03/14/1967 - Minutes MINUTES Tigard Uoter District 249th Regular Meeting March 14, 1967 tV,W4,-Vh C. Ti - Chairman -*me C. Nicoll, Treasurer N. Longfellow, Secretary V. Wheelwright, Commissioner George Waddill, Administrator J. Lohrene, Project Manager J. Miller, Foremen Ruby Walker, Clerk K. Daineo, Attorney E. Carter, Diatrict Engineer Chairman Tigard called the meting to order at 7;50 PM, OINVTES of the February 14, 1967 meeting wortadoptcd oe written. Motion by Mr. Nicoll and 2nd by Mr. Their IH . Motion carried. OLD BVSINE4§ New Tigard Warehouaet M . Nicoli made the motion that Tigard Water District approve, 't,or the granting of the request of Stephens, Thompson and Runyon as outlined in their letter of August 10, 1966 and the plans for the change of the 12" cast iron water main at New Tigard Warehouse at the owners expense. Seconded by Mr. Longfeil000 nItiGn carried. Kromer Settlement: Hr. Waddill informed the Commissionera that tho oettlement as pay- ment in full of $450.00 had been msde. Lccording to Tigard Water ''41111 District figures the amonnt owing was $493.10. The eettlement WTZ made in accordance oith motion made aZ Febouary 14, 1%? meeting. Dudget; The Commissioners agreed that Mr. Uodiand and Er. Dunn he served their terma as Budget Committee members and were to be replaced. • Motion was made by Mr. Lonafellow that Hogh Brown ad Bob Emiaet be appointed as Dudget Committen membera, 2nd by Mr. Nicoli. Mr. Longfellow moved end W.713 2nd by Mr. Wheelwright that Er. Dunn be appointed a alternate to Ludget Comittoe. Mr. Longfellow was inZoraed that he was elected Midget Offioer at 'the February 14, 1967 meeting. Kr. Longfellow stated that. N . Ittoldill had informed him.Tha Budget Committe members arn Pat ricço3.1, Mr. Jeuovich, Mr. Geon Rogern, Hugh Brown, Bob Emisok, Hr. Dunn os alternate and Mr. Longfellow as Budget Officer. NEW BUSWSS Annexations: Motion made by Mr. Nicoll and 2od by Mr. Wheelwright that Tigard Water District property consisting o new Reamvoir, Well 04 and Roadway and the Victor Nuralt property b2 anne:ted to Tigard Water Woltrict. Motion carried. Inotallations of high pressure raguiatortio After :7,::Ktil) : dic.,- ;Bic,a and a reanou for in- otalliug high presure regtilotorm after Kittle Bull Mountain pumpiza; oyotom way installod to tol:o oaro of high pressure on Sattler Road. The Commissioners decided that the problem had been remedied by installation of regulators. The plumber complaints were discussed, they fait that Tigard Water District was infringing on their business. Page 2 3:otion was 2 by Mr. Wheelwright and 2nd by Mr. Nicoll that TizArd Wateic;: case to install regulators o on ante- t-latiahalot:.on ear7;1(2, Et .c,e agreej3 aot TLIAeUr. Valley Development were LQ: be inZ=c4 by letter of pressure in their area and Lau/d thcir p/umber put in regulators at ta2a of: La_ctzlla:_13t ne2,es5ary. ZWA471;42S_REPaRT Carter stated that the reservoir at f4 is pro;ressing 7cry well. The drawings for the Ti&. dao and Grant,: Avcol:e projects are near co7r/etion. Pacific Cast Iron were locubidder on 6" pipe. acmtot of piLJe VTIS incressed, leaTing lfGaaf Mr. Carter t7in let Ticr,:d Water ni8tILGt k!..,0-.; the estimoted cost in order :or ar(1 Water Distgct to invest funds. Cater stac.e6 that the driller can start at any time. Hr. Hipli made tha motion to authorize Mr. Carter to have Oz! dYllcd deeper, SecnnOcA byMT. Wheelwright. l!otion c=Ac . m. Carter sta;ed that Nr Pat Gould of Soliie Smith Water Dit.zrict at Ti!la7:=1:, kvne waiting ts get signatures and business from :oalilef;ts bre FHA coEnit thelves on funds to biri sduwe tho 4044 steel tans. '479R REPORT Mv. DeinN4 sugsasted that TignrZ Uf.ter strict do no*: cater- b agent ulth Vire Dept: -_, t police ;are hpIrtnto„ The fire Depart2cnt con do Olio ifuro,.i01 die Fire Code. They would 1.3e ascwing responsibility under the Fire Code, on their Gun behalf and it vould have nothing to eo with Tigard Water District. PROJECT MANAGERt Mr. Larens stated th-it Tigard Water DictIct 6" line on Tigtird Street of 1360' prD:!;ressed rather glcly due to the manor, 411W, Mr. lenrcJa stLced that A'?, man into probicAs in installing fire hydrants on Mmn t.,trc.nt on acccvnt of under3rov.al tele:thane liner. FOREMAN'S RpC14Af:.::r discussion batueo E.,7. Hiller and the Commission ,ers, Nicoli moved aue, 7:as 2ntl by H.T. Wheelwright that Tigard Wailer District wmc to pay Nichard Schaad three days vacation.. His employaent was fzeze. July 1%6 through 1..T.:.rch I 1967. Motion carried. Itue.:.a c.,3reed that Cee slnull discuss Vcca,Aous n-J2d Holidalr at net board of IL1?ril 11, 1D67 Mr. Tigard raac a lone-f fr .11C .ef cshbura of the Fire DeL3art-. went. Me C.:asiasl,aners scaha of thc:r appreciation of sus% c latter c..r'J,Jc.,-t.Ing Tiqard irElstrict an their coopern'aou. CLS :alter stated that in ;!..s May 9 1965 nn- uten the C' f'2i.f.tiCf»LeT5 :ere informed the',:. all of the Renters Deposits coul& not be iCantified and tliat the aunt left in the fund was $570.CO. It vss agreed at that tine that the Clorh was to refund all eellsits that vare identified and then tG aposiz the remaining funis kato Che General Fund. $546.25 was trans- ferred to General Fu4;6 JUZQ 89 1965. $135.03 hey been refunded from $546.25 tri date. The commissioners decided that the deposits shoule be paid EL5 they are presented. Nftr The Coatissioners examiued the Financial Statements and trans' ation . They felt that the Time Deposit that matures March 21, 1967 shouid be left L) the General Fun& cs it. is getting low. TINE DEPOSITS M . Longfellow made dm motion, 2nd by Mr. Meal- wright that Ti : . Water District transfer encess f!unds to Time Deposit at disc-zetion of Mr. Nicoll and Mr. Uaddill., Fuude to be deposited to Time Deposit to come from Construcion Fund and Lond Sinking Fund. Motion Carried. yoppw Mr. Nicoll moved and 2nd by Mr. Longfellow that the disbursements as listed be approved for payment. ?lotion carried. AnnIMATOR,S REPORT There was discu8sion on the machine that would take care of Tigard Water District billing, posting payment° and bookkeeping, etc. Mr. Waddill to pursue this subject and reprt Inter. ADJOVRNMFNT Mr. Nicoll. moved, 2nd by Mr. Wheelwright that the meeting on adjourned at 9;25 P.M. Motion cerried. GE000. -00110 2-071 &CHEDULP OF DISBUESEME0TS March 11, 1967 thru April 11,1967 F0YEE AMOUNT 0100000T 8306 Nichard C.. Schead 57.90 . 503 8307 Dyad Sinking Fund -5111. 200.00 230 8308 0aorge P. 1!addi11 323.14 501 C309 Ruby 14. Walker 168.09 510 0310 Ji0.-: P. Lohrenz 222.81 564 2L1 Ellen P. Mullen 64.27 510 11 *1010 .;.31.2 Jou P. Miller 204.20 504 0313 Wiliam C. Bryant 196.12 503 6314 Ru:3se11. A. Thorns 202.85 503 33/5Niller 57.613 540 a33.6 1u11 A. Thomas 3&54 540 83/7 Postmnstor 42;.? 542 8318 void . . 8319 T.W.D. Bond Sint1Fig PU2A 'IA0.'00 - 230 ((Bull 4t. Rook-u 8320 4,144er Meter Mfg Cr7 , 1,037.10 201 4.c...ct,..., Payable) 8321 beer Each1nory 23.50 201 6322 Blue Cross of Oreppn . 77.51 201 3323 Bunyard a Pettit 24.00 • 201 S324 W D. Bruck Bui;Jer 828.00 201 325 Frahler Electr10 Co. 8.75 201. 3326 Flynn'A Office Supply 23.10 201 32Huobie Oil 6. Kefirif0-23 010 2.29 201 632.3 Krauoro AddriAsegrarli 39.03 201. 6329 Miller Petri.: Co, . 203.22 201 8330 Neptune Mier Co. 240.00 201 • 8331 tiorthwar.: InOust7:: a1 La0ladu 62.95 201 8332 ..,:o7:Utlia 0atural GC:3 C.I. 24.02 701 3333 P0rt1f4d Gtmeral E1c0tz1z 544.06 . 201 633/ Atlartic achfinLA C,:::,, 44.26 201 8335 The eiddle Ti' 6:1°,3 72.50 201 8336 Shcicod AC *i;?, s 10.04 201 8337 8, 1ird Stez1 Warehouse t, ll 2.00 E,.20, L n .otcas 9.31 201 6338 Mdye 201 6339 7ticl 8340 O. . YIcax Office 4.11pawit 92.95 201 834; West Coast Teloph0ne C©. 23I.26 201 8312 Whoe002k, Richardson, B5ITACe 755.00 • 201 V43 Piet.%7.r Box. Equipml:At 1,085.78 201 71344 T. );. 11evlInperc Fund 45.20 230-D 8345 Lat2s Pipe & Foils6ry 1,165.50 201 8346 Tofi:. Yllid Constr.-lactic2 fund 30.60 . 230-C 830 . Valley ivet,4 Parts 65.61 • • 201 8341.1 13%fi,eific Stationery 86.70 201 834) P.ubilc 1- loy.,ss Retire.,8,5! 1,023.60 211 - 52 83'10 U. S. TreasuiT7Inter1 Rev. 436.40 . , • 212 8351 Oregon State Tax Cor . 402.80 , 213. 8352 State Colientation It. 143.43 ' 214 - 5f33 F353 Washington Federal Savings 100.00 217 - 102S 8354 Cash 25.72 542,fM,ft22,320,5 8355 Hotr3 Aarmacy (Collections, 4.22 512 8356 Meyer Bros. Garage 68.65 563 3357 Mobil Oil Co. • 22.61 568 0355 Mrs. F. B. Hubbard 5.00 540 8359 Tigar Lumber Co. 24.20 201 8360 Porzlind, Gcneral Eiactric 40.97 • 570 3361 Buw-Lcughe Carp.(Billing AsChine3,946.80 520 410 3362 T.W.D. Band Sinking Fund, 3,800.00 700 Transfer Funds 8363 '2QW.D. Load Conetructioe Fund 3,000.00 600 " 8364 Arthur Taylar 20.00 566 8365 George P. ddill 328.20 501 8366 Ruby M. Walker 168.15 - 510 8367 Jacob P. 1,61u; 258.30 564 3e3 JL a Y, Miler 216.63 504 0369 Ituccell A,. Thomas 170.32 503 8370 11). i C. Bryant 180.61 503 0371 lAlcli P. Muller, 78.28 510 :1 ',372. 13ob Steerno 86.40 350 31.3 .C.ctsh 16.78 542 - --- .. ..••- 23,380.58 3374 02c. fic . stes C.mt Ir001 16,249.53 201 30,051%11 SUMMARY - BANK BALANCES AS OF BOARD MEETING TIGARD WATER DISTRXCT April 11, 1967 BOND copmycluil FUND Balance in bank @3/31/67 66,372.76 Less checks writtmn April 1967 -14,959.17 51,413.39 Plus check 18346-General Fund 30.60 • Plus transfer from General Fund 3,000.00 Plus Time Deposit 036-506 20,000.00 Mturing April 11, 1967 74,444.19 BOND SEWING FUND Balance in bank @3/31/67 21,716.12 Less checks written April 1967 -0- 21,716.12 Plus check 18344 from Geral Fund 45.20 Plus tl.aasfar from General Fund 3,800.00 25,561.32 Plus Time Dvasit #36-524 10,000.00 Maturing April 26, 1967 Plus Ti mit Daposit 06-509 2,500.00 Maturing April 28, 1967 38,061.32 frO4PMS FUND Balance in bank 3/31/67 5,iO3.81 Less checks written - April 1967 100.00 5,102.01 Plus Deposit - April 1967 301.60 5.405.41 GENERAL FUND Balance- in bank @3/31/67 22,869.36 Lers checks :;ritten - April 1967 28.590.17 Plus Deposits to 4/11/67 3,938.49 Plus check 412 from Developers Fund 100.00 Plus check #19 from Bond Construction Fund 10..22007 8,538.05 Nor SCHEDULE OF DISBURSEMENTS Tigard Water District March 16, 1967 thru April 11, 1967 CheekP, ree Amount BOND simpq FUND _ . . . _ _ , 05024 2 6 U. S. National Bonk 2,511.25 586 (Int. on Bonds) $2,511.25 4411., DOWD 9011gRUCW1q FUND e!.65025 0 16 Elden Carter 500.00 0543-E 17 Everett L. Wiggins 4,213.30 #599-S 18 Northwest Testing Lab, 25.00 #599-8 9 T.WD. General Fund 10,220.37 #550 Tian St. $14,959.17 DEVELOPERS FUND #65026 9 11 T.W.D. Zwd Construction 36.85 #238 (#65-19 to correct) 12 T.U.E% General Fund 100.00 #230 13 C=msnwealth, Inc. 201.60 1411N8ori12°Qk"uP $338.45 wm,kq4qmp NO. Static Level ' Level Gals. Cost Hours 1 233'. _ 1,192,790 210. 3 230 2 265' 290' 40.97 3 300' 340' 1,091,195 257.64 740 METER RECORD Mach 31, 1967 Meters 2152 thru 2184 18 meters insta1: ,"2.d. Eillin4. DetailMarch31 1967 Delinquent 816.67 Feb.Mar. billing 7,599.73 $6;4i .40 ' 1,888,400 cu. ft. wnter sold. 410