11/14/1967 - Minutes ( MINUTES Tigard Water District 237th Regu/or Heating Wovanber 142 1967 Iwz-Ffic Cl. 'ffad, C3lairmaia 74:1,7;f cl ?..e-cretary i67z,,Ri Treasurer V. Mcelwrizht, Cc=21soiener *Iwo 7Joeland, Cemmissiener G4 Waddill, Administrator, Lo7aven2, 2zoject Hanw;ar, 34 Millar, FOTQM6219 R. Walker, eleidt. K. Baines,. Attorney V. larlegle2 Enzinear Visitra Nr. '4AilLus Stabbino2 Mr. Ed, drickoon, . . _ Chairmaw. Tigsrd called the mooting to order at 7230 P.M. 2l3pTES of October 102 1967 meeting wore odoptod as written. rade by Mr. Wheelwright and seconded by Mr. Wofiland. NniCIO Ca.Triedg PufiTWE4 ilatirement Mr. Longfellno stated that there hsd not been much done o the Retirommt plan as information frcIL the State had not been cbtel.acd, 1:1176 WheeluTight to contignm study; e;Tect to he aome fDeber /967 meeting. Nr. Longfellou stated that he had talked with Ex. Wilsoll and that there were ve changes made in the a'Alt. It was cucic,ested that Tiger4 Unter District file the AudL: Report of June 302 1967 with the State. %16110 MgiF ri4d t 1 cr. Wheeluthht made the notion the following Judges for Election be appointed: Nobel Wolf, EWA' Adam, Lena Nunnamkonp. Motion seconded by Ur. Louggellow. It was szsgests6 that n fourth lady be contacted to act cw alternate. Tto sisued Neminating Petitions for commissioner are in the Qffice. nz,7. Charles 2. Sluagas (to fill vacancy to be left by Mr& Tigard.) Dr. Martin Johnson (to fill vaczncy left by Mr% Long- fellow, A 'Letter dated November X52 197 wzitten by Mr* Nei/ Loug(ralow of resignation as ComRissioneL7 was reaf..] ty Mr. ?igard. Tjith regret,the letter accepted& Nation rade by Mr. 171=li. TIVW4TS WipAT ViCZOF Bringle made a ii,f37sos rep,= so water supplynr the future. Pi7,T417.471.073 an Well 04, clDst pur.9„ maintenance, etc. PAYMENT OF MICEipaS Motion made by MI, Ficoli q-nd seconded by Mr. Longfellow tqat the diaurcements 23 listed be approved far payment. Motion carried. eqqpiww. Motion made by Mr& Uicsli cad secznded by Mr* Ls-age/Low to adjourn meeting at 9:00 P.W, Notion carried. 4-00 •