04/12/1960 - Minutes RECEIPTS AND DISSURSEMLYTS TIGARD WATER DISTRICT TIGARD, OREGON THE MOTH OF APRIL 1960 Cash in Bank April 1,1960 63327.61 Deposits 23861.21_ Checks by by Bank 03:33 Less Outstanding Checks 4385 #4414 632.10 Balance at End of Month 7U8i7.83 Water Charges for the Month 276300 Cubic feet of water used 794040i- Renters Balance 244.00 Taintenance Balance 5290.80 Bull Mountain Fund Balance 2388.65 Tax Fund Balance 9679.59 Tax Fund Bonds 113 Balance 6337.50 METER INSTALLATIONS FOR APRIL1960 Meter Name Meter Mater- Labor Cost Amount ial Paid 963 James Willock 30.30 16.18 18.00 64 .4.8 70.00 967 James Willock 30.30 14.27 9.00 53.57 70.00 971 JCBurgy 30.30 13.53 6.00 49.83 90.00 972 C.L. Woodard 30.30 24.88 18.00 73.18 90.00 973 Ed. Schleif 30.30 37.50 17.00 84.80 90.00 151.50 Lub.3b b8.00 410.00 325.86 -------------- INCOME AND LX,' NziE TIA-LD ',ATtii DIsMICT _ TIGARD OREGON Ml,RCH 1960 March February Balance INCOME water 2722.75 2693.80 29094.67 Meter installations 90.00 1615.30 4920.00 Taxes 454.85 2076.26 7181.21 Other income )0.00 35. 50 434.28 Total 3297.60 - 5420.56 40630.16 VTING EENSE lupt. Salary & Labor 929.00 1002.00 7414.37 3upplie3 & :ocpen,.$e 199.81 219.37 7144.49 Meters Purchased 60.60 60.60 346.30 Electric Power 163.06 209.35 2270.91 Truck Operation 31.02 41.40 311.05 Accident Insurwace 113 .77 -1.'A 286. 58 Filbert Orchard . - -39.51 Leak iieport 1.00 1.00 9.00 'eater Testing 23.45 - 23.45 Liability Insurance- - - 515.76 Insurance on Tools - - 109.35 c,.. ,;ewer .xpense 5.00 5.00 45.00 Machine Rental - - 613.78 ‘dvertising . . 62.61 Fire Hail Expense - - -53.30 Consumer Construction -970.00 250.00 -43.19 System Maintenance . - 25.70 Tank ;;.e11 #3 11824.70 1546.61 13865.76 Tank Well /1 113 .58 107.00 879.18 Ash Street Pipe Line 85.63 - 592.58 Junior Hihg School - 315.20 587.20 Repairs on Truck 33.15 25.00 137.30 Expense Well #1 - - 4.00 4DMINISTRATIVE EkEN ; Clerks Atlary 100.10 108.25 803.00 Collection Commission 24.52 22.42 242.17 Office Supplies & Exrenee 87.88 471.44 1063.31 Telephone Expense 38.19 42.08 343.72 Accountants Fees - - 250400 Interest on Bonds - . 487.50 Bank Fee on bonds - - 20.62 Bond printing - - 181.00 Election Expense - - 79.66 Cash over & Short - .65 5.21 .._ Social Security 37.48 34.86 206.80 Book keepers Salary 90.00 90.00 810.00 Insurance on Fire Hall - - 20.62 Burglary Insurance - - 10.00 Tri County Water Association 26.40 - 26.40 Loss on Bad Debts 3.90 - 46.30 Total 408.45 76' .70 4567.92 Total Ocrating 7ixpense 12491.88 3659.35 35108.36 Total Administrative Ex;lense 408.45 769.70 467.9g Total Extensa 12900.33 ,429.05 396?6. Total Income 3297.60 4206 40630.16 Lea Total Expense 12900.1.3 429.05 327t2i— .96M.73 1991.5i 9531.88