12/13/1966 - Minutes MIdd7 S Ti„,,ard Water District 24")th Releltder Me0.tiag De:embee 13, 1966 Vidon, h' : elan Lonefel:e— '.aaretaier, C. '1-1gard, Tree- H. Brown, 1 , coeland, Corami:doners G. Wadditi, eniotrator, la.e. Miller, Clerk K. Balneo, 'i.ttorney, E. Carter, District Engineee J. Lohrene, Project Manager, J. Miller, Forem- 1 7. Lee, B. taceon, K. 0, Kreeer, Visitors C. Nicoll, Chairmen, called the meeting to order at 7:30 P..0.. MINUTiiS Mr. Nodisnd moved, 2nd by Me. Longfellow that the minutes of the Novem)er 8, 1966 meeting be approved as written. Motion carried. naTORS Mr. Lee and Mr. Larson appeared to acquaint the commissioners with improvements they had become involved in for improving the access road to Well. Na. 3 which 33so peovides access to property they are developing. Costs to widen, surface, blacktop and raise the road amoun : to aproeimately $3010,00. They asked tact consideration be elven to the i-r,strict contributing to -at d the improverac Y . Brown moved, 2nd Ly Mr. Tigetd tee the commissioners •d_ ehor ze an fesehditate ”CO.00 en o nir iare touard improvement to the access vead to Well N . 3 with cauYer :o Mr. Larson and Mr. Lee that it woeld have been best had they .7-,out perticipaticn before rather than after the improvement had been conpleted. Motion carried. Mr. area ex.„Jiained o4 the essence and they were eushs by weather coniitione eau eatee,:, aoseher coperioutioa 4,0 avallbie earlier. 125th St. Rebate Mr. Nodland had been questioned about eqsitable rebate for main extension along S. W. 125th St. by Mr. Richard A. Walker. Prior history and a review of the record showed that. Mr. Les Banyard had contributed all funds directly to the water district for the main extension. The district laed no knowledge that a gre. Parker had provided l'ends for the extension to Mr. Benyardt Since the instaliatioa has been completed, Mr. Banyard grantee a boeLeup to Ben Larson, one to his ex-wife to cancel a debt and had received a rebate from Wes Geer, a developer of lots on the : treat, The adoieisteeeor was instructed to write a letter to Me. Welke: informing him that any rebate for the share MLs> Paeker contributed would have to come from Mr. Banyard la that the Dis%rict received its deTa3it directly from Mr. Banyeed at the developer and had co obligation to Mrs. Parker. Inez St. Rebate Mr. !r,, O. Kramer appeared to incui -c about shortage on main extension ra ate alang E. W. Inez St. his letter was read by the commissioners and the file reviewed. Mr. Ba .nee, k. ttorney, advised that statutes prov5de that commissioners hare fiacl decision involvine rebstes. Tac edeie3trator is to writ' M:. Kres,er stattne' that a of the Elle t: scd,_osed that costs were arrived at corrx.ti:r a:14 :ht the shortage is the result ced to lots fronting on S.. W. 100th having connected to that main. 41110 Mr. Broun moved, 2nd by Mr. Tigard that a letter be written to Mr. Kram : in reply to his inquiry .:teteag the board hal reviewed the file cnrex7ully; that costs were I:zsed on correct coaputateon; that two of the lots connected to razIll iront4eg on S, W. 100th rather then on S. ;!, ITiaz .St3 that the JerLt1Dtar. mest absorb the costs along S. Ine?„ St> aecoIdio,g to regular policy rf the distric : with regard to rabates. Motion carried. ELECTION RESULTS of December 5, 1966. R. Martin Johnson 107 Five Year Term Expiring January 1, 1972 R Vern Wheelwright 304 Walt UpshaW Successful Candidate: Mr. Wheelwright James Willock 1 . • • •. • , Milutes - Tigartl ator District retembar 13, 1966 .. . Page 2 ELECTION RESULTS - cont'd. ~ Year Term Expiring January 1, 1970 Leonard Nodland 324 Successful Candidate: Ex. Nodland Janes Willock oe J.) Certificate of Election hasbeen signed by Mr. C. Ni Minutes - Tigard Mater District December 13. 1966 Page 3 PLAIlp7;. - coned 3. Preliminary atudes of -.1usufity cad quality of uata r be mode 4. C she!: est-mete ef cc to ho,Je watur delired with brief feracctIt of transmission Ral:gh projection: of platted land use a. residential %iv" b. cartliorcial C, pepnlatiou- takins advantage of el;istick; plcuaat .cogh oat Elai an 'istimate of re,,srvoirs b. .C,IZU line distristioa c. estaLlish tonatte Ci2OZ; d. allow reacerable , ,ttareese c water 7. The district plan 1/2 step ahaad ol need. Motion carried. ANAL7SIC) Mr. Carter advised that ea culysis of this type could be done on computer at loss than 41G00.00. ilttoruey Baines' eacour4ged the cemmisetoaers to got federal money in the form of a revolving fund to be repaid rout futurs Load Issues. Mr. Longfellow favors such a st‘,dy being set on uv en a continuing basis and kept up to date. Mr, Csrtcr stated thc.t common complaints ofted tis of such a sto 1r „°:-.7,. t plans Ere pro?ared - than filed. Ftsue should be in rofsrrod to La neadad. 14c. Carter, whoa astad, stated ! would accept c offer cruets such a atudy. 4100 Mr. Prara aavea, 2nd by Ar. Lr,.. follow that the DistrLet chaage fron ia0u=a1 planning syctom to more forma/ plaualws cad that Mr. Carter L a crplarad on ictsecite asigarrect basis to proaide farmal planning to t Tigard Uate r District a the fo1levin3 manner: Redefine logics), service area of '21gard Detail of availble watel sources Analyze quantity cod cila1ity of mater Estimate source Determine transuissioll costs Project planning for land use population veva Anticipate system grid and reservoirs Provide ample meter and pressure list Replacement prow= Project over 5 year period - in writing Study to be reviewed ca regular basis - no longer interval than one year FUW2S to cover costs cf :his ivfarmation be provided, if possible, from Federal FuLdo. It is tho latent that -:he administrator Cooperate with the City,. cf Td to determine if t is possible to obtain thcso ft:.U3 ca a io -nt basis or to file direst. tokise .3 If feuds are net &stained from fedora/ gay-or:moat, costs pill be iniud,:d es a ragalar badget item ti no 1967-63 budget end paid cut of Ti?-rd Us= District loads. Natio-a ,7..arried. Minutes - Tigard Watee nistrict December l3 1%6 Paga 4 Mr. aeown aiee eeaed that the board of cammissiceer;, staf, and professiotal teepie j4Jill in the transition from inf)rmal to formal planning and not giec the impression this step is tae advont of planning. mr, wheelwright cocztd that he felt the engineer, priorto tho Mir study, should advise ttle District of hisproposal and cove in Y, a letter. ATARNEY'S REPORT Mr. Baines presented an Agreeelent to o s ned between the Metzger dater District ehd Tigeee Na : : 7)ieteect allowing for outside :lietrist service and billing peceedeeee. Any services in the Metzeee e:a.ter tsCct consumin3 Tigard water are to be itemized and submitted to Metzger far collection from the individual eices involved. No services will be granted without prior written permicsion from Meezger who:i the properties are within the Metzger Water District. Mr. 'iigard moved, 2nd by Mr. Nodland that correct aLgnatures be pieced on the agreement between the Tigard /ztter District and Metzger Water District regaeding sale and eelleetion of funds. Motion carried. EASEMENT signatures had not been secured by Jake as yet from property owners along S. W. 125th St. PR0CTMI7Rr-..:; '1A a 0.e;:isie on charges for 6' servce in King City. Portited charges a minimum of #37.50 , The administrator was ineteected to make a comparative ;tudy of similar 6" meter charges in other districts and recommend a charge at the nett meeting. TIMED COV"AL7CaTNT HOME EStillatOC c an extension have been prepa:‹ed by the engin.ler. Mr. 1 , f!j.:j is to prelar,! figmes and rebate policy for future hoC:-epe on this line, secure proper signatures an transmit same with a cover letter. FOREMAN John reeveoted cosiAoreeien be e -on te e'leloemee- of Mr. Bryant, recent applicaut, ...1;; a t;zatin:4 selaey of V00,00 lifer month, with en advance to $425.00 in thee EOI :240 . The an is well cualifled co rend and repair meters, iceoicceae sites, set up invzo:: ontr3i and aid in establishing a billing account number system. It W33 recommended ehat he administrator and foeeman work cut details to hire this eeployee. SHOP Bids have been let for reuodeling the shop and were higher than anticipated. Mr. Waddill is to work with John to create new specifications an make decisions for the remodeling, MUTTONS OF 47..=4;:= r. ':2ii-sae‘l 2aai vy Nland that the following properties be anneeed to the Tigard water B. Mabel 7 -.eg R. '-elker S. Le2:111e A. DuNarro LaNilyr-Gebie Metien carried. 161) INVESTMENT !N T:IME pE?OSIT Mr. Tiaaed v %tic kr Mr Vedland that the clerk be ir.Fucted to deposit $15,000.00 irom Beed Sinking Fund and $71 ,300.00 f7W 3e4e COlsevectien :und in Time Deosit with U. „;. National Ban. Netiae. cerr%ed. ArCIUISTRATOR Mr. 72rcva moved, 2nd by . Longfellow that the cion ' of emplcyaant committee be ivec and that eeorge P. Waedill be employed as administrator of the Tigard Water District. 1.ot::.on CLERK RESIGNATION Mr. Brown moved, 2nd by Mr. Tiga7d that the resig;Iation of Fiances McKee, clerk, be accepted. Motion carried. YQvc Mr. Tigard moved, 2nd by Mr. Longfellow that the disbursements As iisfed be approved for payment. Motion carried. Minutaa - Tigard Water Bistric4. December 13, 3%6 ?age 5 kua frau .121323 Sav -,? woo c::7tanoon. The co-nissioncr6 Lake eaoir COP iew ao:ue t re7:at. at a Itatee elate. Consideration uay be giv,;-.1 to sotEita dQed!..tlall 0. alptcaber 13:.h tte= year before entering tato a coatract to avoidde/ly a l ,acaivin-e, the a,A61t. EnIPMENT A question uas raisod ao to ttio aut4torisod purchase of electric typewriter a-ad addinu machine. Hrs. .1-Was sigmed purchase order pricr to eoraval of camzias omers. Vaddill US to Wd chect7. and raviel/ status of cvipLant ac,:olmt pro T to releasimg it to Nialloy 1Q-!ftce EquipT. nt Co. Hr 4iLie tcal,;:oered a ehecl-. k Leen urittem in the aztunt of 41:M.20 for sac „c,,,.:$ti3 fro:: Ctrl Fn d and charged to account 572. The er4eLL: ti.=rs L41,-;111(1 have haem char,,lad to Bond Construction Account. Er. Tigard z.ovel, ty Mr. L:.offsCeilou that the cla::1: c uthorised to urite a ITI:.ch to ly.!.oi.erly akrizA this w.paudit-ure to the Bond ConRtruction Fund. 11,31oa carried. Yr. l!odia:.docd, 2nd by Mt. Longfello.; that Om zi...-eetna itdjctrn. Motion carried. Nur %or