03/11/1958 - Minutes STATEMENT OP IHCOME AND EXPENSE TIGARD WATER DISTRICT TIGARD OREGON F y,BRIART 1956 .. Total Feb. Jan. to 1958 1958 Date Inco Water 1992.23 1999.60 19301.25 Meter installations 219.95 147.69 2369.79 Taxes from County - 1346.90 3838.08 Other income 2,?, .18 x 29.19 ?/ Ttal income 237• 3519.19 25Y/475.2--- OPERATING_EXPENSE Supt Salary & Labor 376.75 -611.00 4804.52 Supplies and expense 229.15 .12229.91 3792.49 Meters purchased -14.75 -90.35 -407.69 Electric power 193.63 194.71 1615.81 Truck operation 27.32 35.82 252.0 Accident ins. 7.39 17.67 157.16 Filbert orchard - - 23.80 Indemnity ins. - - 65.96 Leak report - - 9.00 Water testing 15.00 - 15.00 Repairs on tools - - 8.75 Liability ins. - - 233.73 Insurance on tools 4.14 -3.69 .45 Sewer expense 5.00 5.00 106.97 Machinery rental - - 1582.75 Advertising - - 10.56 Fire hall 45.00 61.68 241.25 Trunk repairs • Total operating expense 883.b6 12510 12544.50 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE 'clerks wary 50.00 50.0O 379.75 Collection commission 26.27 25.97 232.46 Office supplies and expense 87.84 56.18 1112.58 Telephone 33.69 33.80 269.83 Attorney tees - - 47.50 Accountants fees - - 225.00 Interest on bonds - - 590.00 Dank fee on bonds - - 20.59 Election expense - - 49.66 Cash over and short .09 -.12 -•39 Engineering 114.00 ,social security 18.45 53.85 69.41 Book- keepers salary 90.fl0 90.00 720.030 Insurance on Fire Hall - 139. 06 -12.51 Treasures bond Employes loyalty bond - - 20.00 Loss on bad debts - -0.98 VI* Total administrative expense 30b.34 4b8. 8 3 ( Total operating expense 888.66 -125888.012 12544.50. Y Total administrative expense 1211;.1�r Y117. ; Total expense • Total income 2237.18 3519.19 25774.62 Leas total expense y - O0 Net gain or loss for the period - 1�.1s -a_.rf.,k . . DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS March 1958 Acct Name Prey Preeedt Total # louts 2-265 John Rankin 4.00 2.00 6.00 196.358 W Johnson 5.14 2.55 7.69 44-396 1 .W. Bevel 4.00 2.00 6.00 81-283 C.Y. Swanson 6.30 4.10 10.40 84-256 A. Bigler 6.36 2.10 8.46' 85-759 3t ,n Adkins 6.64 2.93 9.57 130-739 Helen Osteal 4.00 2.00 6.00 151-688 Joe Lear 4.00 2.15 6.15 170©- 2 Richerd Frisson 4.00 2.00 6.00 170H-715 C.W.Mills 6.66 2.1, 8.76 241-294 8.B.Webster 9.92 3.20 13.12 245-406 D.H.Pox 4.05 2.38 6.43 280-322 V.Roberts 6.33 2.56 8.91 311-248 M.Apple , 6.00 - 6.00 312-326 A.C.Putnaa 9.18 - 9.1$ 335-343 H.T.Wood 4.98 2.60 7.58 388-79 H.0.Breaer 14.50 2.75 17.25 394-76 L.Henry 4.40 2.00 6.46 406-603 D.Jones 8.21 2.00 10.21 360-575 D.D.McFall 6.00 2.00 6.00 367-158 M.E.McDowsll 8.88 3.20 12.08 381-173 E.W.Peterson 9.81 2.50 12. 5,12-338 E. Wagner 6.03 2.00 8.03 518-230 L.M.Dimmitt 4.10 2.08 6.18 537-633 Tigard Lumber Co. 4.00 2.00 6.00 560-394 K.R.Beebe 6.00 2.00 6.00 614-653 C.S.RaY 6.61 2.40 9.01 615-623 R.A.Turperinen 6.73 2.63 9.36 619-718 D.P.Miller 10.31 2.43 12.74 631A-726 J.C.Porkner 4.00 2.00 6.00 646-350 A.L.Luty 18.06 4.00 22.06 681-528 J.A.Barcheck 4.60 240 7.20 686-666 T.R.Hoppppe 4.15 2.600 6.75 776-764 Don Woldridgs 5.63 2.58 6.21 *63-489 J. O'Hsoil©rn 4.95 2.45 7.40 876-481 S.&.Jaraan 9.60 2.40 12.00 925-746 Paul Hoge* 4.00 2.08 6.0$ 1008-534 Tigard Golf Ball Co. 8.21 2.40 10.61 1o29-400 B.K,Cole 4.00 2.00 6.00 1049-393 W.J.Frederick 4.23 2.55 6.78 1086-714 C C.Xable 9.60 2.40 12,00 1194-429 0.8.0/Farrell 10.26 3.90 14.16 1228-212 K.F.Mutschler 4.00 2.00 6.00 1271-625 G.Mayer 6.00 2.00 8.00 1279-244 J.Wilcox 4.00 2.00 6.00 1327-13$ W.C.Altig 7.06 3.22 10.26 1384-297 G.Bullion 9.02 3.52 12.54 1414-19 Green Valley Tavern 6.96 3.64 10.60 1429-111 E.M.Braaley 4.00 2.50 6.50 1434-274 R.E.Wood Heating .00 2.00 8.00 1441-23 Ripley. App. & TV 18.12 2.50 20.62 1460-8 D.E.Blocher 6.69 2.00 $.69 1461-293 E.D.Elliott 6.60 2.30 9.10 1463-703 John Scheckl 4.00 2.00 6.00 1474-43 B.A.Hicks 4.28 - 4. 28 1464-369 G.LebeA .00 2.00 .00 1467-334 A.Pietila 5.46 2.738.19 1519-386 F.Ziglinski 12.85 2. 5 15.30 1521-66 H.H.Landis 11.17 4.36 16.03 RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS TIGARD WATER DISTRtICT TIGARD OREGON March 1958 Cash in the bank March 1, 1958 16287.04 Deposited during the month lea Checks charged by the bank 5330.75 kmunimmtxximmastingxnkmmks 1b20.19 Less out standing checks }•Qi Balance 1b}1 4. water charges for the month 2029.02 Cubic feet of water metered during the month 563,515 V'' Renters balance 149.Q0 Maintenance fund 9231.14 Tax fund 6180.81 Bull Mountain fund 7431.14 Meter installations Acct Nags Meter Mater Labor Cost i ial 903 R.T.Q. R 120.36 12.96 16.00 149.32 808 H.S. :'ichersham 25.00 12.87 9.00 46.67 810 Aloys Schulz 31.00 20.10 xlextM 9.00 60.10 811 G.J.Edwards 31.00 20.82 18.00 69.82 812 Carl J.Watt 31.00 10.31 6.00 47.31 813 L.P.Johnston 31.00 15.69 6.00 52.69 814 Vance R.Lee 31.00 27.00 15.00 73.0 ntonSchuls __/5.00 3 8.00 5b 1b.31 ge.OG 5224.1- Total •74 TIGARD COMMIT! CENMR TIG;:RD OREGON March 195$ RECEIJ TS Balance first of month 30.2$ Roceipts for the month Total 0A1? DISBUR3EMEXT3 'ortland General Electric Co Light 6.6 Balance 41.98 1.1T AINDING BILL5 Twins plumbing 32.9$ Valley Publishing Co. 9.00 4 .98 Balance left when bills are paid 4 .." BULL MOUNTAIN GROUP B DISTRIBUTION PLAN 1. Share Nass Extra Value of # Payment Share ...s•arn Ob.a..rwrw 1 Max 4 el.k 150.00 1200.30 2 Cyril Wilson 650.00 1200.00 3 k.M.Klaueen 250.00 1200.00 4 Robert Bissett 500.00 1200.00 5K.S.'Aikersham 50.00 1200.00 6 L.N.Butler 250.00 1200.00 7 x.Lindberb 150.00 1200.00 $ K.R.Uurich 150.00 1200.00 9 D.L.Oholsen 250.00 1200.00 10 Mary Baker 500.00 1200.00 11 A Maly 50.00 1200.00 12 T.Michos 50.00 1200.00 13 Made up by above 12 1200.00 14 M.a0e up by above 12 1200.00 3000.00 16e00.00 The above 12 actually contributed 17400.00 Contributed above actual value of shares 600.00 This to be returned according to ratio of extra payment 15 Tigard mater District 1200.00 16 Tigard rster District 1200.00 17 Tigard ;hater District 1200.00 ld Tigard hater District 1200.00 19 Tigard °:rater District 1200.00 Total value of shares 22800.00' According to the contract when a share is sold 4500.00 is deducted to be deposited back into the Bull Mountain Fund. Out of the first share sold #600.00 is to be paid to Cyril *,ilson. This will pay back his extra contribution. Nov for an example we sell share #20. at 1200.00 Deduct for Bull Mountain LuundO0.109 700. " Deduct for Cyril *Slam Balance to be distributed ,tom ...... Now if we divide 4148.00 by 19 equals 5.26 per shags Then shares 13 and 14 are added together and divided by 12 and distributed to above patrons. Now should the five shares of the Tigard water District be derosited to the Bull Mountain share fund in addition to the $500.00? or divided up among the above 12. BULL MOUNTAIN GRO U? h DISTRIBUTION PLAT 2. Share Extra Value of Name Payment Share ♦re.e.wean. .....Sssae ------.... -------,--- .-.n..--r........ Shares listed as shown on plan 1 12 3000.00 14400.00 2 Shares made up by the 12 2400.00 3000.00 16800.00 Since the five shares of the Tigard pater District were paid for out of the Bull )fountain Fund regard the $500.00 payments with drawn and dsposited back to the Bull Mountain Fund as the distribution of the shares, and not use the 5 shares in the determining of the distribution. This the dwstribution amount would be divided by 14 instead of 19. 14TR1BUTION PLAN # 3 This pia* uses the same data as above. Value of the share 1200.00 This plan would put all of the shares on the same value as follows:. The 12 above plus the Tigard eater District's 5 or 17 shares. Sell 3 shares at 1200.00 and pay back the extra payment the 12 have made and thus put all stirs on an equal basis before distribution begins. That is the three extra shares sold would be counted in as original share holders.