01/13/1959 - Minutes CORBIN:SD & iCL H46'11114 T1G' ,T4 DISMICT WITh RURAL FL& LITTKLCT iaLnary 29th. 1959 f,reeent:- 4.Petc(s, ''resident, C.E.Janoe, A. Chavez and te enirs rd of the Tualatin Valley Rural Fire District. ase of ttie special meetinq: w-s to cone to en understanding 40:1 ,6tt e rt1rg roblr;m of the Fire nail and the Cox. onit ;:;enT.Pr. LA,Yr much ,!..i5cussi :n :ro Phd con about the matter, J.i:ileitels &J' a seconded that the Tualatin Wiliftp hltr41 Fire M:tr-Ict be given a-utLority to install their awn heating plant, t3 hekt the firq., hall side of the building; FUTHA iiiLV ):- that the henting n1int *hall be the propei-ty of the Tualatin Atedignip Rural Fire W.Itrict, etr t6 t they can remove tt, if it becomes necelszry, - rfwired th.A tne duct holes etc. are repsired. The motion carried. i-:' thre wae (tither business C.i.Jahoe, moved ;an . : che,led tWt tile meeting adjourn. The motion corrled. Prc:31dent Sec „ 3 RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS TIGARD WATER DISTRICT TIGARD OREGON For the Month of January 1959 Cash in the bank January 1959 2887,88 De :osited during the Month1011! Total Leas checks charged by the bank 26641, Less outstanding checks 256.28 Available for paying bills 4188,07 ,ater charges for January 1959 2212.32 Cu. feat of water metered 627,802 V acnters deposit balance 129.00 Maintenance fund balance 2019.08 filyountain fund balance 1674.60 Tax fund balance 7123.76 INSTALLATIONS ,‘mt Meter Name Met Mat Lab Cost raid k8 Vance R. Lee 30.30 29.70 19.00 79.00 70.00 870 Geo.Lawis 30.30 19.65 7.00 56.95 70.00 871 K.W.Livingaton 30.30 14.10 7.00 51.40 70.00 90.90 63.45 33.00 187.35 210.00 INCOME AND EXI'EN3E TIGARD WATER DISTRICT TIGARD ORiGON December 1958 Dec. Nov. Totel to Date -----...... IWCOML ister 2166.28 2190.46 17901,.97 Meter installations 280.00 933.90 4012.02 Taxes from County 1462.76 . 1820.40 Other income fkai , .. 206.11 Total Income 2593.04 3130 _ 23940.92- - CiArING salary &6alary & Laber 2” .75 647.00 4334.73 uplies and expense 331.52 45.03 -3207.52 Metti-s purchased 89.00 -112.40 -39 .34 Uectric power 24G.26 243.72 1661.41 Truck oneration 30.40 26.55 291.80 Accident insurance 29.04 35.56 235. 9 Pilbert Orchard . 3.69 21.04 Leak retort Liability insurance - Insurance on tools . . 50.87 ',:y4-ier exoense 5.00 5.00 30.00 Aachinery rental - . 145.50 fire hail t:xpense . - 3.63 Uepairs on Truck421 - 4'f4.9 „ . Total 02ez'ating expense 102-7.88 1314.20 3S44.2* YINI6TkATIVb hii1;;NSE Clerks Salary 67.50 66.75 350.70 Collection commission 22.39 24.26 170.17 Office supplies and expense 59.0 60. 59 379.85 Telephone expnee 36.3e 33.28 232.02 Accountants Fees - . 225.00 Interest expense on Bonds - 538.75 538.75 Bank fess on Bonds . 20.00 ZJ.00 Zlection expense - 54.34 54.34 Gash over and short 2.00 . 1.81 rIgineering . . 74.18 3ocial ecurity 8.72 - 80.40 5,4ok keepers salary 90.00 90.00 540.00 Burglary insuraTice 105.89 10.00 115.89 Interest expense on Strasser Acct. 16.67 .... Total' a6ministratiViexPen ii " ' ' )92.51 -89/ 9/' ' 2197.78 -..... Total operating expense 1027.8P. 1314.20 3848.26 Total administrative expense -_,TOW7 87 ' , V' 8 Total expense 5 t2 - , , ... ; .. . Total income 2953.04 3199.26 2394 .92 Less total expense ItiN tta 1042.#-- Net gain or loss for the period ,tr Delinquent accounts on the January 1959 billing. -.., Accoutt Name Previos Present Total 49-195 V. Gray 6.28 4.26 10.54 76-406 Leonerd ayne 6.53 2.33 8.86 84.256 A Bimiler 4.43 2.13 4. c..A. 203-128 kaware. Hewson 4.00 2.00 4.66 245-408 D.H.Fox 4.46 2.45 6.91 310-546 G.M. atson 6.25 4.72 10.97 325-343 Henry T. Wood 4.83 2.08 6.01 370-152 0/Heintz 4.56 2.33 6.89 368-79 H.C.Bremcr 10.25 2.83 13.08 406-603 Derrel Jones 9.08 5.80 14.88 457-319 Myrtle Nestlen 4.00 2.00 6.00 4L2-147 W.J.Weet 7.03 3.50 10.53 491-272 Texas Cafe 13.66 5.76 19.42 512-338 Edward 'iiagner 4.08 2.38 6.46 560-39* K.R. Beebe 4.00 2.00 6.00 563-359 J.I . Baldwin 6.36 2.05 8.41 619-718 G.L. Germeyer 5.48 3.00 8.18 700.677 G.L.Littlefield 8.10 2.10 10.20 776-764 Don Woldridge 8.20 4.04 12.24 1048-402 E. V.Moore 5.19 3.20 8.39 1049-393 W.J.Fredrick 4.60 2.40 7.00 1095-652 Iteneth Hopper 4.79 2.40 7.19 1149-223 D.Singer 4.80 2.40 7.20 1194-429 G.b.Farrell 6.62 4.40 11.02 1213.587 Td.L.Comella 6.10 3.26 9.36 1228-212, K.F. Musehier 4.00 2.00 6.i10 1327-138 W.C.Altig 6.C,0 2.65 8.65 1334-175 0.E. Mendenhall 7.01 2.63 9.64 1304-297 G.Bullinon 9.20 5.22 14.42 1388-53 J.1i. Hord 6.57 3.08 9.65 1441-23 Ripley's App].. & T.V. 5.00 2.00 7.00 1463.703 John Scheckla 4.00 2.00 6.00 1496-404 Nina Weber 4.00 2.35 6.35 1502-41* D.h.Martin 4.00 2.00 6.00 1515-488 A.M.Young 7.15 2.80 9.95 1521-66 H.R.Laddis 9.80 6.34 16,14 1527-70 H. Abernathy 6.00 2.00 8.00 1568-425 R.Rsglion 4.00 2.00 6.00 AO*. ..- 4. (62 Ti6c.AD CuRivitilVITY cALNrEit TGAD OitECON January 1959 4441. or Lmt ciiYing c Chea belAnce el.77 erfailys !'arty 1 10.00 .,?.rneet Bigek 82 5.00 :*411bilit Breeden' e :44o., 83 10,00 Co;rut eb30 0.0 rrYtal recalpte 'fl.tft1 de- ta Totral race!-to 138.77 Di •BUR3,EXtrti it. Ger.. 21eo• 61 15.51 N'orthweat Watuvel 41 . 6Z 58.58 74.- iz.?4,14ric., kit end of month