07/18/1968 - Minutes frt T:;sard Fator nic=ict $;:coicl Ncoting July 109 1963 UST c1ii Chaircw.D C, Slcz=r, T2702QUT, 7. 7.-4acalvw.:.aIt.,7 5ezratavy JOh74 CO=1:33:10ZOX Carolt iltlistTator J, cis, 2ojcet liarcsev R. Ualher, Clcra Z. Caztcr.;β€ž Easf,nco.z UESIT Ciz callod -t:ae :17.2atius co otho--. at 7343 p.n. EXSZITSS mant-f*Ils Ur. Jo7:mcon eado alot'Ionp sczonded by Er. Slcmonn to .7-311 PeZition pawaci Imo= as l%1,,,,-aKir Rd. Pal-:% %.gopa--ty, sitaad y tQaIdD, Oomuson ,1,2toyal iobi i/Lac) tici carrieL, Er, 31c7c-an made a :,zaicnv coco--.,-,Ccd by 117, UaocauT-13111. gor aqr,-TtionpccL1,-.2DtC; Dca.,7,ar TOTIQCS ZUWAV.1.35.0174 Not%,-acLe ,-- - VAT:a EUFELU Hr. CQ1:tw,β€ž: disaucood LaaFecaible conzeotioTx 1-31th thrzou'.-11 Capitol ash-my 1.! :cr Msc=i0t9 it TQ2 as-z0Pd that tho ac for a .catuater suprly c2e1 sto=go uac vitn1 ordar to supply Focccut accd and Ar= groZh, Hoto n made, by Erβ€ž J01-,z3Dia cetzondcd by Mr. 51:2015 IQ noi;AEy Untoca to prLparo RCIA117,ItitIn CG7. 1=0. EiCet1.71,20 C3ZWieda Ar,CaaniMiT nOta,n allee by Ul'aealmisht azIel accondcd by ',747,:*, SLenons to cdjott.ig at 3259 PON,