10/10/1967 - Minutes 4. MINUTES Tigard Watr:-% 256th as31,,lov 7- sting C te7,1D 10, 11,', PP,12 C. TiLard2 Chairnam N. Longf,:alow, Scarotary C. Nicoli: Treasurer 7, -.471-126LT. Go Wcaliliv Ae5,1EictuaW2. J4 ::.ohrea :?rojest Managero J. Millers, Yorcuen. a. HanorT, Cloa, K. Ealneov .Atforocy E. Cantery Distlict Engineer Uia soc Chairman Tig arnod the meetin3 to erlor at 7837 :.11. of Septur,ber 12v 1967 u.coti. .;re adopted a uritton. 2!Dtics cacao by Mr. Nlooli and socende,1 by Mr. Wheelwright. ;:"-.)tiCAT! claT701Cag, n,71, Vi.Wrp ;:.$tonW4,2 Cans,atent and Bro%orD presented a pension ?Iso for tLe Ccznittoe TillacT-7right and ME* ; .T.kgr:Z1637)) Of:s raVLOC6 T",'AfPP4r4Es AM1EXATION Mr. .1.00ll'uovedv seconded by Et'. A. E. and Loota Vars anoeslticn be acoeL)ted4 carried. VraCEX.S Bids %sre opened by Mr. E.11:,er for a end pickup. The bid from Knauss Cbl : on tho u7s 137- in the E7G7412 f $2p2U.04. The bid :!rel Frca°- Cor : ea f';',e, du '? %suck una 1o.o. la the cnount of 4! 03'!7.76. NY. :!1celitia 40 seozdod by P-Lr.. Wnsoiwright that tao new pic",z,- p t,:nc% purcl'sced from the low bidders ac soon a.14 the E:zney i avo:labc. NotionH tJaddill to check avnllabillty of fre;-2ds. Tkil,A4D )517, infhoriaatien ups ir- iveri tH Fr. E' lilt by tho Ce.vzissiono3 plans for li - cmtoo on Tigard St,7cet. costo 4n,no;.;at ono pcnolties for foil.. nro to hte't-;:: at t:7.no of cstenalco9 eta Mac. JE c and Mr. UaddiTil to o '% detaU and contact Ccumissioners ulth results. AUDIT Art'cW); Dise-lsoion o !mat Report uas bleught up IT Mr. Longfeilos7 - .0-erifisation on billings (a, counta receivable) soat out and results'. Discussion et, Scheeule 6 End 7. Mr. pnd Mr. Wc1,Zdil:, discuss vYit with Mr. Wilson. iAgEA41; g7A4w Discussion OD Well, C4, Motion wns made by ;IT0 Wheelwright and seconded by Er. Aco, i to authorise Mr. tfodlak ocntl-me fnrther tooting with a ceiliva o 020.00 fo?: Motieu. carried. Mst.on made by Mr licoli and seconded by Mr. aolgfeZlew that the disbursamo2te o listed be approved for MQtio 'rAel. brkTQUIRNK, notioo made by M . Nicoll snd seeodd by Mr. ioy £o cJr oog & 9,5 F.1 . M .404 ccLrice-, %kW