06/09/1959 - Minutes ONE HUNDRED FIFTY SEVENTH REGULAR MEETING TIGARD WATER DISTRICT TIGARD OREGON June 9, 1959 Present, R.J.Petera President, C.E. Janoe, A.J.Chaves C.P. Nicoli, Commissioners, J.P.Lohrenz Supt., C.E.Wheelock Atty. , E.W. Carter Eng. Mr & Mrs Barlow and two visitors. The meeting was opened in the regular manner by the President. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. C. E. Janoe moved and A.J.Chaves seconded that we write a letter to Harold L. Davidson and thank him for his letter, stating that the rates have been established and that they may be changed or modified from time to time. The motion carried. A.J.Chavez moced and C.E. Janoe seconded that the Budget as passed by the Budget committee be accepted. The motion carried. A.J .Chavez moved and C.I . Janoe seconded that we authorize a tax levy of $4770.00, and to send a copy of the tax levy statement to the County Assessorthe County Clerk of Washington County, and to the Stpte Tax Commission. The motion carried. C.E.Janoe moved and C.F. Nicoli seconded that A.J.Chavez contact Art Vincent & Co, and see what kind of a deal that can be worked out that will cover all risks of the Collection agents. The :mount to be set at ;;500.0O instead of 01000.00. A.J.Chavez is to report his findings to the Board at the next regular meeting. The motion carried. C . E.Janoe moved and A.J.Chavez seconded that the bills be paid as listed. Th motion carried. O . L.Janoe moved and C.F.Nicoli 6econded that we write a letter to Art Vincent asking then to give us a break down yearly on the kinds of in- surance with amounts we have , including the premimuma and the due dates. The motion carried. C. .Janoe moved and A.J.Chavez seconded that the matter of suppling we water to the Barlow's be tabled until the Board can discuss the issues* more fully, and that a reply will be given before the end of the present week. The motion carried. INCOME AND EXPENSE TIGARD WATER DISTRICT TIGARD OREGON May 1959 May April Total "" 1959 1959 to . Date INCOME Water 2484.48 2329.41 29280,34 Meter Installations 420.00 766900 5947.02 Taxes from County - 282.00 4403.86 Other 19.35 15.00 251,88 Total Income 2904.48 3386.44 39883.10 0P7WLTING Lk.. NSE Supt. Salary and Labor 895.23 752.00 7635.;6 Supplies and ex° ense -136,19 1219.02 1364.09 Meters PPurchase6 123.10 28.40 -170.40 Llectrig Power 214.59 241.64 2723 ,02 Truck Operation 21.63 58.45 491.38 accident Insurance 35.50 30.38 363 .98 Filbert Orchard - - -21.25 Leak Reports 1.00 1.00 7.00 `,:ater Testing - - 9.25 Comprehensive Insurance - - 326.57 Insurance on Tools - - 50.87 :,ewer Expense 5.00 5.00 55.00 Machinery Rental 261.07 97. 50 504.07 Fire Hall Expense - - 3.65 Repairs on Truck 34.95 8.50 96.36 Hwy 217 Rec.lacemerit 10.00 292.50 302.50 Total Operating Expense 1229.68 2057.09 13742.04 .DPaNISTRATIVE i:Xi=LNJE Clerks 3alary 60.07 66.45 678.22 Collection Commission 24.11 2286 281.94 Office ex ense 35.04 71.41 851.45 Telephone expense 35.78 38.67 411.54 Attorney Fees 250.00 - 250.00 Accountants Fees - - 225.00 Interest on Bonds 501.25 - 1040,00 Dank Fees on Bonds 30.67 - 50.62 Election Expense - - 54.34 Budget Expense 34.02 - 34.02 Cash over & Short - - -4.15 Engineering - - 938. 7 aocial Security 44.22 25.65 229.22 Book keepers Salary 90.Q0 90.00 990.00 Insurance on Fire Hall - - 145.33 Burglary Insurance - - 115.89 - Loyalty Bonds - - 53.55 Interest on Strasser Acct. - - 16.67 Flag service - 3.00 3.00 Tri-County Membership - 38.50 38.50 Total administrative expense 1105.11 356.54 6403.81 INCOME AND EXPENSE CONTINUED Total Opernting Expense 1229,68 2057.09 13742.04 Total Administrative Expense 1105.11 356.54 6403.81 Total Expense 2334.79 2413 .63 20145.85 Total Income 2904.48 3386.44 39883.10 Less Total Expense 2334.79 2413.63 20145.85 Net Gain or Loss 569.69 972.81 19737,25 , „ “ Delinquent Accounts on the Jane 1959 List, Account # Name Frey. Pres. Total 158.600 Y.A. Cornelious 9.99 5.20 15.19 203.128 Howard Hewson 4.00 2.00 6.00 335-343 Henry T. Wood 5.58 2.25 7.83 388-79 R.C. Brown 4.00 3.00 • 74,60 430.197 Mrs. Howard Heydorf 5.71 3.60 9.31 446.385 I.D. Baley 4.00 2.00 6.00 1149.223 D. Singer 4.80 2.40 7.20 1194-429 C.ii.01Farrell 8.89 4.80 13,69 1519-386 Frank Liglinsky 5,46 3.60 9.06 1568-425 i%. Raglione 4.c)0 2.00 6.00 ,,.... RECEIPTS AND DISBUR3E' ENT3 TIGARD WATER DISTRICT TIGARD OREGON For the Month of Jnune 1959 Cash in the sank June 1, 1959 3056.80 Deposited during, the month Total Less checks chargA by the Bank 4224.02 Balance 3374.05 Less out standing checks 0•9§ Available for paying next moots bills 3290. Water charges for the month of June, 1959 2791.15 8 Cubic foet of watcr metered 66,290 7 Renter,.; balance 14 ,00 Bull : ountain irrrovement fund 1674.60 Tax fund 9523.76 32 Maintenance fund. 19.08 14111,_1, 1N6TALUT1 446 Meter N&me Meter Mater Labor Amt Cost ial Paid 892 Fletcher Rockwood 30.30 64.15 73.00 70.00 167.45 901 L.L. Watkins 30.30 19.14 16.00 70,00 65.44 902 C.F.Nicoli 30.30 31.26 1 .00 70.00 79.5 903 C.3, Watt 30.30 15.08 14.00 70,00 5908 904 V.R.Lee 30.30 20.36 20.56 9,00 70.00 59.86 905 D,T. Barlow 64.55 22.25 18.00 100.00 104.80 906 Charles Kingston 30.30 14.68 7.00 70.00 51.98 246.35 187.12 155.00 520.00 588.47 TIGARD COWAMITY rci OUGON A= 1959 teck t or ec. ..... Btco thc begirwLng of the month 141.C7 : niar 810 cn' (;otambu.5 811 814 47 '14'1 12a. illp4r4ements ?ran, dinit- ry rvce4. rtilvie3t Goe 81 5.43 82 18.93 ortland Geters1 neetrie Co. i..twe:A ?4,;tura1 (;;is 00. 34 5.30 -,7411itry 85 2.00 39.99 li&lanoe at the end of the month 141.88