08/09/1966 - Minutes , . ". 7 ':-. 7 ':,..- • ,•', . .,... .- - ', •' ;• ,., ,: • '.'•.:. '_ -1,,J :•--,:'••• ;,'I ,': f,-. •:,1:. ,;:i , :: :. 2,ENT . Nicoll- Chairman T. Longfellow, 5e.o.rotary C . Tigard, Treasurer 71 ,, 73rown , -L . !lodiund, -Comoissioners . r . e4,11.rol , Attorney Carter, Dist. Lsinoer ran .: , l'rojPet Mgr. j , Miller, Foreman. Wioli , Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7: 30 7,i,-1. 71T 'P',.ation .wo made by Mr. Nicoli for the an-roval of the minutes as writte ,, •motion carried and, aprroved by the Board members. 17T -rf,In !: .-- Tf, ,-:, r-; /-v w , . Mayor Kyle, Mrs . 'ti:va Moore _ . .,. ..,..,,,,, ....... ". . E::. :31J :. _:6.i Mayor Kyle rresented a problem to be discussed of bringing adequate water suprly to the Bonita area, this being an Industrial area. Not to suo-:Ly water for this area es it is now being served by the Mt 'ger ' aiter District 1.u.t as a fir.- nrotection. The ' r3m in this area is having adoquate lines and pressure for insurance rurnose. The insurance rate- at the Dresent time being around -2. 7, 00 for this industrial area and could he reduced to arroxiclately 'i.1.,000 if these requirements ate at The City of Tigard made the prorosal that they would lay the 12" line from 72nd and hunziker and 72nd and Bonita if they could get the at :from Tigard ':ater District. T is proposal ,.-o,,J1d also include pool,.ing into Tigar-1 .::'ater District main which would sun-ly them with the wrressure needed , The industrial area would surnly ":, P Cit, o7 Tigard with the necessary funds for laying of thP lins and with in a neriod cf five years, the City of Tigardagreed to buy back ,50 of the ' ant . An equitable fee or charge would be made to the Tigard ..;: ter ,:i.ctrict fo--: this service by the City of Tigazd„. Tigard .:"..ater cPri 7,, rs suz ested the be allowed to takr this under !:=tq.visnt with. 71-.. Carter riist, E,n7inee.r- for the Tigard ' ater District and 1:, i :y..Ter Yater District. kr. Logan submitted his ap(,licatiH)n for the position of Mana7ement of the Tigard hater Diatrict along with his present position as City Manar.er of the City of 1i7ard. Frs. Moore stated in her comnlaint to the Tigard -ster District that until bamning at ';:ell ' i.. began, th.-, wells on her home property has given . adequate water for both domestic and !a-n irragation rurroses but the wells are now dry. Time of the wells drying ur coincided with testing of :.e1.1 1:4 by Tigard ' ater District which is north an: above nronerty of Mrs. Moon-. Tigard :ater District has a water min along th - 'Jest side of !?, ef 7:end Road and suggested some willingness to ,bermit her to • hook onto tis main without cirg.,-- excent for charge of brining the 1 pipe undo- the road, installation of water meter and the required monthly useage charge . A '2 .C) charge rer running foot ha F beenrequired c.17 ad,I.oin4:ng pronerty owners for funishirg water service but this be as d'..)mstic usc:= at home site. Testing thi s .ir.,. -,.,71Ac will. :3,..g'e a'reurlte time T. (2,-,, ,..,.....:: :, ,,:i .:-' , ':::H.,y•• .:. H • ,- ..... y t.',:', h .A.f.. . TYf:.oic ?: v!,: t. :7: , •'.'-c:Tc, hi thr, T,._',, ,lz- :ater district .8. . t?..r. Juin Vt . nserviov7:- F°:.:L'T, A .'arrant, Dc-,.,d from 1v1,-. . .:171,'; Mr3., .lson ,-.,:n(' ri, nl Tax ..,-n 4;:::,. nv ays tc, thi, ' ter DistriGt th.;:: 20 foot sari" , . . , of Is and 3 foot strir of 1, :in,.-1 artjacent to Lot 72, High To.:' '-st, ; '[ashington County Orgon. Thr necesary si-raturf,1 was secured by M, 1 Lohrenz and notoriz,ed . This proberty we burchased„ for th(:. sum of :1;70. -0 and deed mailed to Jr. Baines for recodipq by,the Tiq....brd r ::: istrict, A Co-y of deed now. in file 65-11. -;':.r. : axon also :—:-(..e' d- to give us a 5 ft , easement is we agreed to relocate our water lines along the north end of lots 29-30--31 . /41,-. Baines drew up the eps-ment bul signatures at this time has not been secured. Mr. Faxon agreed to this easment if we would fence and screen our pronerty which we have • airedy nlanned in the Bond issue. Mr. Nicol± ma a motion to • urohase .. • ti-.7. 7.7- rt,i _- m,7::• nn f:; collth., :' '‘'• -' -•: ''-- -- -.'-- -- - ' •— ,,,,,,..•_••,,,„..•• •, , , •-... . .-:-......7,.:„.,„ .„ , ,,.- ,-• . •....7„...........••-7.• • , . ,--, ',-., - ,,••-,- •• !L : .: :':r. '' • .4... Tivn ' ter District Minutes- Pse 2 August 9'0 ,1966 ENGINHER7$ .3.EPOlT Mr. Carter prrsented bids on the Oecbey Property , Bid wets a].loted to IA. Erickson contract )r for a bid of 1,407.50. Mr. Tigard mrde motion ancseconded In/ Mr. "eown motion carried. Mr. Ce ter Mr. Carters stated .11 regard to No. 4 that Bottner had reached the ,i11,00 point of 720Ft whie'l was the point that had been agread upon at the present price. Str,ing zone of water at 708 ft . Fresene situatien we ere pemrine arour.e! 300 to 350 Galloon per minute at tae level of 720 Ft. Tete were taken md water excellent with 56 degree. Due to the °resent condition of the clump beine used, Mr. Ca -ter recommended the old pump from Well No, 1 ee reconditioned and used at this site. Mr. Bottner reccmmended the he be allowed to null off his drilling at this time but would come eack if need for future drilling. A minimum charge of ...22.00 per 'oot for another 200 ft. Mr. Tigard sueeested to let out contract ;'er road and 12" nipe line. Board members agre-d to release Mr. BJttner at this time. This motion made by Mr. Tigard and seconded by Mr. Longfellow. Mr. Wallace Lee who had property and owns same e - ote Mr. Carter as to supply water . After discussion of the board, Mr. Carter to write letter to Mr. Wallace Lee that a study would be made of his nronosedl but felt it was beyond our planning area. Mr. Cook made anelication or annexation of 1,0t 4, 8 . Fern, a 61r lin, of _70 ft and would issue check to the Tigard Water District as per Mr. Carter's estimate . PETIT1.1Np •o•AF Aereii ns submitted to the board. Lot 4 S. : . Fern R. Cook 121st & S.-. Dakota David Farr PROell, f MANAGER Pressure systrm running but eot fully automatic. Valves toje installed an: available. Ma-! , St . Reed for contract as soon ae drawin -,e available by Mr. Fla iker Trouble withFressure rump, Relocating of pipe from present -.1 )cetion will exceed Mr. Carter's estimate but salvage value of old tipe should offset this factor. elariwood Pipe installed al,aiting Permit from County. 137171:Mit Overflow is a problem and yet to he solved. ATTORNEY nk.weDvo.W. The rebate to M-. Ken Kramer, Inez, a discussion by the board member of the rebate of ::237,47. Discissi. n ;that Tigard ' eter District liable and motion made by r, Tigard to make cheek out of div-xict funds. Mr. Lonafellow seconded the motion and carried. PRWZCT NJiit Mr. Lohrenz states the district having trouble with King City covering lines before inspected. Fire Hydrant s do not haee shat off valve end Fire department should be notified as to insurance . Mr. Baines stats his impression of Mr. Sorenson that he ie a man who lies up to his committments but does not know what is going on. A Euggestion that a 4460 letter be written„ to, him direct to Mr. Sorenson, no on a else, stating, our -)robA,cals Lor,ron that personal contact with r. Sorenson more ef-eetive. ete'4f'OeYcy is completed with the exee, tion of chaoaber. The contractor left and -All have to contact someone else. Mr. Carter aoid he would take care of this matter. FORLI,IAT: And justment of labor cost to his budget had been made by laying one man eff and another on August 15th. Mr. Miller stated a study should be ; made of King City meter installation due to increase in cost of meter due to copper . Repairs were being made on t53 Truck and with patience the telephone would be installed. The new Cushman purehas d by the district would pay for itself in two years. r Tigard Water District Minutes- Page 3 August 9th,1966 CLERK'S Financial statement not submitted at this meeting due to Auditor's figures not available. Mr, . McKee that apnroval of the board be made at this time as per the 1966-67 Budget, The budget figures were presented by v.e. Nicoll , chairman. Mr. Nicoll recomTedded budget figures be retreactive as of July 1st as it had not beer take up, M . Longfellow Noe made the motion that figures on the budget be accepted and Mr. Brown accented by second the motion. Mr. Lohren , asked that his salary be raised from 25. )0 on budget to 50.00 per month. Overtime or compensation discussed by Board members of Mr. Lohrenz and Mr. Miller. Two Board members were appointed meet with Mr. Lohrenz and Mr. Miller to further the discussion. Mr. Nodlund and Mr. Longfellow were aprointed. Mr. Brown and Mr. Tigard were appointed by Mr. Nicoll, Chairman to advertise for administrator. Mrs . McKee brou-bt before the board the matter o7 Bil- ing MPch-ne which has been pending. Mr. Brown r- commended Mrs. Miller be anointed to nurchese the Burrough machine ns discussed no ; be exceed 4 ,000 and see that it wPs installed and in oreration. Peyeble touchers from the General Fund checks 78'6 to 7F'09, Bond construction i'und Chrcks No. 50- 68, Developers Fund checks 291--96 were presented for annroval end signatures. Meeting adjourned at 11 : 15 (60 This meeting was ta-ed recorded and filed as No.1, da ;ed August 0th , 1966 by Mrs , McKee , Clerk 4110