12/08/1959 - Minutes ONrr HUNDRED 31T THIRD ?.FU .7. MELTING TIGAR.D WATER DISTRICT TIGAR D OREGON .;r_, ;r.,MBER 6, 1959 Present C. Tigard Tres. , C .E.Jenoe, A. j. Chaves, C. `.Nicoll,, A.Q. ASKS ..ommiasrioners, J.F.Lohrena Supt. The meeting was opened in the regular manner by the president. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. U.C.Hunsiker was celled upon and he stated that he wished to apply for water service. The Superintendent is to find out if the property is in the District, also if his neighbor is willing to come int the district. C.F. Nicloi moved, seconded by A.J.Chaves that the report of the Clerk on the office procedure be recorded in the minutes. The motion carried. The reg ort is as follows:- - he c1er. ✓.. wieees to talk and make some comments on the report of the office procedure committee which has been reported in the last three meetings. The clerk brougi t up t:ieee issues for several reasons and purposes. 1. The first is about the billing machine. The machine ould lake it possible to issue a printed billT like all other districts and companies are using. This would eliminate a carbon copy of the ,bills as done by our manual system used at present, and complaints of cus- tomers about not being able to reed the figures correctly. 2. By the use of the billing machine we could have a permanent rec,.rd of each customer, w;.1.ch we h?ve not manow. The card used would give a record' oof transaction for two years. The machine would print the bills make the record and add up all tie columasat one operation. 3. We weuld be able to use much lees expensive forms. In fact the savings in the cost of forms would in a few years pay for the mach. ins, not considering the other advantages. The machine must be of value or the other districts would not have them. The committee got away from the main issue for which the machine was requested, and based The the need upon the number of bills issued. number of bills issued does not have any thing to do WU with the need. Second. I would like to talk about the reports on sur billing system.. The Board stated that something must be wrong with our system since it takes a niitat.ileDi ►r t nd,17-7er that sone of the other districts. The first thing s:v consider is that ours is manual operated. Every figure has to written and every column added individually. To do our billing we write approximately 26,000 figures. It took two months to design our system and it is made up from the experiences of several other districts at the time. For a manual operated system ours cannot be beater. I challenge any other manual system For speed and accuracy. we can do the billing very much fester if we leave off the checks. The billing machine however would do all the checking automatically. By changing a part at the first of the month and the rest to the fifteenth w ould not cut down on the work, This would confuse the booking work later on and the loss would be greeter theft the gain. The clerk stron- gly recommends that the billing system be left as it is. Third. • On. the question of salary increase the committee has again gotten off the issue. The request was based on the issue of keeping the office open set hours, and not on any rats per hour. The clerk feels that that the work done for the Board cannot be based on a rate per hour. There are various items and conditions that come up that require thought and study which cannot be rate* in a rate per hour. This office requires more than a common office clerk which can be gotten easily and at low pay. This district has tried this three times before,aalak some of the previous board members. The clerk was given one month to consider what increaseshould be asked. During this time the clerk asked several board members what he should ash for, and the advice was to ask for enough to compensate for the cost of living for to day. 5eeveraal business men of the area were consulted and their advise was 300.00 per month for both of us. In view of these facts the clerk asked for an increaseof *160.00 per �r month. 75 �' .... _ ...� ^, t t<.• ., In conclusion we wish to state that we like and enjoy doing the work. a gladly put in the time necessary to do the job, regardless of the time it takes. 4e will not resign on account of salaryincreaese but we feel that the board should. consider that an increase would be appreciated for keeaing the office open on the fixed hour basis. J.(7.Johnson was given t e floor. He tsl'k:=d about an eight inch water main to serve a furniture factory that is contemplating moving into tie industrial area. Craig Egleson stated that he objected to the demand meter charge. After ;much discussion A.J.Chaves moved, C.E.Janoe seconded that a re- ducer be Brut in to cut dower the volume of water, but leave in the ore inch meter. The motion was lost. U.F.Nicoli moved., C.E.Janoe ;econed that the meter of Craig 't ;loson be changed from one inch to three fourths inch even up, with no cost to the district. The motion. carried. :°.Hetiae: prpAdent of the school board asked ebnut ';,ho necessity for extendeing the six inch water main clear across the front of the property instead of getting service a t the corner. The policy of the district ways give to him and he accepted the policy. (;.i. Nicoll. moved and C. .Jaanoe seconded that the engineer be given authority to go ahead with ' the preliminary work of the tacks. The motion carried. C.F.Nicoli moved, C.a.Jsnoe second that tee 'superintendent get in touch with the attorney, and to get his oppinon about doing away with billing the renters and to bill the property owners. .ince the owner or agent is resronsible for the rent, the water charge could also be included. The motion carried. C.F.Nicoli moved and A.J.Chavez seconded that F.C.Kedsling pay one half of the cost of the ;pipe line, for the footage across the front. of his property, to move his meter from Greengurg road to in- front of his house. h.e motion carried. ,.Ja.noe moved , A.G.Ames seconded that the a su;.esrintendent attend the "Fri County Water meeting in Parkrose. The motion carried. ti. C.L.Janoe moved A.J.Chaves seconded that the Board advertise in the Tigard Times for an assistand superintendent. The motion carried. C.F.Nicoli moved, seconded by A.G. Ames that . minimum wage rate of 0.00 per hour be paid the assistant superintendent. The motion carried. RECEIPTS AND DISBUR:3EMENTS TIGARD WATER DISTRICT TIGARD,OREGON CASH in the Bank Dec. 1, 1959 11133.13 Deposited During the Month 7102.73 Total deposits 18235.86 Checks Chard By Bank Balance .. 12312.21 Less Outstanding Checks 22.20 Balance at End of Month JaV8U.Ui Water Charges for the Month 24 Cubic of Water Sold 753,500 ✓ Renters Balance 184.00 woo#f eggriEdii Bull Mt. Balance 2388.65 Tax Fund Balance 8079.59 Maintenance Balance 4490.80 MITZITTISTIELI TJN3 i'r1` Meter Installations Amt. Name Meter ►iterial Labor Paid Cost 400 J.P.Lohrenz 30.3U 26.07 12.00 70.70 70.37 936 Jtm willock 30.30 28.89 20.00 70.00 79.19 937 Jim Willock 30.30 12.35 9.00 70.00 51.65 938 Ed.H. Schleif 30.30 14.72 .5.00 70.00 60.02 941 V.R.Lee0 12.291 .00 .00 ,1.5 i � 944.32 b . L 350.0 W.82 Profit on above Installations 37.18 INCOMc AND EXPENSE TIG:RD WAThR DISTRICT TIGARD, OREGON NOVEMBE, 1959 - TOTALto NOV. OCT. Date Income $ % /II11% /%%%i,�/ Water 2623 .26 2748.70 17284.35 Meter Installations 210,00 325,00 2655.00 Taxes From County ---- 207.31 363.29 Other Income 139.41 111.30 308.28 Total Income 2972.67 3392.31 20610.92 Operating Expense 50100/ o%$100 WX1 Supt. Salary and Labor 51900 658.00 4321.37 Supplies and Expense 332.65 -73.37 2676.45 - Meters Purchased -151.50 -30.30 -226,54 Electric Power 211,10 198,69 1450,31 Truck Operation 2.65 26,40 139.43 Accident Insurance 5.55 72.62 72.03 Filbert Orchard __--- 9.58 15.58 Leak Reports 1.00 ---- 5.00 liability Insurance ----- ------. 453.75 Sewer Expense 5.00 5.00 25.00 Machinery Rentat _____ --- 613.78 Advertising 52.40 41.01 Fire Hall Expense 20.57 20.57 Repairs on Truck ---- ---- 79.15 Expense Well `d1 ---- -__: 4.00 Total Operating Expense 925.65 939.59 9710.89 Administrative Expense ---------..-. - --------- Clerks Salary 64.95 62.85 328.35 Collection Commission 24.62 27.09 151.97 Office Supplies and Expense 103.58 57.08 350.62 Telephone Expense ---- 39.55 146.90 Accountants gees ---- ---- 250.00 Interest on Bonds 487.54 ---- 487.50 Bank Fees on Bonds 20.62 ---- 20.62 Election Expense 29.66 ---- 65.66 Cash Over and Short ---- .05 6.70 Social Security5.30 19.43 95.16 Bookkeepers Saary 90.00 90.00 450.00 Insurance on Fire Ball ---- ---- -48.45 Loss on Bad Debts 36.40 ---- 42.40 Total Administrative Expense 862.63 296.05 2347.43 -- Total Operating Expense 925.65 939.59 9710.89 Total Administrative Expense 862.63 296.05 2347.43 Total Expense 1788.28 1235.64 12058.32 Total Income 2972.67 3392.31 20610.92 Less Total Expense 1788.28 1235.64 12058.32 Net Gain For Period 1184.39 2156.67 8552.60