12/12/1967 - Minutes . ) 1.
NIMUTES Tigard teL District
2&3th Result= Booting
December 12, 1967
C. Tigord2 Chairman
C. Ulcoli Treasurer
Vo UhoolvTighty Couoassioner
L. Eadiand2 Commissioner
Jo Lehrena Project Neataor. Jo Millorp Foroman9 R. UnIkorp Clerk
'..1r. Dryontv Employee
n. Bsiaosv 4,ttorney
C. Cartaep Engineer
Visiors Eire Charles Siomons
NT4 Uartin Jehncon
Charnan Tigard called the mooting to order at
MUTES og Emvuaber i4v 1067 meeting were, cCepted no zrittono
ZI)tion made by nr. Nicoll and seconded by lal. Uheel,urie'A.
nition carried.
OLD '05.1ZqrlESS
TWArrwnt U7* Moalwrip;ht stated that he in Cal!, fmhins a andy
e2 thc retirem= program. tle stated that a lettel ma beiaa
77-s: tte,-1 to the Stzte Icyr :tmfol=ctien aa to raten c.,:'d rcipiromentc
A7) Cin. : fo- to the retZisit prearLTI.
0 C3,s .1,erX1=.:32:1.3 acked ttt%t ..11,e ele,'Uon zeultc "Ee Uoteds
)7,31.7CTII of fInf,Icer 40 1967.
Wotal T,04 vote3
c7,:,a21.ca i'.. Slcmne - 34 vatos (maaNeeed)
,,o7: oz;EDLI term vaoate by
47 VOCc3
;:,. U,7.1vtfi,n ,.Wm3,47,0 so 6 vatea
;2c,, F.. c:',7E)i,,e.,d tcim vacated by L4 ': ::47,
Noir ;:n.::lz;a - Lelri: ,7:::.IZACI
CaCZZ; 4, Mia tluraie
CIm:.7.,: Flecl Ad.r5,2o
Iiikee 77i.37,7ZEMS :17,7C.K3T P,T4, C72:, 017 17&C C it c3 c:,,,,r41.: caa. o to N:).
ICOZ:raierlQat ZW12. EQufitc:In nor.4 ,7A Sat .:;'3) 1.5th. to
he.,7e. 21.4cadt-Colt Ceastxmotien Co.0 5239 S. 2s> 3.;3rd d. ,,, ro:namla,
o7.:(T47,g0 to iaatall the inein =so2i&a. Ti. ,)e, Szzflpeted Tv n&yzd
'aLCT;' Di.ZMICIL .;:CiE* Ck...xtc-a =,a22::aaed na c.;o2.3tat:7,aa Cc17,paTay .
-,7cry hk,Nly. 2147are Utte laint'eict to rea&,,7a4 13'i, a7artea0 *,•t °
-- --1---,
eng!%v.ze,,r's feee.
Oa Kr. Cartoz3q1 recomeadation; Ur. Mcc.,12.i 2ade a 'zot-Zoz that
Yate: Idetviot a a coat of .. 2003.430 L., oit. or ';',13a . a
0" c,uppk7 :3j, e ucTold bc, lustelied inate of a 6° : :42,(24 oeccole4
by 1117. Vacelz,JrAg 1:10fe102 cnr,rled.
17 , CaTt.ter repoTted that ,', pTC=UTO Ife6,iclus vaarc had bem urdercd
0.0:,7 the Tractea Scb.coR. The 0 to pay Eor ',71.,„,e 3n1 baL.mce
C? e%peacco and Taicgya to: District to t3,7e1 Win Se.7rG1 to
Fe3i; Enesaure problva
Nx. Carter rqpIrtad ca gutara 7,:nter ez.svip .
yaq E Motioa was mcde by n1-... 'IileolorIght r:LTYT lki CE17n= W l' "i',
Now, bida ol-f a deep well pump? aecoEded by L,,lz. Ni. elti. Eotioa caz2a2.
2cgo 2
KiIMMT_ rAwaTsslaRpnx Lirenz gcoted on nem caavletion
7101T: Lafi7. EAlaiicicio and building bcinc done at jurlunce 03.
urimT WAIZzo orta thc fencing 4t Well a
ille1 7;1 a f,7j C(11,igf? CA:CA]
M'A1/47:17 Ymcn tho
:2 Ccsnitaoicc-:x it ciLt,
7TUCWS 730,L2':1 .2.
'::-ACC117.17:'iClilt that Qao bo OppiaW2
Tita t7,5tat 47,1ea7J-.4;e
GL21tvq= ag thra Dif;tzfx:;v
ua F.?angd that C.Io tho 7112:24 = :in3 nat.
aa&a ;'sy Nr. TRE;an] UACOn ft(1)
SPz25 p.n. v.21_71-7-acz,.