01/14/1958 - Minutes ONE HUNDRED FORTY REGULAR MEETING TIGARD WATER DISTRICT TIGARD OREGON January 14, 1958 Present:- C.E.Janoe , President, Sam Graham, A.J.Chaves, Leonard L. Nodland, R.J.Peters, L V. Walker, Commissioners, and J.P.Lohrenz Supt. The meeting was opened in the regular manner by the President. The next order of business was the election of the officers for the next year. The President stated that he thought we should rotate the offices as was done in the past few years. Upon motion A.J.Chaves was nominated for president. Leonard L. Nodland moved and R.J.Peters wonded that the nominations be closed and that the clerk cast an unmous vote for A.J.Chaves. The motion carried. The newly elected president A.J.Chavez then took the chair to preside for the business to follow. Upon motion R.J.Peters was nominated for treasurer. As there here no other nominations , C.E.Janoe moved and Leonard L.Nodland seconded that the nominations be closed, and that the clerk cast a unanimous vote for R.J.Peters. The motion carried. Upon motion Leonard L.Nodland was nominated for Secretary. As there were no other nominations R.J.Peters moved C.E.Janoe seconded that the nominations be closed, and that the clerk cast an unanimous vote for Leonard L Nodland. The motion carried. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. A letter from Ben S.Spaulding account 1201-378. 8870 S.W. (Mara street was read. Mr Spaulding stated that he would not pay the $12.41 water bill which was not paid by the former owner R.J.Williaas from whom he purchased the property. The matter was thoroughly discussed by the Board after which C.E.Janoe moved and L.V.Walker seconded that the Supt. try and locate Mr. Williams by contacting the realestate agent who sold the property to 14r Spaulding and report his findings to the Board at the February 11, 1958 meeting. The motion carried. A letter was read received from J.O.Johnson authorizing shutting of water to the following sewer patrons who have refused to pay the sewer service charge, as follows:- Green Valley Rest., J.H.Holsn, Frank Ziglinski .and W.Abernathy. The Supt was instructed to find out what could be done about collecting the above, and to report to the Hoard at the next meeting. The Board authorized the Clerk to sent a bill with a letter to Wm Ford at Amity Oregon owner of the building rented by J.H.Bolen and state the fact to him. A motion was made by C.E.Janoe and seconded by R.J.Peters that the Supt. be authorized to purchase fifty water meters, and a years supply of copper pine and fittings. The motion carrie . A motion was made by C.E.Janoe and seconded by Leonarn L.Nodland that a rubber stamp for change of address be purchased, also that we get letter heads and envelopes printed with the new address. The motion carried, The Supt stated that the pipe lines on Scoffing street, 9.W.98th Ave, Johnson street should be replaced, and that the six inch main on Hwy 217 be extended to McDonald street. 3TATE14ENT OF INCOME AND EIPEN3E TIG/RD VAMP. DISTRICT TIGARD OREGON FO:a THZ TCUTH OF DECIER 1957 Dec. Nov. Total to Date 114(:" :1ter 1920.97 2041.24 15309.42 Meter installations 70.00 327.67 2002.15 Taxes from co. rty 198.93 103 .58 2491.18 3trr inco,A) 163,00 2 . 0 rot3l receipts .-.j W1 .49 (Y.). .. .", 2141 ' ' 44' oLA,ATING C:; r1A3E ' iupt. salary & labor 944.50 705.00 5034.77 :Aipplies and expense 2255.05 506.20 15793.25 Meters purchased .26.00 -64.09 -302.59 .i- lectric power 165.40 161.36 1227.47 Truck operation 24.02 36.35 148.90 ; ccident Ins. 32.61 20.05 132.36 i'ilbert orchard - 7.80 23.80 Indemnity Ins. 50.84 15.0FJ 65.96 Leak reorts - - 9.00 .:ieiiirs to tools 8.75 - r.75 Liability Ins. . . 233.73 exense 5.00 5.00 96.97 Machinery rental 34.00 339.00 1582.75 Advertising . - 10. 56 Fire hall expense 60.10 _" - 134*,Pft Total oreratinf!, expense 3§6171 131.75 24244. 2 A;VINIATIVY 'EW3 Clerks salary 50.00 50.3 ' 279.75 Collection commission 24.06 24.05 180.22 J.i.'fice exense 68.32 96.07 968.56 TeleOlonc ex5anse 36.1e 30.42 202,34 Attorney fees - 47.50 47. 50 AcQountents fees . 225.00 225.00 Interest on bonds - 590.00 590.CO Dank fees on bonds - 20.59 20.59 lection expense - 49.66 49.66 Cash over and short - -3.94 -3.94 ung - 114.00 'iocial vecurir,y -2.89 -25.69 Book keepers salary 90.0) 90.00 51.0.00 Insurance on fire hall .25.00 - -151.57 „.- Loyalty bond . . 20.00 Loss on bad debts 18.41 Total administrative expense 259.0F 1195" 3091 --- Nov rote'. to ,4te, Total expense 3562.71 1731.7, 24244.22 Total administretive ex;.ense 259.9e 1192.66 1Q974Q foal ex ense )321.79 927.41 7) 1. 5; Total income 2194.90 2635.49 20011.25 is total ex7ense • 821 4 242 . 1 2 I. -291.92 -7323 . BALANCE SHEET TIGARD WATER DISTRICT TIGARD OREGON December 1, 1957 ASSETS General fund 16500.04 Change fund for Supt. 25.00 Mailing permit fund 15.00 Accounts receivable 2597.08 Tigard Sanitary District with held .10.00 Commercial Street distribution -13.54 Renters derosits 292.00 Tax fund for bonds 7991.40 Maintenance fund for replaeements 6831.14 Bull Mountain Im rovement fund 7431.14 Land Breeze Mill 2120.75 Well tl 17464.47 Well i2 14375.26 Land Fire Hall 2276.50 Bull Mountain Extension Broup l A 15341.24 Ne Tankat well #2 19522.64 Pipe Lines 121426.5C Truck original value 2235.35 Tocla inventory 65e.25 Office equipment 1395.93 Fire Rail building 2500.00 Office in Fire Hall 1192.C5 Well 13 455.00 Land atxxelixilx Bull Mountain Group B 600.00 f.i e line K.E.McMiehael -906.00 Bull Mountain Group B expense not yet applied -tt - 14965.60 240319.22- 3 .ABILIIp ttnpa.id wages 713.21 estate tix with held 8-1 .50 Federal tax with held -1.50 Social security 10.11 C.C.}lughes 26.34 Accounts payable 4373.23 Bonds lat. issue 22000.00 Bonds 2nd. issue wOQ.O0 34000.00 ayainut Ave. Project money net yet applied 2750.00 Fortner Road Fire Hydrant expense not yet applied0 1 42 * ,: . *b SDR 1.J Renters account 292.00 Surplus 205234.75 Loss from operation for the year •• .4141 196217.27 21,0319.26 L,CEITIS AND DIAIUR3EMENTS TiG.A;i:": Ara DITRICT T1GARL OREGON TPF, MONTI' OF JANUAR'?" 195e sh in the bank January 1, 1958 16414.44 ; eceiT,ta for January 73699k__ Totl receipts - 237n4.36 Chicks charged by the bank 25 b:dance 1E10 . 3 Le J- out st7-ndtng checks 207.72 cck L:)ok bta:mce 174000,41 Us dedQsits of ::alnut Ave. Fund 2750.0C, nO,.. ce v1 ,1€. for bilis —15150.41 f7=r he month of January 19no. 0 ubi f,, et of water so1d :557,163 V 4 .nters aey)sita funLi 7961 .4 ikintenance fund Aa11 Art. I"Trovement fund 7431.14 Xetrme Met r Mat r Labor Cost $05 L.Long 2 .2( 20.02 1 .c."; C4.28 806 C .M.i(1au 4.Q9 23.2 14.0Q 99. 4 90.25 43.27 30.00 163.6c REFOR.T TO THE T:GaD SANITARY DL)TRICT TIGARD OREGON FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER 195, 940.00 Total billing 687.50 Total collected 252.50 Not collected 75.00 Service charge 612.50 Balance to remit DELINCARATS Previousley reported 1425 J.H.Bolen Paid. 1414 Green Valley Paid 1519 F. Ziglinekie Out of worke but got some and he said he would pay. 155 h.Abernathy Not processed yet. New ones which also are behind with the water payments. 406 Derrell Jones 10.00 461 0.j.Denel 8.00 1385 N.P6ter 8.00 1463 John Scheckla 8.00 1493 J.R.Hord 12.00 TIGARD COMMUNITY CENTER TIGRD OREGON Fri TUE MONTH OF JANUARY1958 RCI T; Balance January 1, 1958 14.03 Heceipte —20.00 Total receipts 34.03 DI3BUnEMENT3 ort. Gen. Electic Co. Light 15.15 Balance 18.25 UTTANDINC BILLS Tigard Times Advertising 3.00 Net balance 15.28 Uot much activity at the center. - DELINQU :NT ACMNTS ON TTH E JANUARY I9$$ BILLING Acct Name Prey. Pres. Total 15-409 +.Kyle 6.00 2.00 8.00 19-358 W.Johneon 4.96 2.56 7.52 49-196 V.Gray 12.04 5.64 17.68 1',)8-452 John Gilfillan 4.18 2.95 7.13 158-600 Y.R.Corneluis 8.68 2.58 11.26 163-635 Deane Kidd 4.00 2.00 6.00 164-717 J.L.Blodfrett 4.63 2.15 6.78 170-734 Alays Schultz 5.91 3 .20 9.11 2C3-128 Paul DeBei loy 4.46 3 .20 7.66 211-170 D.S.Campbell 9.52 2.28 11.80 379-391 G.G.Torland 4.66 2.13 6.79 3`'` -79 H.C.Bremer 12.35 2.65 15.00 406-603 Derrel Jones 12.62 2.08 14.70 439-73 r'.Heintz 4.18 2.15 6.33 462-147 `i.J.West 6.01 3.23 9.24 537-633 Tigi*rd Lumber Co. 4.00 2.00 6.00 563-359 J.R.Baldwin 6.00 2.00 8.00 619-718 D.F.Young 10.31 10.31 630-65,: `x.A.Bishop 7.91 3.68 1159 646-350 A.L.Luty 9.51 4.65 14.16 676-753 R.E.4ard 4.68 2.40 7.08 863-489 John O'Hallorn 4.80 2.55 7.35 876-481 5.K.Jarmars 4.80 2.40 7.20 910-704 :;r. F.G.Aaton 117.6 5.26 17.02 1017-307 Bill Owen 8.84 3.70 12.54 1044-583 W.R.Dent 4.5t 2.10 6.66 1086-714 M.C.Kable 4.80 2.40 7.20 1110-276 C.Jurgcne 5,00 2.00 7.00 1149-223 D.3inger 4. '0 2.40 7.20 1266-591 R.J.Hayman 4.43 2.48 6.91 12650273 Jack Dannon 5.83 3.94 9.77 1279-244 John Wilcox 4.00 2.00 6.00 1301-258 Chatfield 7.79 4.28 12.07 1344-639 B.3.3paulding 12.41 2.38 1.4.79 1384-297 G.Bullion 11.36 4.52 15.88 1441-23 Ripley's App. & T.Y. 13.02 2.60 15.62 1463-703 John Scheckla 6.00 2.00 8.00 1479-43 3.G.Gooley 6.28 2.00 8.28 1519-386 Frank 'iglinski 13.29 2.28 15.57 1525-70 H.Abernathy 6.00 2.00 8.00