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10/11/1966 - Minutes
. mTpuTs Tigard Weter District 244th Regular Veeting October 11 , 1966 PRESENT C . Nicoll- Chairman N. Longfellow, Secretary C. Tigard, Treasurer H . Brown-, L . Nodland Commissioners K. Baines, Attorney E. Carter , District Engineer 16, J . Lohrenz , Project Manager C . Nicoli , Chairman called the meeting to order at 7: 30 P.M MINUTES Mr. Nodland moved, seconded by Mr. Tigard that the minutes of Scrt. 13th , 106E be annroved as written . Motion carried . OLD '3USINESS City of Tigard vs Tigard Water District . Speakers for the City of Tigard were Mr. Logan, City Administrator and Mr. Kyle, Mayor of City of 1igard . Subject odiecuseion, the withdrawal of the Cit of Tigard from the Tigard -later District. Proposal of the City of Tigard and Board of Commissioners of the Tigard 'dater District to have an eliiction in December and the people of the district make the decission. Mr. Kyle stated the backing of the Tigard Water District would be necessary inplacing the issusa, before the people in such an election. The Board of Commissioners of the Tigard Water District were asked by Mr. Kyle to support the withdrawal of the Water District . Also thet a rublic statement should be made by the Board of Commissioners of the Tigard Water District to the people as to agreeing or disagreeing with the City of Tigard of withdrawing at this time. As renresentPtives of the people of the Tigard Water District, the Board disagreed 0 with the City of Tigard in advising the people as to how they should vote as the purnose of an election would be to get the people of City of Tigard to -roice their view ol the proposal. Mr . Tigard stated to try to cram the issue dow:i the peoples throat would not meet with his aprroval. Mr. Logan s ;nted in getting at the facts , the Statue of the Oregon Laws it provides some tyre of scheme for joint management and the issue being as to whether the peonle would agree to such a scheme. Mr. Nodland stated this issue of withdrawing was made by the City of Tigard and not by the Tigard Water District. Mr. Kyle states the purpose of withdrawal was to develope this area and give better waten service to this area . That the Cit: of Tigard better staffed and qualified to handle this matter. Mr. Brown states that he has no knowledge of anyone being denied the services of the Tigard -ater District. Providing the qualifications were in order to be served by the Tigard Water District . Charge of Mr. Kyle being peoele have been denied the service desired. Exam-le of the High School being made thet the Tigard Water District had been very cooperative and in no way connected to their pro:: 3-ct of the second well for irragation . Mr. Logan again comes un with areas not now beThg served and the nlann' ng service of the City of Tigard . Mr. Kyle at the meeting of Oct. lrd , 1r66 himself asked for the election and Mr. Tigard stated the City should vote for the eleotion to which Mr. Lo -an pureosed again the stinulation be dissolution vs withdrawal be the issue. A roll to be taken by the Board of Commissioners of the Tigard Water District commissioners and arswer be given to thr. City of Tigard the following day, October 12th ,1c66. Mr. Logan also asked permission to examine the Tigard -atPr District books to which Mr. Nicoli was agreeable as such ere public records. A meeting also would bee held Octobor 17th, 1966 by the City of Tigard and Tigard 'dater District. Mr. Kyle stated rublic hearing would be necessary for a decision of withdrawal. ENCINT7R, Mr. Carter retorts the Beef Bend road line in up to the reservoir site. Bids were in running down to Gerber. The job cost 32,000 as opposed to '42 ,000 submitted by the City of Tigard . It would add ur to 32 , 552 .83 . An agreement to be prerared by Mr. Bernie the attorney and would meet with Gerber , Fought and Anderson but to Mr. Carter ' s knowle -ge at present had not been presented Pro....., - .7 . .. . . . . . MINUTE Tigard '::aer District Page 2 October. lith, 1966 tothem as theywould be the finanCal backing. Specifications for Weil 3ite No. 4 reservoir are complete and bids are out for steel constructions, drawings are finished and ready for the newpaper 6S 800n as date decided on for cpening of bids. Itwas decided bids to be opened at Mr. Carters office. Mr. Carter askE?d. that Mr. Lohrenz make a test and rePort to him. Main Street drawing complete and ready to start the .laying. oC new line. Mr. Carter and Yr. Lohrenz discussed the rePlacement of '‘h 12" reolacement as Per requested by S . -.::/3 Railroad . ATTO3NEY73 RL2ORT Mr. Raines report on easements for 125th street as Title Company had not been able to locate . Mr. Lohrenz asked to check his records as nine (9) easements with legal description and owners names ,Jould be neededfor extention of line. TP.OJECT MAN3GER' 3 REF ORT Mr. Lohrenz reports the grading of site a Well No. 1. the painting of truck and its return. Additional report on Well No. L Site . The Omara pipe line completed. Rrewing street not stetted as yet . Rerort on King City pine laying and clorination of line, The fencing of well No. L. open for bids. Mr. Lohrenze also Purposed fencin,, of site at Well No . 1 for our Protection as to the shop also Title clearance to site questioned . CIK' S 3:T-0"-ZT ...,___ Mrs . McKee gave the Board of Commissioners the Revenue figures sad Cubic feet PS of Se-t . 13th of the Billing on No .II. • 'Audit by Yr. Sava -e as of June 30th , 1066 not com-leted. A. Check from Nirs. Lee Miller for :::.213 .20 for rebate to Mr. 3umr on Virginia Acre development. A report requested b.:, the !..ioard of Commiseioner for total receiet and expenditures. Mr, Brown recuested stamP of approval on each Invoice poid showing si --natures of those res-onsible for payment of vouchers. This would assure those signin7 the vouchers that payment had been arproved by those rssPonsib) e. Mrs. McKee also stated that janitorP1 services by B &, B Janitorial Service had been disconed. Mrs . Mckee to notif Mr. Bum- by letter of this office. orpcedure in handling the rebate from Mrs . beats Miller . COHRESTONDIT:.CF letter From Mr. C . Woodard reouestin,' an adjustment of the 17.00 wateP hill paid due to the sa -1ety o - relief valve roPping ofin his home due to hi-Th rressu:ce in the district and causing eixcessive water waste. The board checked the meter readings with the previous year and found the presPnt readily; a just billing. Mr. Nodland made thP motion that a rebate by the district could not be made and that L . '/:ooda d be noti±ied h letter of tis dicision motion seconded by. Mr. Brown and motion carried. VOLICH311.3 . Motion for payment of Vouchers was made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr . Nodland . 44. VLIT.TING77',JCi :' 1172 AT II P.M Dated Approvcdby CHAIRMAN This meeting tare recorded. ... IJIINUTS Tigard Water District 244th Regular Meettabig October 11,1966 PRESENT C. Nixoli- Chairman N, Lonefellow, Secretary C . Tigerd, Treasurer H . Brown , Nodland Commissionrs K. Bnilles, Auterney E Carter, Dastrict Engineer J Te-ee , e , Project Manager 410 7i y --11 - Yi,e meetir7 to orler at 7: 10 P.M Mean...3 Mr, Nodland moved seconded by Mr. Tigard that the minutes of Sent. 11th,1966 be approved as writtm. Motion carried , OLD BUSIFFSS City of Tigard- Speakers for the City of Tigard wereMr. Logan, City Administrator and Mr. Kyle, Mayor, Mr. Well, Mr. Knauss and Mr. Bergman representing t: e City of Tigard were present . Mr. Kyle ask for the supnort of the City of Tigard in their withdrawal from the Water District, The Board of Commissioners of the Tigard Water District was a negative answer to this proposal as it was presented to them© WGINEERTS REPORT Mr. Carter reported on the Beef Bend road up to the reservoir site . Specifications for the Reservoir were completed and ready bids on the construction. Main S;reet drawines completed for the laying of new line . Mr. Carter and Mr. Lohrene discussed the replacement of 121 line as per request by S. & S Railroad. 410-- ATTORNEY'S REPORT Mr. Baines discussed easements for 125t1 stret as per Iltie Com' any' s report and findings , M-, Lohrenz asked to ds Cor casement3 with legal desen.ption and owners PROJECT MANAGER'S R' PORT Mr. Lohrenz report e the grading of se at Well No. 1. Painting of shop truck. Additional ieformetion on Well No, 4 Site. The omara street pipe line completed. Frewing street not in construction at this time . The fereing of well No. 4 onen for bids. Mr. Lohrele also purposed fencing of site at Well No. 1 for our protection tc,3 to the shop and li,Je clearance to site, 3LERK'S REPORT Mrs. McKee reported the Revenue and CubLc feet as of Sent. 13th on Billing No.II. Auditor Mr. Savage had not comrleted audit as of June 30th,1966. Check from Mrs. Lee Miller for :_ 213.20 for rebate due Mr. Bump on iirginia Acre development , Payment of this check to be applied to account owing the Tigard Water District by Mr. Bump. A report requested by the Board of Commissioners for total receipt and expenditures. Mr. Brown again suggested stamp be used on vouchers in payment of Invoices by those responsible. The Board was advised of Janitoral Services being discontinued eby B & B Janitorial, Mr. Bump to be notified by letter of office procedure in handling the rebate due him by Mrs. urota Miller 30aRE3PONDENCE % Mr. C. Woodard request for adjustment of the 17.00 water bill paid claiming excessive water wasterdue to high pabenure in the district :.eusiee ear, relief of safety valve to pop off in his home. Checking the meter reeeiag , year, the Board found this to be a lust billing without rebate , ?fl" Nalland made the motion th 3t a YebPte by the MINUTES Tigard Water District Page 2 October 11,1966 district could not be made and that Mr. Woodard be notified by letter of this dicision, motion seconded by Mr. Brown and motion carried. VOUCHERS 060 Motion for payment of Vouchers was made by M:s. Brown and seconded by Mr. Nodland. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 11 P.M Dated Approved by CHAIRMAN • This meeting tare recorded. 06i 060