08/20/1959 - Minutes SPECIAL MEETING
AUGUST 20, 1959
Present, Curtis Tigard President, C.E. Janoe, A.J.Chavez,, C.F. Nicola,
A.G.Ames, J.P.Lohrenz Supt., E.W.Carter Eng., Representives of the
industrial area as follows:- Henry Smernes, Irvington lachine Works,
Edw. G. Hogschmidt, Western Foundry Co. E.A.Reed R.T. & E. Co. H.M.
Gogely, Park Builders Supply Co., Franklin Seal, Aa Nalleys of
Oregon, George Leslie, W. M. Mullen and E.P.Rogers.
The meeting was called to order by the President.
A.G.Ames was sworn into office as Commissioner by A.J.Chavez. Sec.
The President turned the meeting over to C.E.Janoe to preside.
The purpose of the special meeting was to meet with representives of
the Tigard Industrial Areal to find out their views, what their re-
quirements will be, and if they are will to stand part of the costs
for impribvements and if they will come into the district. Also to
swear in to office as Commissioner A.G.Ames.
After much discussion, the area representives expressed their will-
ingness to corporate in the wellfare and improvement of the water
C.E.Janoe turned the meeting back to the President. Since there
was no other matters that could be taken up at the special meeting,
the President deckhred the meeting adjourned,
President l ��-' .�.� , -r Sec. ,,4 IV 1.Am0/ 4