420.50 The billing for September just sent out is 871.00 The above amount includes the $235.00 delinquent shown above. TIC;AO CAINITY TIO6C3 oatooN 6F The. CUSTODIAN TMONTH OF 3!- 77'ZMOZR. 1957 Bilaa in the Dara 3eptember 1, 1957 lit.)? Rabbit P,reAers 4$Q, 5.00 Ivan Jack from dance 14.95 Ivin Jack from dance Total receipts l47. 6 ortiand Gen Lisa. Co for light 7a.90 , ( ' illance in .)7ars . ',entem))er 30, 1957 I) TT1.4114, Tigard 'miter District for Insurance 100.00 XATH Meeting 1 against= 2 Thanks to Ivan Jack for his efforts in making a go of the center. 'Andy and adviee how to increase tree activities and use of the Center.