08/08/1967 - Minutes eur Tiord Water Dist,Act 254tli EtQukar kiastin3 Auzust L; 1967 P nELkiT • Lonsfelloz4 Secatury C. NicoU, Trehlst.irr I. UkiceivzrLght, G. WaJeill, iito j. Wroject J. Uiller; Foreg,-,= n. Walker; Clerk R. Tho7aest tkployce K. Baines; AttoKney 774 cartar; DirtLiet Eniacag Visitora Er. Erickso13. NiAoclu Jii1 IXc • Grorz,,e Warr of Gua77dian Insurcmce Conrinny. C7lairg,zn Td calla the meetiuc, to cd er at 7:36 NIUUTES et' July Ii 1967 mect:In3 tnre &iapted ao writteo. Notlon by M . Nicoll ed sccouded by Hr. Elaeluilt. nation cazcl-lad. CALI) ZWAUSS a. FERN STREel s7 -474. Loi:lzfenew u4'..cle a Jx5tioa, 2nd by nr. that the District istall a puErip ot the cipense of Ti6ard ilater District. The LIKes puzsp tc eliminate the lw pressure c Ise/a Street. A study is to be F.,id e to cst@blicez stcadar6s pressure cE areas iavolved. Hotien carrivA. ,m.h‘ nETIUNEN-!: Mr. nalcolm UilEsms, 'eallace Eanger Lad NTo P,.ao7„:3e Farr of Gur:Irdian In.c.uranee Comimuy nttauled the aceaa alei7sr ay questions rG3arding Choir plan (ILI Group Insurniice, pc:Qs:Ion plan, life; aad vedical. val Hz. Mieol- uzight warn appolF;ted tc study the T2:1,an. • BUSINFSS at, SAL,J;,InS Mr. Waddill reao.mou0e0 that the P-zourly au2loyaas go QZlay basis, After discussion; Nr, UheeluriGhl: male a uotion tcp, t tl-va :;hree houjy employees - nuss,211 Bryant, Charles AaJersen be put on animal salary bash of $6;400.00 af. 1p L970 Seconded Ly Er. Nicai. Motion carried. Ux. m,rda a motis Clat Jar,e Lehrells, Johailc and Ruby Wances salaries be 27ase ti Gver preocat 1 -atbly rate, ,tetreacti%.e - affactiv;:i av, nf July I, 1967. 13,ecs2e,z1 by LgIoLI carrice. Er. l_ogfellow a mtit ) that ;'ii'. WdL1 . lary be rased the W,7;et fiGurc of $9,630.00 per yoar; eilective as o2 July 4 1967. Sc,:lone,e0 by 2.1e. NIcoll. Nation carried. • LU JON AfiAaTiNTE; The Cc7EA:micers nutharzel U7s Uncial' 0 suggest tc ower of Lu Jon Ana aealcItic-L ;or high T7ritalr presom..0. PNECHT Carter repsrted that seas ?:;,esp'.0 an Tigard Stroot rgni-2.7,:c(S to act ueter frca l!etsger Uztnr District. Ho :;tntcld that the ager T.: nrei die cot cant t serve 7-star iu ttf,t Hr. Carter Irma 41',Lez1 to esate 1:,atLscl-c Wet2r DisZlet eme, lz;.forn th7-1 that Tigar.,C; Tate r District 7z.c.ald earw the water ca TicardStcat Nr. eazte suggeetcl that it be to the advanl.,cs,.: a the Tigar:1 ',later District to instali V lice on TiGe..d Street, payins the dlifcerrr,co 1;ottAIL..- , 3" an6 6" lEo„ Mr, Carter reyorted that Well 04 me Caum to 61:5/„ N tatoil L.:7J wuld like to eriU. ftcpez.. 0-4,6 Page 2 Mr. Daises reported that a letter Emil Dsaz is Lindsay had been received. Ur. Lindsay i co attorney for Tualatin Development Company. Or. Baines stated that he had uotialed Olip"aant altos Ice Cs--;:-.any aced that be had sal-.:t coE4y of the letter received fmn .Z.r. Lindsay notifying TIgard Vater L./strict caf intention of Trealatim Dc4alopment Co.0Zoc. to collect fren Tigard Water District for recovery of dEelages snffered az a result el well operatioa . :lr. Carter stated that :.Ye Jett-2er <drilLer at Well 0')) ','ormed b9 that Ogn water level was the 7;42LX1 cad that tao cettirgs '„:64Y0 105t 1,7,3 uudersrouu .LL ,71 1110.1%.3111.0,n4;,,,e.«13503.1 .12 . :Minas stated t%ct Mr. Jill had salved e property dispute concerning rescvveir ct E' n, 01 alnd tha Preebyterico Church. Tigl- 'eje,Zor Distsict to pay sulray c:vcnsc. E'aitieg for legal kmariptica. Uotion Tscle by Mr. 2t7.4 by Or. L-)ogfellow to authorise Er. WaddilI to conclude with 173regteeion Church to swap property. Lotion carried. .:«1:f.WECT:i.AEAT.3_,ER Or. Lohreau rc,narted. that liG 1147,6 replaced au :13rLot—St. to C. 7. Tigard Zchsol. ;73aElf,AN/S Vaosq. Oillcr rals.orteC that 7 ters .aad boeo iL- etalied sincx. .:My 10 1V57, IPAYZ-= CT: VaicNMS Moto o made by %© Eicoli aud seconded by Ur. Longfellow niat the disturairmots no listed ZXO, approved for payr,c21. ':ation carried. YOJOTTa=k Eccticn =7,o by Er. TireT00 2nd by 4r. Nicol/ to on -looting at 10:,55 Pen, Lotion earriad.