05/14/1968 - Minutes ,*.
, --i
Tigard Water District
263rd Regular Nesting
May 14, 1968 ,
C. Nicoll; Chaimen
C. Si Troasurer
V. Wheelwright, Sscrotary
H. Johnsen, Comissiazer
J. Lobrens, Project Manager; J. Miller, Porszan, a. Walh.cr, Clerk.
g. Daines„ Attorney
%Iliv C. Carter, :,4-Alzineer
Er Omar ezd Mt Vegan of S. Wo Pacific Hwy.
Mt. William *a,!Onagle of l'ing City came near Vas end of the meeting.
Chairu:sn Nicoll called the meeting te order after the Bud3ot Members
were excused et S345 PoNo
;:gIT,T4-p of Lpril 9, l96S 1:,:cre adopted Cal TATitt Motion made by
Mc. S4cmans and seconded by Mr. Wheelwrie3t. Motion carried.
payazw OF youcuEas lloticQ illadQ by Els.. Sacras and seconded by
Dir. Wheelwright that the disbureemants as listed be spproved for
payment. Motion carried.
PROJECT NANACEF1'S Ur*RT Lit* Lohecmg zz,irtr,d tlzpa E'',L,11,Q ROSt Zane
extension of the glutei ysar W4th St.) uauld be started soon.
Mr. Fohrsns ror:orted that Mt. Baqraanstos still 'wauts ,”5,000000
for his i:Jell and property.
EiWKW.7EVS RukTmT. mr. Csrtar discussed mzin eteasion on S. U.
Pacific Huy. for King City with COMIL2SACTkarav NZ, 02ar and kir.
kime Vosna. Discussion on partZapation of eor,3t of GattenAlon hy
residents of area.
OLDJUSIpPA, Rotiromont and pension zals cot assusacd at tihis
ANNEXATIWS hi-0 j08 to
made a '6,etion to sign t74:-) Petiticoc for
Anamtatloa, ascended by Nr. WhoeIwrigto Cbe ,i,,.:20 fOr El7a,an Co CZ2U-51
(on Tigard t.) The first Petition was returned 1:. elza Hi/labor* as it
was not signed properly and description was not c(1,rrect.
The second Petition for Annexation was signed by RoNert T. Cooper
for property huo1n as Emerald Heights (Bend Road) Notion carried.
COUFCTXONS BY trams AND CITY OP TIGARD i .'. Sleolls tTads a .,--iotiv,,2,
seced by Mx ULealwright to revoke any agroczeQt that Tigard
Water F.Jistriet miat hare with Noteta Ph4rmacy and City of Tigard
forcolIcactioi;o. A latter to ba to
to each one luith effectAr.e
dae (cffestive date to be set by Mr Zr) The letters te be
signed by H . Nicoll.
Ckirds to be Or .. to patrons that usually pay water bills
at Elotes or City Hal. Motion carried.
FOREMN2S RpozAT ht. Miller discussed rising coot on meter
Installations with Commissioners. After study of raporto Mt
Wheelwright made a motion; seconded by Mr. to to raise motor
Installation charges -. effective JUQC 1p 166.
, .
• -
May 14, 1968
4.4r4 loilows:
5/3 2
3/4' (If services are put in by contractor prior to instailationg
sczc% ,as part of King City, Burlmodv Hansanita St. am; EcmOca)
the o'large will be $60.00 each meter install4tZon.
3/4" (alL installation done by Tigard Watc. : Distrct)
2.11 1)e $115.00 each met3. er installation.
maer installation will be *1750000
All ueter installations Larger thon 1" wiZ1 be coat pl,gs 25%.
Motion onwricd.
Mr. MaelT,yrig1;?1 made a motion;, sewzded ky Hr. zo aTztLorize
Select/en/ Cemittee to use EmAs Tig;:zd Da.S%vict bring
candUates Y:or posWou cc Administreer loteyxlcul. The tu*
caneidatw Lave in Oklahoma. Votion crarree.
AV3WiptiNga, Hotlea made by 11%". tiheQlwricht a310 ocize2dfA by Er.
MIcoll to 4Ajolim maetinz at ,V3:!3fi P.M, 4:.arrf,cA.