02/08/1966 - Minutes MINUTES Tigard Water District.
236th Regular Meting
February 8, 1966
Mr. , Chairman
C. tgard, Tree sue e 1'3 N. Lorgfellow, Secretary •
C. Nicoll., C wird s siene.r Mr. Fullt rt -was cut of town on •
< •
J . Lahrenz , Project Manager , John Miller, Foreman
L. Niller, Clerk
Attor ney K. Hai nes„ and Elden Carter , Enginee r
Mr. .DuMars, Mr. Elliott of Elrose Terrace Subdivision,
Mr. 7)on Forrest.
. •
Chairman Kdllirg cal led the me eting t o order at 7:30 p.m.
MINUTES Mr. Nicoll moved, 2nd by Mr. Tigard tha t the minutes
t,,i-e—January 11, 1966 meeting be apranved as written. Motion
V.I ;TC)AS Mr. Don 'kr r e st appeared before the coriissioners to
seek answer s to cree st ions he had. He was assured the District
is s aund fine n ill , adequate water is available for development
of the area , no increased water rates are anticicated, and that
qualifications to voOe at an election in the District are:
must be a registered voter and a re sident ;,ithin the boundaries
Of the water district. Mr. Baines suggested that he obtain
'a copy of the statutes reglating to domestic water to review
as the District, is governed by the statutes.
Elrose Terrace developers, Mr. T. Elliott and Mr. DuMars
appeared to inq uit e who al thcri zed additional labor charge
to Page ea Company. A letter in the file from T. Elliott
regi ate d a cha nge from the or iginal specifi cat ion of
middle of the street installation to behind the curb.
Mr. DuMars said noose informed him there would be additional
char,aes for this. The bid was for 41796.00 and the fi nal
labor billetA 3.-1E s for $2443.00. He felt Page should have
bid again on the project if he intended to col mere money,
Mr. Elliott pointed out that communication with the z.,-.,drainietrator
had been ppor ther were not advis ed of time of bid opening -
did aot receiae a tabulation of bide, and e.,e-e not aware that
the epecifications called for middle of the street installation.
Mr. Carter stated he felt the additional charge by the contractor
was reasonable.
Attorney Bairns stated he felt that in ea. lflirneSa„ Mr. Page
should be given an opportunity to state his underatarding
before the commissioners could reach any decision on the
obligation still due the District. Jake Lohrenz is to
arrange a meeting of Mr. DuMars. Mr. Nicoll, Mr. Page and
himself to attempt to resolve the questins before the next
n eting
Mr. DuMars asked that their check in the amount of $7246.06
41144w be held by the District clerk.
BILLING MACHINE Mr. L(lag fel low r ec own ended that the boe rd
take no action at this time to change the billing system.
A decision should be delayed until the new adminiatrator is
hired .
BUD GT OF EIGER Mr. Tigard moved, 2nd by Mr. Nice ii that
Mr. N. Longrefl ow be re-appointed as budget officer for
the 1966-67 budget. Motion carried.
Tigard Water Dist riee
Minutes - Page 2
Februry 8, 196'i
FUND TRANSFW Mr. Tigard moved 2nd by Mr. Nicoll that
a temporary .'.6an of $5000.00 be transferred from the
General Fund to Developer Account . Motion carried
Mr. Tigard erved, 2rxi by Mr. Nioeli that $5000,00 be
4160 trans ferred .rom Generd. Fund to Construction Account as
alleged in the budget . Motion carried.
Mr. Tigare flawed, 2nd by Mr. Longfellow that. fr 000.00
he transfiered to U.S. Nationl Bank Time Open Account •
with 0i7./..00 due November 1, 1966 and $2000.00 due
April 29, 1.967. Motion carried.
Followdiscussion of budget real uir =exits and sir plus
cash c'7.1 tri d Mr. Longfellow moved , 2nd by Mr. Nicoll
that the e rea surer and bud get officer be. granted authority
to invest excess monies from the General Fund into Time
Depoeit after they ha ve had an opportunity to program
out bui get req uir¢s and d et ermine amount of money
available to invest. Mot ion carried.
r. Tigavd challenged statement made rectaatly in the Oregon
Tax Research bulletin that 1500 1st class circulars were .
mailed at tax payer expense. He pointed out that the money
came from general revenue rather than tax funds and that the
purpose was to inform urge the people to vot e at the Bor.d
Election. It did not. ask that they approve of the levy.
41149fW,YIS RFPQRT. • Mr. Baines has not been contacted as yet
by lit.. Semis attorney regarding the settlement.
REBATE POLICY CHANGE Mr. Baines reviewed in detail case
of Realty Development Corporation, vs. Mr. Scott Water Diar . t,
He pointed out that the decision would radically change the
rebate policy of the District in the future. The first line
installed wins regardless of which way the Ilona, feces when a
corner lot is involved. If the first line has been in less
than :1.0 years: that lot must pay a rebate to that line. If
for some reason, it has a hoo'k-up to the second line, it mus ;
also pay rebate to that line,
Mr. Bump of Bump & Meyer Realty Company had eubraitted the
leaf let for consideration and asked far an accounting of fun.'s
with the Dist Tic t for the Virginia acres development. He
asked for a review of the District policy on rebate.
The cleric was instructed to write a letter to Mr. Bump advis:.ng
him of the District policy on rebate. It was agreed that an
future lot connections on S. W. 115th across the sereet from
main installed at VirgInia Acres would be subject to rebate.
The ale disclosed that the Train along Lot no. 1 hes not beei
inst ailed according to Dis tric t policy ari the t de.7elopers ci
Virginia Acres still owe an additional estimate of $320.61 tc.
complet e Mae se II of the insta hat ion.
Wooside No. 2 A letter from Benjamin Franklin Savings & Loar
:11L stating ;1120.00 was on deposit for release to the District
when authorized by Dr. Foskett for full cost of laying the
water main along certain pronertie s locat ed in the Bull Mount lin
area, mr. Carter commented 'taat Dr. Foskett Tbnt one d some
conditions for Alt ure .extensi on during their lest con v ers atio
Et was pointed out the $1120.00 was an estimate onLy for Lot 13
f Woo dsid e No. 2 and did riot include lot no. 14 owied by Mr.
: ight. Mr. Carter will get in touch with Mr. Lams of
j3enjamin Franklin to clarify district policy :and to dis cuss
the intent of the District and Dr. Foskett,
3tate Highway Dw)air]tment will be re qm sted to include a 12"
pipe line openirc in its structure for the overpass on 72nd
flunzicker. It is possible fcr the District to ftrnish the pi )e
and the State bill the District for labor, This is for bid
Tigard Kate r ic t
Minutes Page 3
;ebruary 8, (.1966
EMINEER. REPORT - core; td
pur pos e s only ane y be sub je ct to ohs nge.
Well No. 4 contnaet with Bcttner Drilling Company was signec
411611 as recommended hI the Listrict engineer.
Pumpiag._,Stati en,:lid T:e engine er has re viewed closely the bid
submitted by liy.ron-ics, Inc. , and has concluded it does not re3et
the specificatims . Ic . Longfellow moved, 2nd by Mr. Nicoli that
Mr. Carter aware the Mel for the Little Bull Mtn. pumping station
to Cornell Mfg. Company who submitted a bid for $8231.00. Mo :ion
Engineer •Ferf; have not .,:een paid on a current basis for proje
completed. .'j-.!re possibility of charging a fee for Tr eliminar3;
estimates e di scne sed Mr. Carter will consider this app rc ch
further. I will eevier, outstanding fees still due him and a Ivise
the boa rd the amount required, Should it be sizable , it i
possible al:'-ewance rosy be M9 de inth.e 1 966-61-13717FIT-T.',F-db Ter
PROJECT 1,1V:io,E-4 REPORT Co:konial View line hee beer cut in. 2nd
& -Pinebrory are not tes‘;ed z. lorinated as yet. No. 4 Well
drilling i_luipment is at that site and Bottner Drilling Compa
d'riit Well No. 1.
- -
Short (chool Mr. Longfellow moved, 2nd by Mr. Tigard that Jo
i3'TrV attend short school scheduled March 20, 21 , and 22nd a d
tho s expenses be paid. Mot ion carried,
John Miller noted that 47 net er applications
47,e-1;-e been filed with tin District during January and that he
is behind in meter installation schedule andiras been une 'ele
attend to other important duties.
The commissioners favored his request to emplcy another man f
field labor at a rate of ap proximate ly !'f2.25 per hour,
ANNEXATIONS Er. Tigard moved , 2nd by Mr. Longfellow that the
annexation report as submitted by Mrs . Miller covering 73
lots in Pinebrook, HoodView, L . 'ardrip and James L. Brien
te accepted by the District paad i:resented to the county for
approval. Motion carried .
FUITD TRAMFERS Mr. Tigard moved, 2nd. by Mr. Nicoli that the lark
be authorized to transfer From GF to Developer 15000.00
From GF to Construction 5000 .00
Notion ca rri ed
Mr. Tigard moved, 2nd by 'qr. Longfellow that $8000,00 be t -an: erred
from the Bond Sinking Fund to Time Open Deposit with U. S . hal i_onal
Bank due November 1, 1966 and $2000.00 due Aril 29, 1966 with a
total transfer of $10,000.00. Motion can-ied .
Following discussion of bud ge t requirement s and resources on I end
160, in the General Fund. Mr. Nicoll moved, 3.1.d by :Yir. Longfellow t at
the treasurer program out and deteomine the amount that might be
ilvested in Time Depesit and be given auth ority to invest the excess
fund 3. Mot ion carried.
ADMINISTRATOR APPLICANTS that have been aibmitted tc Mr. Nice: 7. were
reviewed. Le is to set up interviews, screen the applicants, and
it is hoped a decision may be m3de .at the next meeting.
Tigard Water Di. tric t
Minutes Page 4
Febrtn r-y 8, 19(
BILLS Mr. Longfellow moved, 2nd by Mr. Nicoll that the bill !,
Iwo s listed be approved for payment:
Ueneral Fund !:91.4,320.85
Void #7581 - 18.96
)eveloper Account 4,209.47
Bond Construction 929.16
Constrjiction 4,456.05
Mot i on c ar ricd.
INS URA IT E Ana EW Mr LorgfeI10-; ,ggested that R. Full hart
be appointed to review the izsurrLce policies of the District .
ADJOURNMENT Mr. Nico 11 moved, 2nd by Mr. Tig ard that the
eti ng a az;ourn. Motion c rri ed