06/14/1960 - Minutes • INL;A7i, AND TIGAD JLIIt DISTRICT TII, 1101 :Ly 1760 aril Total to lete INA , voter - , 2774915 2763.00 3301.62 • . .ter installations 54400 250.00 571.00 Taxes from Countv 250.21 423.19 785461 Total imam' 47722.63 3np$4, Salary A, Labor ,700.00 S4000 ,.I . 37 lapplios 4k Txoense 347.96 0221.49 15713.95 Xotwre pnrohamod 26,50 515.25 v.loctric power 210.26 217.54 269841 Track operation 3427 29.90 575030 aocident insnroace •1.62 32,05 317.01 Pilbet orchard . . s.39.51 Leak retort 2.00 . 11.00 ;star tooting . . 23.45 Liability Laurence . . 51546 Insurances en tools . . 19.35 Mspo 6420, . 642.85 Sever =Anse 5.00 500 55.00 UlOhinori rental 7.50 12435 635.65 Advertising . . 62.61 ., Fire ball expanse . . .'5303 tea oonatruction ooneumer . . *43.19 System maintenance . . 25.70 Vault 411 '; 5 Construction V01400 1.29.54 3201100 Tank ,:oll 44 Construction 0918.30 190.95 8918.30 Ash street is line 14095097 24929.45 14095.97 junior II ,. 30hool .865.46 . *278.26 Repairs on truck 9.95 . 147.25 ' x ,onse iii11 4 . . 4.00 Total operating ex ens* 27)43.26 47011.58 56787.74 Clerks -,. ar, 93.05 05.00 981.05 Collection exPwasit 25.47 20.42 286.06 Ottioo expense 60.95 7547 1206.13 Telophons expense 37.70 37.60 419.10 Attornsy toes 335.00 . 335.00 Aooanntants te.e . . ' 250.00 ritual*, bond . 53055 53.55 Interest on bonds 435.00 3311.25 4243.75 Bmak fess on - ,..,4 .62 16.55 37.0 lend printing lectin aspens, . . 79.66 Cash over 4 short 2.70 .65 1.91 ., oriel eacarlti 29.92 33.03 273.07 nook keepers salary 90.00 )0.00 990.00 InaurrAnco on tire hall . . ...7 4 7 Tharglery inourarsce . . MOO nag wilco 3.00 - 3.00 Tr .County 4,ter Asa.. - - 26.40 ' Lose on bad debts . 46.30 ... Toka administrative expllse 1Irj4r-01.4.4.) . ' $43.2,uU Total. oporatiag =peas* 27543.26 47021.56 56787.74 Total axial:strati?. oxpanoo 1119.41 3722•80 9412.00 Total avows 28362.67 50734.36 66199.74 Total loom* 359606 3496.11 47722.63 Lona total aavoase 20362.67 50734.36 66199.74 4aia or loos for the ported ..2476601 -47231425 .18477.11 nnTPICT 17147#413D Wr as OF Jane 1960 Caah in the b.-ak. June 1, 1,03 13020,00 DAlited aurin the math It Total deivoito for the month Lax4 *hooks eilArg ad by the bank 3,5624411 Narama bil#444-ir Loss oat standing cheeks 66%05 Available for Aiine bills 4Atter ehar?es far tba month 379605 Cubic: feat of eater usigt 1040,350 tors balance 294.00 all ;',1oantain Puna 1,,-tinue 65 Tax fund - 10479.59 Tax fUnd Y2 053700 maitv, 49,4,-, fond 5670.80 aetr itter kAbor Coot ' Peter 964 4171mnis 7411e0k 30.30 15,20 lowee 55.54 7000 90 744.Haft4ker 30.30 31.58 24400 85.68 90.00 951 C.L. /Urban 30.30 24,70 17.00 72.00 9040 982 C.11,40baatett 30,30 1718 14.00 61448 90.00 985 4ntion Saha* )04M 33.63 20400 91.95 R.90400 965 4484 t 17942 65.97 51.00 24.49 523.94 986 nes 0. V 14430 15.00 59.60 90.00 987 W . Los 50..54 15.78 7.50 55.54 90.00 988 L. Maass 30.30 30.03 20.25 80.54 90.00 949 BeIcerimaW1 30,30 16.23 14.25 60.70 90600 990 T04.14* 5000 15.78 6.50 5456 30,00 Tetale 482.5L271434, 2°'.V.....212..•a......241.0 ... ;.1.' 7:u: 1,4 C .1„;31. ,: JULY12, 1960. beck 'Anne , ur -one AT. ,nt ); 4526 Yob. .rt Knotta ' a:os 75.26 4527 : :rti,trest Natur- 1 Onz Ht7,t 5407,0 4520 ..;on Ailer 429 .L.?urn ca 15.50 4530 Lo4neyta , arket Zolivetion Colowin 21.72 4531 L.4.Butler Leak m-ort 1.00 4532 'Ars. Howard iianoon 1,,,‘ak mort 1.00 : 533 Kramers Iaiing .,,ervice ,I)iling 11.22 434 21cCreuky Lumber Cc, A,11 Tile 12.60 45)5 Tird anitry Dint. -ewer twrvice 5.00 4536 Ti:, 1,1bor Co. :71-e fitting 5.51 4537 :1413 D.L.Kuns I.„Qnk mort 1.00 . 4538 Irvington .4ackine ' orks ...cfund ,, in t a line 267.00 4539 facing: Sttionery :;tv-tl, )nry 29.37 4540 ',An Arizs 3ervice GAS for truck 46.26 4541Tittil ._ialea & Mfg. oat of o7. g. rt1;Jnd .;eneral Uec. :11,,,c1- 299.26 4543 otma4itr :-„a1A.ng 28.50 644 1Y,.Frot , alcry 95.74. 4545 J. .Lobronz :441ory 411.22 546 ',. . ' ro--,5t ialary 5R). 0 4547 :re) :,t snae 1).68 4540 notoherockwood n11,11 ',;,Junt.ain refund 20.93 4549 ,A.:.1te Tzlx. Commiesio'n UN return 63. 45,0 lArector of intaz-nal :% .v: Ta,. return 345.70 4551 ' asi . :: ving & Loon 'lax refund 400.00 4552 auh Jai,. & Lewin : latenance 455) - ac. FirA Fed. ;, vinga Tax fund ;/2 1100.00 54 J.,'.Lohrenz mixt, 4xevae 6.15 4555 „,,ot Coat Tel. Co alephone 34.98 4556U.3. .1 e 7.4; Foundry Co. 3 in. f4 6 in ' e 4903.46 4557 ':ac. : tat c-o C-r-st IrAl e Co 12 It TA .0 4453.31 4558 Tird ,:ilirwod Truck Uoui trip 4!49 Ne;,tune :-'*ter C;() etc#ra 478.72 4560 - ,ac. -litor ...orke ziupplylvet?; . . ,fittirvi etc. 411.34 4561 I.J.5arte11 jAlna Aanville .1-.0 304.75 5462 . '_rtlnd ,i-f, Ir .n. z'' 7J M,1 end Vor c :'463!jickford Const. el 1 ;,:2t 2 14095. 0 54-4. ElLin Carter Eng. ell ril, 500.00 54( 5 Keith, -.,hitchr (,):4a1ring ty -ewriter 29.50 5466 .Ld Irickson Difzing 697.50 ,... 4567 3,,1 ',,ricknon Heuling pie 293.40 Total 30085.27