04/12/1966 - Minutes MINUTES Tigard Tater District
238th Regular Meetirt
April 12, 1966
Mr. Kolling, Chaim: an
N. Longfellow , Secretary, C . Tigard „ Treasurer
C. Nicoll, Commissioner.
R. Fullhart was out of tewn on business.
J . Lohrenz , Pro ject. Mane 'er, John Miller , Fore Ma n
L. Miller , Clerk
Attorney K. Baines, Elden Carter, Engineer
Dr, Bowles & property owners from the city of Durham, Oregon,
Mayor Kyle and R. Logan from the City of Tigard, visitors.
The meeting, was called to order by G. Kolling, Chairman; at
7:30 p .m.
H4,TNVTE;, Kr. Lorgfellow moved, 2nd by Mr. Nicoll the t the minutes
as written fa' the March 8 1966 meeting be approved. Motion
carri ed.
yI,SITORS Dr, Bowles, ReTresenting, a committee from the new city
of nurham stated an interest in obtaining water to serve their
cc/rim-unity. Boundaries in 'elationship to that area were discus 3ed.
Anti eine ted hook-ups re qed red in the neer future may be a round
168. Lack of water is slowing the growth of the area now. Mr.
Carter was inst ructed to make a study of available sour ce to
sueply the proros ed area and to contact the committee to a dirbe
them of potential timin7, line s involved; and estima ted exoense,
IV NA GER A special meeting held eerier resulted in a selection of
Eugene Rodger as manager of the Tigard -ater District. To :Canalize
the action, Mr. Nicoli moved, 2nd by Mr. Tigard tha t Mr. Rod ger be
hired as ire nager of the di stri ct at a sale ry of :,.8000.00 be ginning
May 1, 1966. The salary will be subject to bud get adjustment to
a range of approximately ,' 8400.00 for the next fiscal yea r. Motion
carried .
Mr. Kolling will pr mare a rele ase to the local newspapers.
Ve,VEY LL No. 4 - An invoice sutmitted earlier by John W. Compton;
Jr. was discus sad, Mr. Kolling a dv3s:id that an Agreement had be en
signed by all parties involved accepting theboundaries as established
in Mr. Compton's sur vey and. that Fred Anda son , attorney , we)tild rail a
copy for the District files.
Mr. Tigard moved, 2nd by Mr. Nicoll that the clerk be instructed to
write a check in the amount of $182.25 to cover one-half the charge.
Mot ion c arried
VIRG;NA ACRES Mr. Bump has not replyed to a letter written him by
Kolling. Attorney Baines suggested that is this colic cti ill is not
made by the next board rfeeting, the matter be p ced on the agenda
for further action.
PAUL SA g h- s accepted a settlemtnt offered him and no longer has any
411W claim to the $100.00 remainiT; in the Developers' Fund. The 4100„O0
has been transferred to the Bond Sinking Fund to ap-oly turd a hook-up
fee for the property and Mr. James Schulz has been billed by the cleric
for the balance still owing of •": 100.00.
icp,p c,ITY INSPECTION FEE Agreement was again discussed. The engineer
.advised—Uirtf fee could be based on an h -urly rate or a
per ft. basis. An equitable and more simple soluti on would be to ba se
it on a Der hour rate. The engine er/s fee is presently Wing handled
on a per ft. basis.
Mr. Nicoli moved, 2nd by Mr. Longfellow that a letter be sent as soon
as possible to Tualatin Development Corporation at King City advising
Tigard 7, ater District
Minut es •- Page 2
April 12, 1966
them that projects it the future will be charged $6.50
per hour for District sunervis ion and nspection of main
installation according to the new policy; the District
engirE, er fee will be charged out at .15 per ft; the
fees are subject to change in the future and ae ba sad
on normal conditions,
The foreman. corrn en ted that the copper buried in the ground
by King City has not been sa tisfactory at all and that 95%
of the me ter ins tall a tions must be re-done. He did allow
that the !,,,50.0. 0 charged for this tyo 3 of installation is
adequate at present for the work required.
PA T IRY regarding-cost of install ing
water line € o axnot 1600-2S 1-8 ownedby Mr. McFarland
and lyirg south of the Kay pr operty on S. M. 150th off
Bull Mt. Road was ze ed by Mr. Kolling. Review of the
background show s that Mr. Kay at the ti me of the main
installation for his pr onerty: was not required to extend
the main along the front of his pro nerty. Each rebate
situation is individually considered and this location.
was discussed in detail.
As a re sult of the review, commissioners concluded that
it appeared any main put in to serve Mr. McFarla nd s
nronerty in the future would be subje ct to rebate.
Mr. Baines po:Lnted -ut that a decision as to whether
the District ,right absorb sane of the cost of the
installation sh o,.1 d be based on:
1. Is there a line limitation?
2. Does it apnea r the line is rebatable?
3 , Should the District contiribut e to the
cost of the rra in installation?
Virhat policy sh avid apply?
The clerk was instructed to advis e Mr. Paterson by
letter that the District has no funds available to inve st
in extending the ma in at this -particular location. Funds
would have to be deposited with the District accordi ng to
noli cy to extend the main and would require that the ma in
be ca nried al ong the fu 11 length of Mr. McFarland's property
and would have to met the ere sent main in front of Mr. Kay' s
nronerty. The line would be subject to future re bate with in
the allowable ten year period.
Mr. Carter wi 11 prepare estimates of costs involved to install
the main al ong the pro nose d distance and inform the clerk so
the t the information may be included in th e letter.
PER F OV,AN CE BOM n4-griclis Origi ro 1 invoices submit ted for
the Ine z St. mei bee Monte Sub divisi o n projects by Mr. Ed Erickson
did not include a fee for per f orman ce bond. Cost accounting was
based on the se invoic es and the accounts closed out . Mr. Kolling
advised that later invoic es included these fe es even though the
work was completed orior to rec eint by the engineer of a certified
check in 1 ieu of the I-er fora:ince bond. It was agreed to cancel
the se tw o charges and' so advis e Mr. Erickso n in a memo. Woodold e
No, 2 perfor Iran ce bond fee will be allowed in the amount of 20.00
Tigard Tater District
Minutes - Page 3
A Tri 3. 12 , 1966
CI TY OF' 7 G Ail) Mayor Kyle erne ar ed to inform the co mai ssioner s
that the cit yTh had !passed four Ordinances at its Mon3 ay evening
tin eti ng to h old an el e ctio n May 24 th to mnec properties with in
the Tigard 'deter District to the rity of Tigard .
The four areas outlined by Mr. Kyle were :
1. Sumner Hills 2 N.E. Tigard & Greenburg lye .
3 . West - Derr' Dell, I'.Talnut & Bull Mountain
4. SE Little Bull Mt. , Frewing & Bre°ksi d e.
C onc ern was expressed by Mr. Baines that should certain of
these four area s fryer the annexation, and the dist ric t become
divided, serious problems c eu id be created. The city sh ould
oval. d getting into a positi on where it would be impossible
to acquire ad equ t e financing to provide adequate water re sour c es
for future a-oje cted growth of the area.
The comnissicners• feel the voters shoe' d make the decisi on
ard do not tae a stand either in favor of or opposed to the
rro .os ed an nexati os.
ENGINEER'S REfl9R 7, Well No, 4 has be en drilled to 28 to dete.
Test zr sui ts of Cell No. I were reviewed and detailed with a
platted curve to det ermine there cter sties of the well ,
495 g p.m. hed been numned for severe l hours and all indications
are that the aell will provide an excellent susply. It is pos
800g.p.m. may be obtained artl the clue sti Oil of .hat• capa city to
prepare for at this time was raised. Comparisons of 45HP end
75HP pumps and range were discussed,
Specifi ceti ons were reviewed err" the engineer utile ated that on 7.e
the decision on sis e made, a pump could be available with in two
or thr ee we eks after bid had be en accepted. Considerationwill
be given to using the old pump from Well No. 1 at -ell No. 4 as
it does not an pear to be worth very much on a t rad e-in.
Mr. Nicoli moved , 2nd b; Mr. Longfellow that the engineer be
instructed to prepare specifications ane se cure bids from
reputable manufacturers on a 75H P high .emal itx pump in due
haste. Moti on carried,
The board reserves the onp ortunity to analyze and cunnar e
qua lit y of pumps offered on hid and it is understood that
factors other than lowest cost will be considered .
A special meeti ng will be called to awr rd the bid in order
to expedite installation of the pump at an early date .
Booster.. Pump SYS t erna Well No. 1 * The st eel chamber Iv s not
been manufactured as yet but is on production list . Mr. Carter
has press ed for early delive ry and hose a to have it avails bise
in two or three weeks. He advised that a ctde 1 mats llat ion of
the sy tem will not r:,qui re more than a mur le of days and it
is quite os s ible the system wi 13 be functioning by May 1 rsth
if all v,oe a according to his pro jested soh edule.
Priel ,ipinaryeeEng;ips er in 7Fee to cover costs incurred by Mr.
Carter 's office to provide estimates to develoPer s for proposed
sub divisions was discussed , Mr. Carter states that from his
sta nd-point, it is not necessary at this time to ch.- rge a fee
but he will recommend it when the present noli cy works a ha rd-
ship on his office and staff.
Ne ry ciati on to Jake and John were expressed for extra
hears spent at the well durin recent tests .
Tigard 1,',.at er District
Minutes - Page 4
April 12 , 1966
FORh l'TAN ,S li.i, PORT covered analysis of costs to install meters,
John stat ed that a raise may not be justified at this ti me
bases on the detail he had worked out, ho,„,:e ver9 it was
pointed out that his figures did not al 1 ow for vehicles and
equipment, or district ave rhead. He was Inst ruc ted to call
other districts to determine charges ma de el e s ewh ere .
Ika. Consideration e-a s given to raisin g the fee to !,,c110.00 but
no definite decision will b e made unti 1 a inter date.
Jake pointed out tha t the costs of 1" nrt ers have risen to
a point where he feels justified in rais in g the cos t from
25 ,00 to :,'.:150 .00.
This will again be placed on the agenda for the May meeting,
1L1)H0J riiiii .•:. G.L'It ie FORT J . Lohrenz asked for a decision on
hop keup fee for pro perti es on 132nd St. near Walnut Avenue.
it ti e Bull Mt. prep er tie s above the boost er system are
pay ing ,.;200,00 for a co nn ec tic n fee when annexed to the
District, Properties with, in the T"alnut Ave. extensi on
agreement are charged . 3 50.00. It was pointed out that
the Dist, ri ct ha a an obligati on to recover its initial
inve stm en t. Audits and records ,A 11 be re vi aged to det ermi ne
how much money has be es- collected to date to offs et the initial
*nvestment. No d ecisi on van mDd e at this meeting .
Rebate on 121st Mr. Henry Potter has inq uir ed about cost of
connection to main along his property that originally was
instal lad by Stassens. The map shows an 8" lines has been
ins tailed as a main supply line along this street . Mr. Longfellow
raised a question on policy and wondered if a study had been made
by a competent Individual to arrive at a policy. Mr. Raines
pointed out that each rebate situation is treated individu ally
and an ag r e em e nt sh ou 1 d be Entered into at the ti me the j cb is
co nrp let ed in tl e future) hots ever, this policy was not in affect
at thc_,,, time of this pa eticular instellati On. He al so stated
that when /a con cession is made in one area , another condi viae ual
may be justified in exre cti n .7'; the same tree traent . It is
important that cc- t s are keit, do wn in the district and that
fund a are not spent to absorb costs of main install eti on that
contra ctors & dev el orers should be r equired to PYO
All were in a gre eme nt that rebate si'tea t,ions-A th:I.n the d is t ric t
should be detai led by the new mare ,ger as one of his first aro ject S.
CMMr. Lohrenz was instructs d to advise Mr. Potter that he would be ---\
require d to pay one-half the co St of the 8" line running along the
length of his pro perty plus the meter installation dsar ge.
Fire Hydrants. Jake asked for au thcri nation to eplace 4." l',/c31,11.1•::..
with 6" hydrants along S. V. McDonald in or der to keep fire rating
down. He was Inst ructed to repla ce the se hydrants and it was
pointed out that the 4" hydr ants then become pro rerty of the
District, and rz rt of the i rue ntory.
Well No„ 4 driveway on Zwingli .pro needs some rock se.
maintenance on access used to the well site. •
Mr. Tigard moved) 2nd by Mr. Long fellow that rock be Motion
cha s edfromthe Special Const ructi on Fund to 11 x the driveway. carried,
BUD GTT iTETING. A special meeting will be held Apri 1 12, 1966 at,
the home oP i',1r.. Dolling at 7: 30 to dis cuss the budget.
Tig ar d
minute a - Page 5
pnii 32 , 1966
4te SHO BUILDING Mr. Kolling d observed that providing, a desk
and phone would 1-.kelp John with records and orders at the dl op
bui1dir , Corsi der tion will be given to providing a tele phone
4110 at the shop.
PETITION OF 1NNEXiTION REPORT as provided by the clerk
was reviewed. A copy in d et ai 1 is a pe rt of the per maneat
minut es file.
Mr. Tiga rd moved, 2n d by Mr . Longfellow that the boa rd authoriz e
the chairman's signature and fi ling at the county of the petiti ons
submitted to the clerk during the month. Motion carried.
DDT Do 07E RS ICCOUNT Two delinquent accounts, Meadow Plat (
Paterson Realty) and Pine brook (Stan Adkins Realty) are delinquent
and if collection is not made prior to next board meeting , the
attorney sugge sted the item be placed on the agenda for further
legal acti on.
WELL NO. 1 Ste ad-pipe Mr. Tigard informed the comnissi crier s that
Mr. Armand is all evin g for one lot vrith. in future d evel oqrent pia ns
for his property far erection of a star-age facility for the water
stri et.
Boundary dispute Mr. Longfellow urged that an attempt it e rre de
again to arri ve at a set tlement on the prone ty boundaries with
the Presbyterian Cleurch. He stress ed that an effort should be
re de to fence the property.
CCE RES" ND EPC E Mr Tigard moved, 2nd by Mr. L ong f el I ow th t
Mr. Kolling answer the letter received from the State 1'a ter
Resources Board. Motion carried .
Mr. Carter will reply to the State of Oregon, : tate High6•.eo y
Depa rtme at letter.
Line Meter Mr. Lohrenz recommended th at a line meter be ole ced
on each well .
INVOICES Mr. Nicoll moved, 2nd by Mr. Longfellow that the
following bills be paid:
General Fund ,951 .09
Bond Sinking Fund 8,439.67
Construction Fund 2,222.08
Deis-loners' Fund 3,468 .36
Bond Con struction Fund 25,203.29
Motion carr .
ADJOURNED Mr. Tige rd moved, 2nd by Mr. Nicoll that the
me etinp.; adjourn. Motion carried.