02/14/1961 - Minutes RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS TIGARD WATER DI3TRICT TIGARD OREGON FEBRUARY 1961. INCOME Cash in bank Feb. 1,1961. 9347.53 Deposited during the month Total funds 12925.25 Checks charged by the bank 4927.68 7997.57 Less out standing checks 71.12 Balance available 7926.45 Water charges for the month 2930.25 Cubic feet of water metered 829,700 1,v' Renters balance 345.00 Tax fund 6965.05 Tax fund #3 10103.33 Maintenance fund 2476.89 Bull Mountain fund 4537.77 METER INSTALLATIONS Name Meter Material Labor Cost Paid 1038 Ed. H. Schleif 30.90 2,W0i71 18.75 75.35 90.00 1039 J.W. Godwin 30,90 25.70 18.75 75.35 90.00 61.80 51.40 37.50 150.70 180.00 AGENDA February 14, 1961. Call meeting to order Reading of minutes. Rearing visitors. industrial ':,ater District matter. i Art Vincent rive line matter, question of continuing insurenq.e. plus Cross. Al Overlund ccident insurance turn down. Committee rerort. Letter to Al Chaves. 'urchase of 1500 feet of 8 inch pipe. `vi RUiH : ;: )aaa .-3toele wants 500 feet of ;.Ape line? Jr. Poakett wants letter on pipe line. Tualatin Valley ?irFlt Aid Car. ater works oiler =. tors shirt school. ?anis is for rest room*. A r:tOVA L „UP 0 3;14 ,,, . k.dio a t 1